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Just took delivery of 9 bags of compost and some Miracle Gro.  Let the planting commence!!!

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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After being stuck in now for 51 days, this is our councils contribution to battling CV19...IMG-20200504-124159.jpg

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When Dobies send replacements for the ruined Tomatoes I'll need to pot them up in big pots.  I'm also growing on lots of seedlings and cuttings etc., for the girls, who now both have gardens.  Also planning on some more carrots and other veggies in pots/containers. Mrs Col has plants on order too, and a lot of stuff needs re-potting.

Plenty to keep me going for a few days  ;)


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Beekay, you might like to know that producing a vanilla fragranced soap is one of the creat challenges of the perfume industry. If that bar of soap is anything other than dark brown and really does smell of vanilla, the challenge has been met!

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Spot on Jonab !! Just opened the said bar and your right. The colour is more of caramel/cappuccino, but the fragrance is definitely vanilla.

I can relax now I have a matchbox size soap and a little tube of hand cream, I get through another year.

All respect to them, at least they're doing something. Stay safe mate.

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Brilliant sunshine here.. but a biting easterly wind... again..:(


Is it just me who thinks we've had a lot more wind than normal this year?


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Just mowed half an acre of grass in the orchard. It looked sunny outside so I was in shirtsleeves. It was absolutely bloody freezing. When I came back indoors the radiators were red hot to maintain 20 degrees in the sitting room. Remember the old adage ‘nere cast a clout ‘till May be out’.

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Lovely warm weather here, although a slight breeze.  Went for a lovely long walk in the village this morning.  Walked through the 'Bonfire Field' , two wildflower meadows and along a cinder track next to a lake.  Took about an hour and it's made me feel really happy.  Saw very few people out... just 3 dog walkers and about 6 other people.  There were quite a few cars on the road as I walked back home, though.  

Why is it that having some decent exercise makes you have more energy, while sitting around doing nothing much makes you more tired!

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I’ve been out ‘proper’ today. The first time since my hip replacement. The surgeon had cleared me to drive again ( over the ‘phone!) and my wife’s car was low on fuel so we went to Waitrose in Newark where you can pay at the pump. I did take the precaution of donning a pair of disposable gloves from the workshop. There was quite a queue at the supermarket although not for fuel so we called at Fiskerton shop on the way home to get food and wine. It was amazing to see how springlike the hedgerows had become. There were loads of walkers and cyclists about and the traffic was fairly heavy. It felt rather strange seeing the real world again after such a long time. Bleasby is awash with scarecrows, new ones appearing everyday. The sad thing was seeing that the pubs were closed. Locally made sausages and mash washed down with a glass or two of Merlot, purely for medicinal purposes, this evening! All part of my recovery. Now my car needs a good thrashing. Perhaps a trip to Lowdham tomorrow to collect my prescription. That’s a permitted errand isn’t it?

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12 hours ago, Oztalgian said:

I woke up this morning …………………...

I am planning to do the same tomorrow and the day after...………..


Reminded me of something Jasper Carrot did years ago.  Started playing a blues riff and looked around the audience for approval of his 'coolness'.. after an extended into.. he sang..

"I woke up this morning.."

"woke up this afternoon too"..


I guess you had to be there.... :blink:

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7 hours ago, philmayfield said:

Well you certainly have! smile2


Ooohh.. cutting...

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11 hours ago, loppylugs said:

I put down a couple of slabs yesterday for my wheely bin to stand on

Why are you standing your wheely bin on a couple of cartons of beer?

Slab is Australian slang for a carton of 24 beers

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Slabs here used to be 24 cans. Then they went to 20 cans. And then to 18.


But the price stayed the same.

And Jasper Carrott was brilliant live. TV never did him justice.

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Beer cartons are growing here, slabs are still 24 cans but more are being sold as a box of beer with 30 cans.

Don't forget that the "goon bag" was a South Australian invention that took the world by storm.

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Looks like the sparrowhawk has been visiting my garden again. A very large, dead crow under the grey alder this morning. Usual spot for sparrowhawk victims.  Very sad. I love crows. They are such intelligent creatures, unlike homo sapiens.

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@ Jill, this is the time of year we see Red Tailed Hawks being dive bombed by crows near Rookeries, Mind, the crows are wasting their time, Hawks are magnificent fliers, and just pull a wing in a tad to move out the way.

Hawks raid crows nests for eggs and chicks, they also like chickens too, hence the American name for them, chicken hawks.


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24 and 36 cartons of beer are known as "suitcases" in the US.


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