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The third Commandment is about careless or deliberate mis-use use of God's name, NOT swearing as many people understand the term nowadays.

i.e. the deliberate use of certain words about parts of the body, bodily functions or activities etc which are deemed inappropriate or offensive to some people.


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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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7 hours ago, IAN123. said:

 The 5 was last years!

Season of good will my arse!

Language please . If you are used to using language like that take a good look at your keyboard there are alternatives. 

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Tips given to the postman and the window cleaner. I've just received a large box of Thorntons Christmas Selection chocs from a neighbour I give excess plants to, and a bottle of Malbec from the lady next door for putting her bins out.

Right, where's that last fudge !

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Yet again I've lost it !! The subject has gone from stealing, to dentists, to swearing etc. How's a bloke supposed to make any sense of it all? On the bright side though, it's a lot more interesting than the telly. It feels like sitting in a room with all my new found friends. I don't have to understand, just join in and go along with the rest of you. Note !! Easter eggs are in our shops. Cheers one and all !! Beekay.thumbsup

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Me too. I've completely lost the plot. Not sure if I had it in the first place? I understand that this thread is about our own  personal experiences of the day, so each one will be about different events, but I read the posts and some of them give me the feeling that there is some kind of secret conversation going on that only some know what the heck is being talked about. Very confusing I must say?:wacko:

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1 hour ago, IAN123. said:

Gullable is the watch word and red conflabbed in the a:m..i threw in a dummy hand grenade.

I posted a 43 bus for ya!

Jingle Bells mate!

When you think about it Ian, the old 44 trolleybus was a fair old route. All the way from Bulwell hall to Colwick woods. Can't remember how many journeys one was able to do on a shift. Never thought about it before but I could have bragged about being in the travel industry.

Have a great Christmas pal !!! B.

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1 hour ago, carni said:

Me too. I've completely lost the plot. Not sure if I had it in the first place? I understand that this thread is about our own  personal experiences of the day, so each one will be about different events, but I read the posts and some of them give me the feeling that there is some kind of secret conversation going on that only some know what the heck is being talked about. Very confusing I must say?:wacko:

Maybe it's a secret society that we mere mortals are not privvy to. Happy Christmas Carnie. B.

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BK ,  It's not a secret society -  it's just that there are some old (as In historic, not aged) antagonists on here....

don't let it put you off posting - it's not always like it is at the moment!  



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Carni and Beekay, I appreciate that some topics tend to veer off at a tangent at times, and things appear confusing, but refer back to posts from yesterday morning, and hopefully things will fall into place. Certainly the hypocrisy regarding theft .

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Right.  I've had a busy day watching a bloke plastering a corner, and the ceiling of my small dining room.  I'd give £200 any day to a chap who worked so hard and did such a good job.


Some stuff upthread that I too am confused by...


Stealing is wrong.  End of.  But it's not just about stealing under the Law. and the Law is made for the most part by the well off.  Stealing isn't always obvious.. which is why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.  That's worth a bit of thought...


Why don't we go on?


9 hours ago, catfan said:

The Ten Commandments

  1. You shall have no other Gods but me.
  2. You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.
  3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
  4. You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.
  5. Respect your father and mother.
  6. You must not commit murder.
  7. You must not commit adultery.
  8. You must not steal.
  9. You must not give false evidence against your neighbour.
  10. You must not be envious of your neighbour's goods. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbour.


1. Why?  Who said your God, or ay God.. is the 'top one'?

2. Why?.. is not 1. an 'Idol'?

3.Entirely open to interpretation. Misuse how?.  What name?

4. This is simply a religious observance.  It has little/nothing to do with morality or faith and everything to do with obedience/acquiescence.  Is sitting about more 'holy' than earning a crust?

5. Well yes.. so long as they respect you.  In other words.. do not allow them to coerce you into anything.  This includes unsuitable marriage, religious observance you are not comfortable with, attitudes you cannot agree with.

6. Well yes.. fair enough..  But when does killing in War stop being Murder and start being Something else?

7. Well. it's not ideal.. but what if...  And what if?..

8. If my children were starving and a Govt.. such as the present one.. was failing me..  I would steal to feed my kids and myself.  Strike me down God!!!

9. 'Don't tell lies.'  Well yep.  Honesty is usually the best policy.  Many journalists and more than a few politicians on all sides need to learn this.

10.  Well for what it's worth, I don't envy anybody anything.  Never have..  But I am extremely angry that my fellow citizens and human beings are being routinely 'screwed' by the rich, and the Govt, which supports them.


Politics Eh?  It gets everywhere..



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I'd love to go there, Col.  I will not though, because religion on this site is much like politics.  It can be heated and hurt feelings result.  The only thing I will say is that the purpose of the Ten Commandments is explained in the New Testament book of Galatians.  Thats as far as I''m going  if you want more you'll have to pm me. :),

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I must admit sometimes I tend to sit back and let those who have been on the site a while battle it out when some subjects are raised. Think the politicians in the Commons could learn something about debating contentious  (if that is the right word)  subjects (ie the B word) from this site!  Sometimes the word games seem safer.

Just done my rounds of the damp traps scattered around my house, pleased to say there is nothing in them so the PIV unit (noticed there was an advert on telly for them) in the loft is working. Noticed the damp smell upstairs disappeared the first day it was put in. Success!!! But the roof in the sun room is leaking a bit now, luckily my handyman is coming after the new year so a bucket will suffice at the moment. At least there seems to be light at the end of the repairs tunnel now. 




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10 hours ago, Beekay said:

When you think about it Ian, the old 44 trolleybus was a fair old route. All the way from Bulwell hall to Colwick woods. Can't remember how many journeys one was able to do on a shift. Never thought about it before but I could have bragged about being in the travel industry.

During my time on motor buses on that route BK we did four & a half trips per shift. A round trip was two hours plus.




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3 minutes ago, Jill Sparrow said:

Today is the Winter Solstice. It won't get any darker! Yippee! Bulbs shooting in the garden. Spring is coming!

And Easter eggs in the shops !! Happy Christmas Jill Sparrow.. Barrie.xx

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Yesterday, I went into my local Boots to pick up my thyroxine. I had to fight my way to the pharmacy counter through hordes of people whose arms were piled high with gifts.


It made me think about the days in the 60s when my best friend from school and I went to Boots on Radford Road to buy our Christmas presents on the Saturday morning before Christmas. They had brightly coloured bubble bath in little glass decanters, bath cubes,etc and I once bought a blue plastic hair curler container with a pink rose on the lid, for my mum. She used it for years! What we couldn't get from Boots was obtained from Woollies next door.


Life was so simple then!

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