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Everything posted by BilboroughShirley

  1. Wonderful photos Compo. They bring back lots of memories. When I was 18 I went on holiday with my parents touring the north of Scotland. I was a learner driver the first time driving 2000 miles around Scotland was great experience for me and a chance for Dad to sit back and enjoy the view! (He like that so I went with them again a few times!) It was August, lovely weather and I loved driving along the North Coast. Generally mum and dad never booked hotels or B&B, we just looked out for the signs and booked in when we saw somewhere! Quite exciting when it was getting late in the day. We d
  2. Lots of memories. The arrangement of desks in the classroom. The chairs are different, I remember wooden ones. The crate of milk bottles! At Portland they did not put straws in for us. I hated school milk and my mum used to write a note each year saying I should not have it! It used to make me feel sick. Even now I do not have milk in tea or coffee. Not an allergy just general disgust!
  3. I remember the Head Boy you mention. Everyone was devastated. He was always the life and soul of any event and was the main organiser of country dancing social events. A tragic loss. When I started at BGS I was in 1M, Miss Mcfarlane. She was nice and I remember the long hikes she organised. Good fun!
  4. We watched the Christmas edition of Call the Midwife. The episode had a story line based around Christmas 1962 with the big snow and frees that started on Boxing Day. I remember it well in Nottingham! Great winter. The story line had detail of food shortages and milk delivery problems. I do not remember this happening in Nottingham. They must have put this in for the story line so the Cubs could come to the rescue and collect milk bottles buried in snow!! The Dr Who Christmas special was disappointing. I fell asleep! It was good wine with lunch. For me the best bit of Christmas TV w
  5. Last night on BBC4 an excellent programme: The Secrets of Quantum Physics. The link is to iPlayer. Well worth watching. Also my son sent me a link to a Youtube clip: Christmas songs for scientists. The last part is funny and very clever., starting at about 2 minutes 10 seconds: O Black-holy night!
  6. Great photos. Black and white photography gives atmosphere to the image. Vaping people nicely caught on film. Makes me cringe, but at least when they breathe out the vapour you can very clearly see the extent of their output and avoid it.
  7. @Rob.L In 1934 my dad would have been 24 years old. He would have known your parents. Finding these links is one of the great things about this site!
  8. The Museum of Lincolnshire Life is excellent. I have not been since 1988. When we visited they had a display of toys including a farm set with the animals, fences and hedges made of metal. I believe it was lead. I had a set like that! Memories! Returning to the thread, the new series of Peaky Blinders started with lots of action. Love it! Wednesday should be a good evening on the box this week with Mary Berry cooking at Highclare Castle at 8.00 pm then Peaky Blinders at 9.00pm.
  9. Just found this thread. Rob.L, your dad probably knew my dad. He was a member of Nottingham Wheelers cycling club in the 1930s. I have a little badge/medal of his with the club name on!
  10. The Youtube film of Bilborough is good. Right at the end I saw the house where we used to live! There have been so many changes. In the history of Bilborough film showed the building of Portland School. Thanks for posting these links.
  11. The posts on this thread about Bilborough estate bring back memories!The concrete houses were built in 1950. I remember the ice on the inside of the windows in winter! The council workers came to paint all the window frames in winter when there was snow on the ground. My parents lived there for 32 years. When I was young it was a nice place to live but by 1976 I worried about my parents still being there. When mum left there a certain large and well known removal company refused to do her removal to the West Midlands! I was disgusted as we had used them. A local company did a good job for her
  12. MargieH I remember singing "When a knight won his spurs" at Portland School! It was my favourite hymn. I also liked "He who would valiant be". Good rousing stuff. The big flip chart with all the words on hung on the right hand side of the school hall.
  13. I left Portland in 1961. Mr Bourne was the head teacher then. Also a decent teacher. I remember Mrs Bowker but I was never in her class. In your list of pupils, Neville Clifford was the younger brother of Marion. They lived on Tremayne Road. I think Steven Lees was the younger brother of Susan Lees who also lived on Tremayne Road. Patrick Funnel was the younger brother of Robert Funnel. They lived on Bramhall Road. Lovely memories. Thanks.
  14. This afternoon we visited an excellent second hand book shop. They had a copy of Nottingham from the air and also Picture the Past Nottingham. I looked at both and bought Picture the Past. An excellent book. Nottingham from the air was interesting but a bit off putting as so much has changed. I prefer the old photos and the historical information.
  15. Perhaps Norman would like a dressing gown or sweater for when he sits in the chair during the day. A happy bear growing old gracefully!
  16. Santa has a website that you can use to track his progress. The site unlocks on December 15th.
  17. Stevie Wonder. A stunning live performance in Coventry, 1970 I think. Same year, same place: The Who. Paul Simon at the NEC: Graceland. Loved the music and also the way he introduced all the other singers and musicians. A great professional.
  18. Reading the suggestion about using a stair rod sounded horrible and this made me think about a kinder alternative. If Norman bear is happy than that is all that matters! I wish him many more happy years.
  19. Norman the bear has a lovely smile. Is there a teddy hospital in Caithness? The careful insertion of some teddy bear stuffing into the back of his neck followed by lots of TLC should solve the problem with his posture.
  20. I am a bit puzzled about the difference between "react" and "like". Separation of these seems to be new and is perhaps a move towards Facebook style. I have used "like" as "react" could be bad?
  21. A very dear friend who is 94 had to move to a care home due to physical frailty. She wants to go home. She has a mind like a knife and loves a good political discussion. She got a nasty letter from the council saying that if her home remained unoccupied they would take it over and let it to tenants! This forced her to sell. Now we read in the press how many expensive flats and houses in the posh parts of London are unoccupied for long periods of time and owned by the very rich. They do not get the letters like my friend did. One law for the rich and another for the ordinary citizen who worked
  22. Too often I have seen large photos of clothing items displayed in department stores but the item shown in the photo is nowhere to be found in the shop. This week saw the photo of very smart jacket. Could not find it on the rails so I asked an assistant (yes I did manage to find one) who was very helpful and looked for the jacket on the computer. It was not there in the stock lists! No record of the jacket so it could not even be ordered online! It is little wonder that this particular store is reporting falling profits.