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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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15 hours ago, loppylugs said:

absent mindedly left the  wheel in the shopping cart.  went back this morning on the off chance it may have been found and handed in in.  No chance.  So I ended up buying a new wheel and axle.  should have done that in the first place.  

In the dawg house again, Loppy?

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10 hours ago, mary1947 said:

Sorry DAVIDW I can not resist getting on my soapbox.....It might be a small shop but he would still have to pay water rates ....

PS   So, so sorry to go on DAVIDW but you have hit a sore point ....

Mary no need to apologise , of course you are quite right about all the expenses . It was a glib reply of mine .

I know from personal experience after running a high street shop for over 30 years (more or less facing this barbers ).

Still irks me how many hundreds of pounds a year it cost us to get cardboard picked up !

Ours is a poor town and he has pitched his prices to suit . The shop is old and the rent cheap but in a high footfall spot .

Other barbers , many in plusher salons on the periphery , probably do struggle and they come and go .

This guy though has built up a huge regular trade , he maybe be a one off but near poverty he ain't ! 


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Seems to be my weekend for inadvertantly upsetting people on message boards .

As well as Mary above I upset an admin on a Facebook page thats called Social History .

This admin lady put up an old picture of an old Irish lady called Annie who had lived in a "shed" on the Liverpool docks and sold sweets and fruit and veg from it .

The old lady was reputed to be over 100 in 1914 when she died .

I happened to find the old lady at her shed address , on the 1911 census and that said she was a mere 86.

I replied saying that I hated spoiling a good story with facts but the old lady probably was not anywhere near 100 at the time of the photo .


This admin went ballistic ! Called me totally ridiculous (repeated 3 times) for posting a transcript of a census .

"That's not a cencus anyone can make that up" she said ( her spelling).

I didn't know how to respond but in the meantime another lady posted the actual census image , backing up my info .

Result the photo got deleted and this poor other lady got deleted/banned from the page .

I've PMd two admins on the site and not had the courtesy of a reply , though I don't seem to have been blocked weirdly . 

Nowt so strange as folk eh ?

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Just back from a short walk.  Down the end of the street and into the fields.  Along the stream and then up onto the ridge for a view of Liverpool. Along the ridge and back round to home. Maybe a mile or so but quite enough.  It was freezing!!  Real shock to the system.. but I suppose we can't grumble after the Summer we've had.


For donkey's years I paid £5 for a dry cut at my hairdresser's.  Her daughter took over the business a few years back and it's now £8.


Think I've told this before but it's worth repeating.  Way back in summer 1977, on a very hot day, I was desperate to get my very long hair cut.  But everywhere I knew was closed as it was Thursday.  I'd only just moved into the area and barely knew my neighbours, but one told me that one of the (extremely attractive) daughters of the lady next door had a Salon a couple of miles away towards Wigan.  So, I found it in the phone book and called to check they were open.  Yep, they were and when I explained who I was to the girl, who turned out to be called Pat,  she said "no problem" and to go over.


A few minutes later I walked into the salon to be confronted with two tall, willowy and very beautiful young ladies, cutting hair and clad in skimpy bikinis!  Some sales pitch!!  So, while Pat was cutting my hair and I was trying hard not to look as if I was trying to ogle her lovely assistant Sue, via the mirror...  a large articulated wagon was passing by outside in slow moving traffic.  In an instant the driver had his hazard lights on and was in the shop.


" Hot as Hell in that cab Luv!!  Give us a quick shampoo will you?  The girls smiled and so did I.  He was completely bald!  I had to admire his quick thinking.  And he got his shampoo...


I still get my hair cut at Pat's, 40+ years on. And she's still lovely..  :)



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26 minutes ago, DAVIDW said:

Seems to be my weekend for inadvertantly upsetting people on message boards .   As well as Mary above I upset an admin on a Facebook page thats called Social History .

I've PMd two admins on the site and not had the courtesy of a reply , though I don't seem to have been blocked weirdly . 

Nowt so strange as folk eh ?


People who are Admins and Mods on message boards are a strange lot. They have to be, otherwise they wouldn't do it and put up with everything.


On another FB page recently, I posted an image of several old 1960s cars, which got a lot of favourable comments. About a week later, another person re-posted the same image (which I'd created) on the same FB page. When I pointed this out to the Admin of the page, they seemed to think I should take it as a compliment.

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DJ360's haircutting story reminded me of a barber I patronised back in my late teens. It was a salon of some repute on Clumber St. although I can't remember the name. They had an ancient electrical machine by which the scalp could be massaged to supposedly avoid hair loss. I had a dread of loosing my hair at that time (although it's not happened so far!) I had to hold one terminal of an electrode whilst the barber holding the other terminal massaged my scalp. I was told, under no circumstances, to let go of the electrode I was holding. The temptation was far to too great and I released my grip only to see the barber almost shooting through the ceiling with a violent electric shock. I've seen similar machines in antique shops and now I am reminded to buy the next one I see. 


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Reminds me of a machine an uncle of mine had when I was a kid.  He used to call it a 'tickling box'  You held a brass tube in each hand while somebody turned a handle on the box.  There was a little generator inside.  You got a mild electric shock.  I have no idea what it's intended purpose was.

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3 minutes ago, Jill Sparrow said:

And now, for the benefit of those of us who don't understand the first thing about electricity...Loppy will explain why Phil's barber got an electric shock? Please :rolleyes:


I assume the return path was through the 'patient'  sitting in the chair.  When he let go the barber became the return path.  Served 'im right!   :biggrin:   I would love to have seen it.

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Well after 40 years Col, it's high time you bit the bullet and did something about it !

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Sad start to the day reading about the lioness who has killed Nyack, the father of her cubs in a zoo in Indianapolis. They had been together for 8 years with no sign of any aggression. He was a beautiful looking boy.  I hate zoos but accept that, in some cases, they are a necessary evil. He must have threatened the cubs in some way for the female to do that.


Sad as it is, it sends out a message to all males...don't mess with us women!  I suspect our friend Trogg already knows that!

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One of the problems of associating human sensibilities with other species. I am no expert on lion behaviour but, I read it is quite common for this to take place amongst lion populations. So if, as you surmise, the lion was threatening its offspring, then the mother was quite justified in protecting them and (in the wider context) the future of the species.

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Have since read that the cubs are now 3 years old, so it couldn't have been that.  


Perhaps he just got on her nerves once too often! Female lions commonly attack males, as jonab points out. Maybe it is something common across all species. Only this morning, my female tabby flew across the room to attack Tarquin who was quietly minding his own business. She obviously took exception to something.


Still feel very sad that poor Nyack has suffered such a fate.

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Speaking of cats, a friend gave me a bag of conkers recently. She has a longstanding phobia about spiders and puts fresh conkers every autumn around her house in a bid to deter them. She finds it seems to work.


I've seen several large arachnids this autumn, mostly in a state of mangled rigor mortis when I get up in the morning, the moggies having cornered them during the night.  So, I distributed the conkers around various rooms. Ginger Bruno has discovered them and finds he likes them even more than spiders. Have you any idea of the racket that is caused by one cat chasing conkers round the house at 2am? :wacko:

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15 minutes ago, Jill Sparrow said:

Speaking of cats, a friend gave me a bag of conkers recently. She has a longstanding phobia about spiders and puts fresh conkers every autumn around her house in a bid to deter them. She finds it seems to work.


I don't doubt it but.... why do conkers deter spiders ??   :wacko:        That's downright weird.

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Apparently, something the conkers give off...some kind of chemical? ... is supposed to deter the spiders. Not surprisingly, there is no scientific evidence to support this theory.


As for me, I don't like spiders, but I refuse to kill any living creature...and they do make a lot less noise than conkers!

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31 minutes ago, Jill Sparrow said:


As for me, I don't like spiders, but I refuse to kill any living creature...


What about ants, flies, viruses and bacteria?   Just a thought, as I feel the same about living things but I do take antibiotics occasionally....  

Flies I tell to go outside the house and gently usher them out of the door or window.  In the past I've deterred ants from entering the house using a line of tea leaves, but there is Nippon in the shed somewhere I believe!    I spray roses with soapy water to get rid of greenfly, but I suspect that probably kills them anyway...

and what about the screaming lettuces that are pulled out the ground.... I know,  I'm getting silly now!

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47 minutes ago, Jill Sparrow said:

Apparently, something the conkers give off...some kind of chemical? ... is supposed to deter the spiders. Not surprisingly, there is no scientific evidence to support this theory.


As for me, I don't like spiders, but I refuse to kill any living creature...and they do make a lot less noise than conkers!

Buddhism is your rightful home.

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I've used lavender to deter ants. Apparently, they don't like it! Don't take antibiotics as, with me, they all cause worse side effects than the original problem. Flies are dealt with by the moggies, usually before I can intervene. They seem to regard them as airborne crisps!

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Mainly because by the time I’ve got the gun out and loaded they’ve gone away. It’s the same with wildlife photography. My camera is so complicated that by the time I’ve found it, adjusted the settings, zoomed in and auto-focussed the bird has flown.

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