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That made me smile Ian reminded me so much of my time in Ireland, when we went to refurb an old country house that a mate was turning into an hotel. He had spent a lot of time at sales buying furnishings in the country and they all needed transporting over there.


We hired a furniture van filled it to the gunnels and of we went. On the first trip we stopped at the boarder post between Londonderry and Letterkenny one night and the man had us back in the shed and lift the roller shutter to inspect the load. Just like you I thought he would have an heart attack when he saw it was filled from floor to ceiling, just like you he shook his head and waved us through, though he did make arrangements for us to be met at the house by a customs officer for the next three loads.


Turns out he was a bird watcher and as we were at the side of lough Swilly he bought his bino's a camping table and a chair, spent all his time twitching and drinking tea.smile2


Did I tell you about the time I got arrested for rape whilst over there........

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Sitting outside my house very bored as i am locked out and waiting for someone to come home and let me in........on the upside i logged onto NS and have spent the last hour hour reading the giggle pages from the first post. Lots of good ones but a special thank you to Compo, just as well not many people pass they may have thought i was "under the influence". 

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Know how you feel Gem its happened to me too. But we've just had our doors and windows changed and I'm terrified of it happening again. The door hasn't a latch or knob or handle that we can use. (security) We have to keep a key with us at all times if we go out and close the door. At the moment the weather is very warm so we lodge it open and keep the other doors closed. We are in the middle of nowhere almost so the door being open is no problem and with 4 dogs no fear of anyone creeping in through the gate and across the courtyard.

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Ian you had to ask. Three of us in the van myself, Chris the hotel owner and Iccy another climbing buddy along to help


Second run out we passed through the same boarder post on the way back to the Larne ferry I was driving so handed the documents out the drivers window, quick check and "on your way lads."


On to the ferry, park up and head for the lounge, sat beer in hand when surrounded by the RUC guns in hand, a few questions and "Ah well in that case I will be arresting you", I wasn't arguing one had a 9mm Sterling mag on.


Cop shop, separate cells left to stew for a while and then separate questioning. Turns out a woman claimed we gave her a lift from the boarder post took her into a field and had our wicked way with her. The only thing we could say is "don't know what you are talking about and why a field when we have a empty 5 tonne van to hand."


Fortunately the police inspector was a decent bloke and got us all together in his office, he then made several phone calls to Derry asking for a full description in his words "top to toe", the accuser could only supply from head to waist and he was not having that. As he explained looking at me "If you had raped me I might not mention your glasses but sure as hell I would mention your knee length climbing breeks, bright red socks and those bloody great boots." Then to Chris "I might remember them fancy cowboy boots too."


The lady broke under questioning, she hated the English, had seen us at the boarder and made it all up, fortunately we had not got out the cab.....


We were taken to a B&B the bar was opened and we all had a pint or two courtesy of the RUC. The next morning as we were walking to the ferry we were followed by a police car and were ready to do one when we found out he had been sent to talk us to the ferry.


Now for the funny bit, in we piled on arrival at the ferry on went the blues and twos no stopping at gates straight down to the boat no checks nothing. On arrival everyone was watching expecting VIPs when out jumps plod and shouts at the top of his voice to the gangplank supervisor "These are them blokes who got arrested for rape last night" talk about wanting the ground  to open up.

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NBL - that reminds me of a dark wet night passing through the boarder from Letterkenny to Londonderry. The soldier on duty was a black guy and I could only see his eyes. "where are you from mate"? he said. Hmm! that accent sound familiar. "Stafford" I replied. Turned out that he lived in Stafford, on the same street that my daughter bought a house on in later years. I loved the Letterkenny area and always took my bike there. 

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This was back in 67 before the last lot of troubles started in earnest.


I was just outside Letterkenny for 6 plus months whilst we got the hotel up and running, it was just a derelict mansion house when we arrived. And I love the area too had a great time.

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The place was called Ardrummond Hall along the road from Letterkenny to Ramelton, some great pubs in that town. The hall had a small dairy farm attached the fields of which ran down to the banks of the lough we were there from spring through summer, hard work but a bloody great time..


The last I knew and this was 69 I think Chris had had to leave due to the troubles and it was in the process of being sold to an American as his private residence.

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That's the place Ian had some good times in Letterkenny, though it was like stepping back into Victorian times, including church on a Sunday for the two ladies.


Had a look myself last night, there is an Ardrummond hill as well, I missed it at first because you have to magnify an awful lot to see anything.


Just had another look the house is still there pretty much as it was as far as I can tell from above..

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Had to smile about the 'Victorian times'  I went to Ireland in 1964 with my then girlfriend and future in laws.  We arrived in Belfast on a Sunday night.  The MIL was strict teetotal but she was really thirsty so there we were driving around Belfast in the dark trying to find a pub where she could get some  'Orange juice.'  Had to laugh.

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20 hours ago, nonnaB said:

Know how you feel Gem its happened to me too.


Unfortunately Nonna after waiting 2hrs to get into the house i went through to the kitchen to feed Silas and the backdoor was unlocked. Mum is usually fanatical about checking doors are locked so didn't look, they both found it funny.

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Been teaching Arab speakers mostly teenagers ''Nottinghamese'' today,, Libyans and Syrians,,not my job but can't help it,,..........great satisfaction as they were leaving,,..........Tarra Duck''.........they all said.......with big funny as well..........loved it..........

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PC Died. Posting from a nzasty tablet. Re installed win7 and got internet working but Stalgia has noreply field for me to type into just my avaater and a brownish bojx with 'required' in red that won't accept text.


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15 minutes ago, DJ360 said:

PC Died. Posting from a nzasty tablet. Re installed win7 and got internet working but Stalgia has noreply field for me to type into just my avaater and a brownish bojx with 'required' in red that won't accept text.


Apple Mac. You know you really want one! :biggrin:

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Went to a wedding in North Georgia this afternoon.  Mrs. loppy's distant relatives.  It was nice enough apart from the R& R music used for entry and exit.  ( I think they exited to Elvis Presley's. 'Hunks Hunka Burnin' Love.' ) An edifying chunka, chunka nostalgia for the couple one day.    I sat there replaying in my mind my first wedding at Gedling church.  A well played organ.  Some traditional hymns and vows.  I asked myself would you like to go back to being twenty and doing it all again?  Answer...Not a chance!  As each day goes by I feel less and less like I even belong in this world.  It's not even close to what I grew up with and I don't think it's better.  Not trying to be miserable or suicidal.  Absolutely not!!!  Just a random thought or two.

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Well I'm back!!!

I knew something wasn't quite right about Firefox and then a look at Curry's for a 'ball park' idea on prices for laptops etc, wouldn't let me in due to security issues.  This made me look again and I realised I'd loaded the wrong version of Firefox.  Uninstalled it and loaded the right version and Yay!!

I'm getting there slowly...


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8 hours ago, loppylugs said:

asked myself would you like to go back to being twenty and doing it all again?  Answer...Not a chance!  As each day goes by I feel less and less like I even belong in this world.  It's not even close to what I grew up with and I don't think it's better.  Not trying to be miserable or suicidal.  Absolutely not!!!  Just a random thought or two.

I know exactly what you mean, Loppy. Increasingly, I feel like an alien on this planet. Thank goodness for the moggies!

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When I worked in building supplies it always amazed me that people still used wooden fence posts. It's not down to saving money it's down to not having to lift heavy concrete posts !

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But concrete posts are not aesthetically pleasing to the eye.   We don’t have much fencing in our garden but we will never resort to concrete posts.  

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Glad you still have it Ian.


Talking of plumbing fittings, when I was over there doing that refurb Ireland had just made the change from Imperial to Metric pipe but they forgot/were still in the process of changing the fittings.


They came up with a typical Irish solution, buy metric compression rings from GB, have a line of folks at a table converting their home made imperial fittings, I never used my blow lamp once whilst I was there.

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