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I agree jonab. Hydrotherapy can be very beneficial. I've had virtually persistent lower back pain for nigh on two years now, and no tablets or lotions seem to do the trick. 

I used to love laying in the hot bath, but we had it taken out about five years ago, and a walk in shower installed. Convenient, and more space created, but it's just not the same as a hot bath !

Hope things greatly improve for you nonna.

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Nonna, Jonab and those Nottstalgians on here who are not well, sadly there are a few, I send you my best wishes for your future health, as I know you would wish me the same.

My day began at one minute past midnight, as I have not slept! You see this yellow coloured Wimp is at hospital later this morning for....well I will not go into detail, but I know what is coming. Hence my sleepless night. I just want to say that our fabulous and overstretched NHS is looking after me with such speed, and deserve our praise. I only hope I can show my thanks to them by overcoming my fears and behaving like an adult. Any tips on how to calm my nerves, it seems the more I have done......the worse I get? :mellow:



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Calm your nerves ! An elephants foot cream cake, and a quadruple vodka & tonic does it for me. All the best Carni.

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You treat yourself afterwards  Carni. Maybe omit the vodka, but have a nice warm and comforting cappuccino.

No chocolate on top though. I can't understand why folks do that. If I want a coffee, I'll have a coffee. If I want chocolate, I'll have a chocolate. The times madam has been severely berated for not asking for it to be left off is unbelievable.

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Carni, as the world's biggest coward, you have my unlimited admiration for being there in the first place! Relax, know that we're all thinking of you and may all your dreams be of singing duets with a handsome chap in a liberty bodice whilst locked in a cake shop! Get well soon and come home! :rolleyes:

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It is a little known fact that my toaster was designed by NASA. When the bread is done to a light, crisp brown, it gets launched into space! This morning, I can't even find it. Houston, I have a problem!  :mellow:. Crumbs!

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1 hour ago, carni said:


My day began at one minute past midnight, as I have not slept! You see this yellow coloured Wimp is at hospital later this morning for....well I will not go into detail, but I know what is coming. Hence my sleepless night. I just want to say that our fabulous and overstretched NHS is looking after me with such speed, and deserve our praise. I only hope I can show my thanks to them by overcoming my fears and behaving like an adult. Any tips on how to calm my nerves, it seems the more I have done......the worse I get? :mellow:



Just do what you always do carnie........get in'' get done''get om''......ive been back in Hospital two days this week with set backs...home again now,, feel sorry for Donna who's been running around looking after ''baby me'' her Dad passed away suddenly Tues morning,,so poor old Donna has been in Peterborough looking after her Mother as well,,..........hope the day goes well carnie,,get back and singing with our 'choir'........

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I’ve just returned from the doctor’s after a medication review. Whilst waiting it was interesting to observe the obese medical staff passing by. It was even more interesting to meet the doctor who could also be described as a ‘bonny lass’. Doesn’t give one much confidence does it?

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2 hours ago, carni said:

My day began at one minute past midnight, as I have not slept! You see this yellow coloured Wimp is at hospital later this morning for....well I will not go into detail, but I know what is coming. Hence my sleepless night. I just want to say that our fabulous and overstretched NHS is looking after me with such speed, and deserve our praise.


26 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:

......ive been back in Hospital two days this week with set backs...home again now,, feel sorry for Donna who's been running around looking after ''baby me'' 


We can't have two of our leading correspondents absent for medical reasons; get yersens together and come back to normal operating mode.



2 hours ago, carni said:

MmmMmm, that 'Elephants Foot' sounds good. Something to look forward to.:biggrin:


From Birds own seems to come in a box which would take a normal full-size cake.


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Well what a coincidence, as I was drooling over the pic of the Elephant’s Foot my husband walked in with a Birds bag.  Disappointing contents though ........... 


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Hope everyone who is unwell gets better ASAP.


As for people posting at 5:00am.. What is wrong with you people?  Have you no beds to go to?  :ohmy:


I'll make an exception for Carni.. as she was a bit worried.  Carni. In all seriousness, I've been offered a dose of Diazepam (Valium) to help me through angiograms and other procedures.  Always worth asking if they can offer you similar..



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We're all rooting for yer Carni, if best wishes were cream cakes y`d be smothered in `em!

Get back `om soon mi duck.

Lizzie, you may be disappointed in the contents of the bag, but it looks pretty interesting to me!

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Nottstalgians are so supportive in times of sickness and worry.  There have been many occasions over the years when members or their families have or are going through really tough times.  It’s lovely to know that we’re all rooting for you.   Thinking of you Carni and Ben and any others who are struggling, hurry up and get fit again. 

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1 hour ago, LizzieM said:

Well what a coincidence, as I was drooling over the pic of the Elephant’s Foot my husband walked in with a Birds bag.  Disappointing contents though ........... 


I've stared at it for a while, but still can't decide...what exactly is it ? 

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Carni  What works for some to keep calm doesn't always work for others. Ive had my share of terrifying moments and what I do is to think ..theres others worse than me and they are still alive and laughing so snap out of it and get it done. If that fails try breathing deeply and let the air out quickly. do it a few times and then breath slowly and deliberately keeping yourself calm. It may not work for you but at least try. we all find our own level of tranquility. All the best.

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That elephant's foot thingy looks like what I used to know as a giant 'cream puff' but, I suppose that would be non-PC now.


Regarding getting up at 5 am, remember that some of us live in different time zones.


I've just got back from Grasse where went to get my hair cut.


Shock! Horror!


I am not tight with money but having to fork out €100 for an ordinary haircut at an ordinary hairdresser is too, too much. What do haircuts cost in Nottingham?


For Carni - remember things are never as bad as you think they are going to be.

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I pay £11 at Dean Bell’s in Blidworth. Why Blidworth? Well he used to have a salon in Southwell and shuttled between the two shops. He closed Southwell but you tend to get used to a particular barber so I followed him there. The funny thing is he lives in the next village so his journey is as far as mine! You can get a haircut cheaper than that in Arnold opposite the park gates I noticed.

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£11 seems a reasonable amount but near on 100 quid is just exploitation. I'm seriously considering getting some hair clippers and doing in myself, well, Thierry my carer or Mme (housekeeper) can.

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