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Must admit trogg.....despite my major surgery last year and everything that goes with it.....i am lucky,,no trouble with joints,,can still Jog,,Cycle and do most physical activities,,all be it much slower and not for as long,,so my heart goes out to you,,,

                             I now let others to do any heavy lifting etc,,,and as i said earlier ,,bloke up the road cuts me grass,,with his own mower,,,hes 20 years younger than me (fair enough,he's only got one leg,,but hes very fit) i enjoy watching him,,sat on the Patio with me Coffee.

                             Never been any good at DIY,,,and need someone to put some shelves up,,plus a very large Mirror,,,would ask one of my Sons but they are as useless as me,,,probably ask my Mower man if hes any good at them sort of things,,,bet he is...............

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Ben that's going to be me in the future, sit back and watch others work. Have just changed my log fire to a coal fired one, even though a close friend cuts trees down for a living and logs were always in plentiful supply, it was getting dangerous for me with my chain saw cutting them down to size , my arms did not always move the way I wanted. after a few close calls the chainsaw has gone.

From now on its going to be coffee and crumpets( pyklets) at 11.00hrs and coffee and cakes at 15.00hrs.

I have looked at an electric bike, I might have to buy one now to fill all my spare time so I do not annoy the other half any more than what I do now, I seem to spend more and more time in the spare bedroom now, LOL

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I bought an electric bike a few weeks ago but because of my arthritis I can't get on it. All those who have ridden it say how great it is. When I've plucked up the courage to get my hip done I shall try it out. I do have a static exercise bike which I can mount but more than five minutes pedalling becomes incredibly boring.

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Same here Phil.............Bane of my life is Boredom............miss work and all the travelling,,and interaction with different people,,,

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Even though I’ve been retired for many years I still miss not going to work everyday. I loved the stress and the hassle and the problem solving. I’ve got plenty to do round here but I can just please myself when I do it. There’s no real motivation other than the pursuit of happiness and I’m not very good at that!

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Get yer paints and brushes out Phil, try watercolour. Either from life or photographs, makes no difference as long as your doing something. Had my sister in law qnd hubby down last week and she's  thrilled to bits with the bathtub I'd  painted. She's  furiously looking for a milk churn for me to paint, and not a little one but full size. Heaven help me.

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Is not that I haven’t got anything to do Barrie. With a few acres of agricultural land and garden it’s a problem to keep up with everything. At the end of the day there’s no financial return in it for me and that has been my lifelong motivation. What a sad life I’ve lived. :biggrin:

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Hope  you manage to find one Beekay, unfortunately I had had no luck (just as I thought).

We visited a farm shop who had painted some green with ears of corn others with cows and chickens.

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Trogg you have my admiration for keeping on keeping on as you do. One point though. you are almost bionic now so next time round ask them to fit you with a throttle so you can keep up!   Simples      :P

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My admiration goes to all but especially Paul and Trogg, for 'keeping on keeping on..'  As for boredom though.  I'm never bored.  I'm usually happy enough with my own company and if I have nothing physical to do I can be happy listening to music or whatever.  I try to achieve one useful thing every day.  Might be as small as tidying summat up, or cutting the grass, or whatever.  The rest of the time I potter, or go for a short walk, or whatever. Incidentally I'm seeing the Doc tomorrow about why my legs seem to be failing me.  Still awaiting tests for the other stuff.


And Trogg.. I've not forgotten about trying to get a trip to Henry Whipple for a look around.  That would be fab.  If I can sort it, I'll pick you up etc.

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That makes five of us will be there to tell RR where he's going wrong and how it should be done!


Grass cutting by committee, what can possibly go wrong?    thumbsup

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Maybe we could organise bus trips to view. A bit like the National Trust.

Or better still, a meet up in the garden. Perhaps Trogg could do tea and scones.

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On 9/16/2019 at 12:15 PM, philmayfield said:

Even though I’ve been retired for many years I still miss not going to work everyday. I loved the stress and the hassle and the problem solving. I’ve got plenty to do round here but I can just please myself when I do it. There’s no real motivation other than the pursuit of happiness and I’m not very good at that!

I missed business too Phil, even though I had lots to do with cycling, fishing and renovating a cottage. Anyway, to keep my mind active I started a Ltd company on my 80th birthday last year. I'm really enjoying the R&D work and preparing to get products ready to sell. Only a tiny business but who knows? :biggrin:

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Thanks for the offers but I have been informed that I am now banned from the lawn mower and my son who lives 200yds away will be doing it, in return my wife will be doing his washing and ironing. Its a sign of the times once I used to be able to do things and make decisions now I am just an onlooker.

PS several years ago my trusty strimmer broke, it was years old so I purchased the  best I could all gadgets on it so the plants wouldn't be damaged , rollers to keep the cut straight, levers all over to adjust height and cutting angles it was the bees knees, only one problem it was too heavy for my back. As the wife has just said you done it again you daft old sod. I hate it when she is right.

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Thank you Lizzie darlin, but what does one research and develop in the autumn of ones life?

Did think it might be rythm and dance.;)

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