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Everything posted by trogg

  1. Beekay as I was able to download it if I wanted I asked others if it was worth it. As I can do all all I want with windows 10, I did not bother with it.
  2. No Colly you are not going around the bend, its also happened to me , I have stood in my garage wondering why I went in there. Its called getting bl**dy old.
  3. In my 30s I had to have my wisdom teeth extracted, my dentist spent I hour and several injections trying to extract the first one. He failed I came out of the surgery, beside the pain in my mouth my body ached with where he was leaning on me and pulling me about, he sent me to the NHS dentist in Nottingham City. Here I was asked by the Dentist if I minded having 4 students watching , no problem just be careful and dont touch the back of my throat as I tend to retch if you do, I have even vomited when I touched my throat when cleaning my teeth. Well into the chair, injection made and first
  4. With that many Marsdens shops is it possible that each one had a lad like Ben working in them. If only a few had one it makes the mind boggle at what when on in the world then.
  5. I was born in Surrey and moved to Bestwood Estate when I was 7, I had no choice about it my Mother made me move. My accent was completely different and I was soon made aware of it on starting School, school kids can be cruel and they were, my life at one stage was unbearable but as I had 5 elder sisters who could more than hold there own in battles with boys life soon became bearable. Living in Bestwood and knocking around in Bulwell people my accent soon changed to enable me to converse with the locals.
  6. My wife uses mont , she use to talk 1950s uckna language which I found hilarious, over the years I have taught her to speak English with a small success .Even now her most used phrase is you mont do that.
  7. I eat my peas with treacle I have done it all my life it makes the peas taste funny but it keeps them on my knife.
  8. I often find that others can see things that are blank for me, I never mention it as it must be one of my settings and I dont know which one and how to change it. As I have said black rectangle I must now face a blank wall and repeat 50 times "I must not say that again". I think the Sunday night silliness should now end and we should stay on Nottingham items only.
  9. Thats all you have, some people are never happy, how many blank black rectangles do you want. lol
  10. Please carry on Ben I enjoy your postings and recollections of times long ago. As for the Market Side sign it is still there on the same building, which is now Greggs, I spent an hour this morning as I have seen a photo of many years ago of the same building and sign. I never found it for all I know it was probably the wrong sites I was searching.
  11. DJ If I remember correctly, and my memory is rubbish, Chadbunds was the hardware shop next to Penguin and the alley way at the side was where you went up to collect larger items from the back of the shop.
  12. He was inside delivering complete satisfaction to his customers order.
  13. Pleased to see you again Carni, cannot wait to supply cakes at a future meetup ,keep smiling Skeggy awaits your return.
  14. Even though I passed Andover Road store countless times I cannot remember what it looked like. All I can recollect is looking through the window at the bacon slicer and the different thicknesses you could have it sliced to, so a photo of the store would be appreciated.
  15. Its OK for people to push to get rid of Johnson but who is going to replace him? It will be the same unseen group pushing the same agenda led by a new Figure head. The future of British democracy concerns me.
  16. I to was picked up with high blood pressure and again when at the surgery it was always high. I purchased a monitor and check it for a week before and record it , its is always OK, when I go to have it taken by them it is always high, I just dont like the doctors surgery.
  17. Covid Prison is preferable to the possibility of hospitalisation, there is always a positive side of all situations, keep smiling you will soon be out and about soon.
  18. When I was about 10 my sister and husband came to stay with us over the Christmas period and much to my amusement she emphasised to my mother that he had to have pork pie for breakfast Christmas morning. I have never heard it again until reading it on Nottstalgia.
  19. A merry Christmas to you all. May your Christmas be better than mine, I have done the wrong thing again. The wife is always complaining about price increases especially power, with me leaving lights on and doors open. So I decided to help her save money. So for Christmas I brought her an iron, a light ,a cobblers last and a little meths powered heater, She wasnt happy, so no dinner for me and a night in the spare bedroom. Roll on the New Year. PS I only followed Bekays example of useful presents.
  20. Keep smiling DJ , as you know life is like that, you think everything is going OK and then these thigs happen to try you. Remember your from Bestwood and your made of better stuff and can deal with these mishaps. Was it a fall or was it your attempt of seeking extra love and comfort from Mrs DJ.
  21. Wow what a memory, after hearing this usually came the order QUIET football results are on, then the anticipation if he wins I might get a new bike.
  22. Then I can start to look forward to Spring and summer plants growing and wildlife on the move again. Also warmer weather for us to get out and about again, these Pagans knew about the best things in life.
  23. Winter Wonderland is not some thing new, I can remember visiting places billed as winter wonderland with my sons when they were little, they are both in their 50s now.
  24. Thanks all for the information and views on windows 11, I think I will stay with 10 for a few years yet as it does every thing I need.
  25. Has anyone upgraded to windows 11 ? Is it worth it and what are the advantages or is it best to leave it alone and stay as I am on windows 10.