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Looking after the littlies today.  We played Scrabble, Twister (I was only the ' spinner' ! ) an emoji game which I didn't really understand and then the inevitable Monopoly.  We played the short game of this and I came last, but I don't mind....

This afternoon we went cycling round the village and then helped Paul start to demolish a lean-to, weeding and generally being helpful - well, in the case of the kids, chasing each other around in between carrying bits of wood and sweeping up, but they enjoyed it.

The apples on our fallen apple tree are getting bigger so the daily watering with waste water is definitely working.

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Lovely day for you today then Margie.  I know you love looking after young children and you find lots to do to keep them occupied.  Wish we saw our grandkids more.  Ours are in Cyprus on holiday at the mo and daughter-in-law sent us a video of our 5 year old granddaughter swimming underwater, with eyes open.  So proud of her!  We taught our boys to swim when they were about 3, it’s so important.  Daughter-in-law was using an IPhone X underwater ........ I spilled wine on my husband’s phone, (iPhone 6) recently and wrecked it, he had to get a new one! 

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Cloudy day turned nicely sunny and very warm this afternoon.  I'd just got me kit off for a bit of ray catching when I heard somebody somewhere giving a very good impression of vomiting himself inside out.


It turned out to be a young lad of 15 who was now collapsed outside a house a few doors up on the opposite side of the street.  My neighbour from opposite was already there and on her phone for an ambulance.

I went across to see if I could help.  He was in the recovery position and breathing.  An ambulance on the way, so I set about finding out more.  He'd come from a few miles across St Helens, visiting the lads up the street.  He'd apparently just gone into their kitchen, helped himself to a bottle of Vodka and downed about seven eigths of it straight, followed by a can of strong cider... all before Midday.  He'd then walked outside and thrown up violently before collapsing.

We were watching him and still waiting for the ambulance 30 minutes later, when his parents turned up.. having been called by one of the other lads.  They insisted on getting him sitting up.  I explained that the ambulance people had said to keep him in the recovery position and not give him anything to drink.  I also did my best to point out that he had drunk a dangerous amount of alcohol in a very short time.  About 30 units in fact.  Still, they insisted on getting him in the back of their car and taking him to the hospital.  Last I saw the lad was lying on his back on the back seat.  Very poor in my view.  What if he'd thrown up again?.. or worse?  And did they take him to the hospital?

My neighbour and I washed the pavement down.  I've heard nothing more about the lad's condition.


It struck me after that the parents seemed completely disinterested in the fact that their lad had helped himself to somebody else's  booze, as well as showing crass stupidity carting him off to hospital the way they did.


Most of us have our early brushes with the booze before we learn sense, but this was the worst case I've seen.


There was another one 20 years or more ago when my neighbours daughters were in their early teens.  Parents away and a few friends round, when another lot tried to 'crash' the party.  One was a tiny girl of about 13 who had apparently swallowed half a bottle of Vodka.  She'd collapsed on the front lawn which was wet and they came to ask me if I could help get her indoors.  I picked her up so easily I was gobsmacked.  She must have been about 5 stone.  Not much bodyweight to absorb all that booze.  I carried her indoors and shortly after she was another school holidays ambulance case.


Makes my first experience of drunkenness.. on three pints of mild.. seem quite tame.



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I hope the parents did take the boy to hospital, as acute alcohol poisoning can be fatal.  Let us know if you hear anything more...

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Mrs P and myself had a bus pass trip to Newark this morning,lovely walk around the market then across to the river,crossed the river at Newark lock and had a walk upto the two wiers that I didn't know was there,called in at the sensory garden near the lock for a nice sit down in the warm sunshine,also found out that the "dry dock" alongside the river there is the largest inland waterway dry dock in the UK, walked back into the center of Newark for a cuppa and a short wait for the bus back home,nice one

Saw this narrow boat in Trent lock and it reminded me of someone but I can't think who




and one of the Trent navigation building





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So when are you having a Nottstalgia party on your boat, FLY?   It doesn't look very big so it'll have to be a select few only!

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Never one to look for a fight........probably why i mostly scored on a Friday

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Margie, re my canal boat. I only associate with a select few, so there'd be no problem there .

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4 minutes ago, FLY2 said:

Margie, re my canal boat. I only associate with a select few, so there'd be no problem there .

Well, up to now, there's only Rog, Ben and me who seem interested... Need some more females, though.


The  boat comes from March in Cambs which is only a few miles across the fen from where I live... can be there in 20 minutes!

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Oh alright Carni, we'll allow you in, but only on the condition that you'll be on your best behaviour. At least till the drinks arrive !

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Here's a couple for SueB during last weeks bus pass ride to Newark, a nice walk down the Trent from Newark to Nether lock







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FLY was driving honest........i was just serving Coffee in the ''Blunt end''.........thank-you Madam,thats 2/6...........

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2 hours ago, plantfit said:

Here's a couple for SueB during last weeks bus pass ride to Newark, a nice walk down the Trent from Newark to Nether lock







Looks a bit of a ''Sort'' if you don't mind me saying Rog...........

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Phew! Just had the fright of my life (well nearly). having just got home from my (first cycle ride since my little procedure on Aug 6th). Sitting by our Patio Door enjoying a sandwich, feet on the pouffe, watching the birds just outside on the feeders. Mr and Mrs Blackbird and a young one, one little robin, only just beginning to show some red on its breast and various sparrows, taking baths and drinks from our bird bath. Very Peaceful!!!


All of a sudden out of nowhere, Chaos, the ' Robin Red' shrubs were shaking all over the place, ( just like a scene from Jurrassic Park) birds flapping amongst the branches, a dirty great big Sparrow Hawk hit the Patio Door about four foot from where I was sitting, tea and tuna sarnis all over me, a few expletives uttered, at the same time a cat scarpered off up the garden, we think it had something in its mouth (Murderer). All over in about two seconds.  I'll never be the same again. Where's mi tablets.

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Mrs C & I have our forthcoming wedding anniversary soon, so I asked her what she would like for present, not too extravagant mind !

Take me on a cruise Catfan she said, so all done & dusted, just hope FLY is not driving !

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Take her down the Trent cruising to Colwick !

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