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23 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:



Filthy creatures, we are. We pollute, we destroy, we poison and we breed incessantly. We need getting rid of for the sake of the once beautiful planet we are exploiting to destruction.

YOU are Spot on Jill,,,,

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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I was driving home in the early hours some years ago and, passing a lonely churchyard, was startled by a white shape in front of my windscreen. A barn owl! It didn't touch the car, just brushed the glass with its wings. A most beautiful bird. I've seen them at other times but never at such close quarters. I consider myself very privileged to have had that experience.

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Where I lived in Rossington there was only one row of houses behind us and then open farmland, woods and a river (not the Don can’t remember its name). There was a service road between the two rows of houses. Every night about 11 o’clock a barn owl used to fly from the field and down the service road. I very often used to go into the back garden to see it, it used to make the boys jump as it made no noise as it was flying just suddenly appeared overhead.

There were also a pair bustards (is that the right spelling) which were released, into the wood possibly, we used to see them flying about and they nested and had offspring. There were kestrels there as well. Used to love to see them hovering and then hurtling to the ground when they saw something.

The pit also had a pair of nesting kestrels/sparrow hawks, can’t remember which, that came back every year. It was always in the newsletter when they arrived and when they had young ones. Don’t know what happened to them as the pit was demolished and there is now a housing estate where it used to be.

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2 hours ago, benjamin1945 said:

50 Million £'s  worth of Jewellery Burgled from house of Bernie Eccleston'e's daughter in London,,,,,,shame

What the bloody hell is a young girl doing with 50 million quids worth, or even wanting that much jewellery? 

Makes your heart bleed for her.

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I've seen two Barn Owls flying over the road in front of me in the last week.


A year or so back, a fox was crossing well in front of me as I drove along the A580.  It almost made it to the centre reservation and then, inexpicably reversed direction and ran straight under my car.  I had no chance of missing it.  In my rear view mirror I saw it doing as very strange and contorted dance in the road before crawling off into the undergrowth.  It was all rather upsetting.

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1 hour ago, Ayupmeducks said:

Snakes make an exploding sound when you run over them, killed a couple of foxes when I lived down under, I thought I'd done some serious damage with one, no, just a couple of spots of blood. Bats hitting the windscreen scare the crap out of a person, you don't see them until just before impact, killed dozens of birds, unintentionally!! Ran over the odd rabbit, even a cat once, it ran across the road, must have been on it's last life, mad a rattling sound when it got caught in the drive shaft. Never lost any sleep over them, felt sorry for the birdies though.

Thou sounds a raight charmer Ayup., must make a point of wearing a tin hat when I  pop over the pond for a coffee.

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The 'young girl' is in fact a 35 year old woman. Why does she have that much jewellery? - because she can and I suspect it's as much an investment as it is for decoration.

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It's  still bloody obscene  Brew!  As for age, she more than half my age so as far as I'm  concerned, she's  a young girl.

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My question would be, why wasn't that much "bling" secured, obviously was easy pickings for the thief.


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That's interesting, why is it obscene BK? Is it any more obscene than our, yours and mine, living standard and lifestyle when compared to the sick, the lame and the starving throughout the world?

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Poor lass...  She'll be down the food bank next...

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One thing everyone avoids running over, including truckers, are turtles, those shells can mess up tyres pretty quickly.


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Having that much jewelry is no more obscene than spending a few hundred on an I-phone.

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I've never run over a snake.  We saw one once as we entered our street.  Mrs. L said "Quick run 'im over."  I just couldn't.  I drove around him.  I guess I just can't kill anything on purpose.  I've accidentally hit a few birds over time andit really spoils my day.

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5 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

Well for many people a smartphone is a necessity


Absolute tosh! I'm surprised you think that...


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Mine cost $25 and that covered 3 months of service at so many minutes per month, unused minutes are transferred to next month. Camera has 12mp. So why should anyone, using the same argument, need to spend hundreds on a smart phone????


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I might also add, since purchasing my smart phone, I've found much cheaper plans, I only need a cell phone for emergencies while out on the road, I didn't need a smart phone, but that's all there is this side of the pond. I could have obtained a refurbished identical phone for free with my service. But wasn't aware at the time.


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Very close to where I saw the barn owl, there is a mill race where, on a couple of occasions, I have been fortunate enough to see a kingfisher.  Earlier this year, the lady who lives at the mill was able to see them feeding their young from her kitchen window. They are obviously happy there, as they've been in residence for several years. Again, beautiful birds and a delight to watch.

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Too true Dave, I wouldn't have bothered of pay phones were still common, problem is, they are like "hens teeth" around my area, they just don't exist anymore, so if I have a breakdown I'm up the creek without a paddle without a cell phone. One of the problems living in a rural area.


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When we lived in Norfolk, i was travelling home from work on my motorbike, and a suicidal sparrow hit me on the shoulder. Even with my leathers, the daft thing left a fair bruise that lasted for ages!!

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I don’t see how a mobile phone can be a liability. If you have a car breakdown, an accident or have been delayed you can call someone. It’s a camera, a diary, and a reference book. When I retired, many years ago, I vowed I wouldn’t have a mobile, my existing one being company provided. It was only a week before I had to buy one!

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