Would this stop you drinking?

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This photo is from 1919. If I was around then it would have given me the incentive to drink myself to death! [posted to me by a friend]:


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There is an excellent documentary about Prohibition in the USA. Perhaps the most interesting fact is that it caused an increase in alcohol consumption!

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I'll take my chances on the open seas !

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A nail bar, hairdressers, beauty shop???? Mefinks, you'd need plastic surgery for that lot...LOL

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And Eric, prohibition also gave rise to the American Mafia, caused a lot more harm than it cured, that's for sure.

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You're quite right, I always liked my girlfriends to be clean, casual and elegant looking.

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A gallon of Screech Owl might improve their looks.

That's me drinking it not them ;)

Mind you after a gallon of Screech Owl even Ann Widdecombe would look...............?

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Ann Widdecombe ?

If you were to show a picture of Ann Widdecombe to a potential suicide bomber & said that is the sort of virgin that awaits you (& don't forget you get seven)

Maybe they would think again :)

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I didn't know who Ann Widdecombe was (hasn't made it over here), so I Googled her... thumbsdown

You guys owe me BIG TIME!

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My MIL and ex MIL are there.

Nothing and nobody would ever stop me having a drink. Luckily I got more choosy the more I had. Not like some folk, a few beers and they'd end up with some absolute monsters.

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