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 Had a thought whilst I was having a box set watching marathon this afternoon.  At one time (which seems so long ago) I would have been a couch potato now I am saving the world!!!

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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     EE        you are awe'ful 


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 Beekay    maybe  it was taken out of context?


Must admitt had to get the dictionary out  to look up Metphor.

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22 hours ago, Oztalgian said:

Letsavagoo, Is that the Full Moon at Morton?

If so it was one of my favourite pubs when we went a ride down by the river. If memory serves me right it was a "Free House"?

Yes. The Full Moon, Morton.  I live in Morton. 

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4 hours ago, mary1947 said:

 Beekay    maybe  it was taken out of context?


Must admitt had to get the dictionary out  to look up Metphor.

I think it's saloon made by Skoda or Ikebana motors !  :Friends:You can get a twin seater, that's called a Metaphortwo.

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3 hours ago, letsavagoo said:

I live in Morton

Lucky you. I know I have said before on here that if I came back to Nottinghamshire I would live in one of those villages relatively close to the Trent.

Just before we decided to emigrate we looked at buying a house at Bleasby and stupidly thought it was too far to travel to Kirkby for work.

Who knows if we had bought that house we may have stayed in Notts.

When fishing on the sandy bank at Fiskerton near the end of the wall in the direction of Hazelford I often used to leave my gear way up on the bank so the barges did not wash it away and stroll down to The Bromley Arms at lunchtime for a couple of pints of Kimberley mild and cheese and onion cobs.

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That goes back to the days when Kath Taverner was landlady. She had a bloke living there called Stan but I'm not sure what his function was! The Brom was a proper pub in those days, not the fancy gastropub it's become. We used to meet in the Bromley tea rooms on a Monday night for Young Conservatives in the 60's. It wasn't really political, just somewhere for the 20 somethings to meet. I'm still married to the girl I met there! After YC's we used to repair to the bar and drink bottles of Kimberley Special Brew. I've not been tempted to go there in years. At least my local, the Waggon has remained virtually unchanged and isn't a fancy foodie establishment. The attraction of the Bromley is mainly its riverside setting.




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8 hours ago, Oztalgian said:

Lucky you. I know I have said before on here that if I came back to Nottinghamshire I would live in one of those villages relatively close to the Trent.

Yes. I’m very fortunate to live here. Lucky to have found a house at a price we could afford as most property here would be beyond my reach. My house was the pigsty to the old farm House next door so it suits me well. Been here 20 years all but a couple of months. 
The Bromley is not my idea of a pub, it’s a restaurant with a bar but it is a grand setting and pleasant to sit by the river on a nice day. I’ve warmed to the Waggon at Bleasby but mainly go to the Final Whistle in Southwell. Having said that not a big drinker these days. 

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Your lucky Let's., mine still looks like a pig sty! At least that's  what 'er indoors says, when she looks into my work room.:rolleyes:

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A 'bitty' sort of a day today..


First off I made Hummus from half a can of Chick Peas plus the rest of the ingredients.  Only made a half can because the big blender broke so I'm using a 'mini blender' which won't hold a full can...For some reason it came out very 'slack' and even the addition of the rest of the can of chickpeas didn't really rescue it.. Still I had some with 'fingers' of toasted bread.. for lunch.  It was OK. I'll finish it tomorrow.


Due to the cars standing idle a lot, I purchased a Chinese made 'Smart' battery charger online, which arrived today. It contained the 'Virus Fighting' message I posted elsewhere earlier.. :)


This thing looks for all the world as if it were designed in the 1970s and build quality seems no more than 'adequate'. but for 18 quid I suppose OK.  It doesn't just charge batteries.. it offers temperature  and voltage sensing, from which it seemingly 'judges' the requisite voltage for efficient charging.  Also.. as far as I can tell from the rather poor 'English' in which the instructions are written. it offers a 'repair' function.  We shall see...


Anyway, it finally indicated 'Full'.. showing 13.4volts.  This dropped quickly back to 13.0 v once the power was switched off.  We'll see what the battery is showing tomorrow...  Not generally understood that 12V car batteries are fully charged at about 12.9 v and pretty much flat at 12.2v.


Next up.. my new 'Linear' Power Supply for my Audio Server appeared.  Direct from Portugal where it's made.. to a UK design.  After carefully unpacking it... bleaching everything as I went..  I was suitably impressed.  Seems like a pretty hefty toroidal transformer plus other bits in a box to match the server. All impeccably made. All that to get 18v DC and 3.0A, as opposed to whatever the cheaper laptop style power supply delivers.  Still. such things can often have an extraordinary impact on final sound quality. I'll get rid of the inch thick dust off my audio rack tomorrow, connect it up and see how it performs.


Finally.. my 'baby' daughter the designer turned 35 today...  She's half my age..... :Shock:  She just completed this 'lyric video' for her partner's latest song.  Her first attempt at a video production.  All the graphics are hers... all the music and production are his.

It's not my kind of music but I'm proud of them both for having the ambition...



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6 hours ago, letsavagoo said:

Final Whistle in Southwell.

Don't know that one at all, must be after my time there. From the name and looking at the photos is it the old station building? Used to frequent the Hearty Goodfellow , the Reindeer and the pub at the end of Church Street where it meets Fiskerton Rd, its name escapes me at the moment.

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Well I know we have to stay indoor's but please someone tell me what day is it , what month and what year, i feel as though my world as I know it, is know longer out there.

ps where can I get a Bike from?

""I Gotta Get Out of this Place ""

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:biggrin:Song there Mary,, ""We gotta get outa this place"" Carnie!! Girl theres a better place for me and you""  

Nice to start the day with a song,,


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Mended me 'Flymo''  Purchased a ''Strimmer..'' sacked me Gardener,,,,think the ''Flymo'' will suffice,,,the lawn is about the size of a '''Penalty Area'''.

                   Got to find things to do,,,off on the Bike now,,,you all have a good day,,,well you can try..........

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44 yards x 18 yards (not including the 10 yard arc from the penalty spot) is a pretty fair sized lawn.

You will need a decent length extension lead if the Flymo is electrically powered.

I feel another song coming on "The Green Green Grass of Home.

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Her name before marriage was Yvonne Perry. Don't know when you were at school, but she is now coming up to 65 this year. That would, I think, put her in the mid 1960s. I know she used to come to straight from school, when we live off Valley road. Does that help?

Incidentally,  she was at school a couple of years below my cousin, her name was Yvonne King.

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If she is 65 this year, she is older than myself and would have been 2 or 3 years ahead of me, depending on when her birthday falls. I commenced Manning in September 1969, so she could have been in either the 3rd or 4th forms but we would certainly have been there at the same time.  I don't recall the name Perry.  There was a King but I think her name was Deborah. Again, older than myself.

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I haven’t posted much recently, every day seems much like another except for the highlight of getting a delivery slot, 2 Iceland and 1 Asda to date. However this morning Kai and I had a bit of excitement.  
We had our usual walk, had breakfast and I started to clean up. I leave my back door open so Kai can wander in and out as he wants. I was in the front room hoovering and then went into kitchen when I heard a kerfuffle in my side room off the kitchen. (Bit of background the male wood pigeon had been chasing the female around my garden, didnt know they could run so fast).

Anyway back to the kerfuffle, I could hear things being knocked about and thought Kai might be having a fit or something. When I went into the room there was a wood pigeon throwing itself at the window trying to get out and Kai trying to get at the wood pigeon, it was chaos (spelling?). 
I got Kai into the kitchen and got a towel to throw over the wood pigeon so I could get it out the open door. I didn’t realise how big this pigeon was, it was built like Lennox Louis, would have fed the whole street, the beak looked a bit scary as well.  Looking at my hand towel I realised it was slightly inadequate and had visions of losing a finger. Anyway I managed to somehow get the bird onto the floor to stop it hurling itself at the window so it didn’t break its neck or my window. 
I dropped the towel over it to try and calm it down a bit and we both took a breather. It then emerged from under the towel and proceeded to throw itself at the half of the french door that was open, unfortunately it was behind the door so I would have to guide it round so it could get out. I managed to do this but it ran past the opening and proceeded to throw itself against the glass in the other half of the french window that wasn’t open. (Of all the pigeons in Bilborough it seemed I had got the mentally challenged one). 
I sort of wafted the towel at it and it Looked at me as if to say “what the **** are you doing” but eventually got the message and ran thru the open door. It flew up onto my fence and p****d all over it ( at least it didn’t do it in my room) and then flew away.
Turned round to go back into kitchen and the big spider was in the middle of the floor, I swear it was laughing, so I flicked my towel at it and it scuttled off. 
Mental note to oneself get one of the strippy things to go over door when it is open and evict said spider for insolence.  

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There are wood pigeons nesting in my garden. They have a permanent abode in a conifer tree. Recently, one of them has been flying into the windows. Makes hell of a racket and the cats jump out of their skins!  I always scoot outside to ensure it hasn't knocked itself unconscious but all seems fine. Just not overendowed with grey matter. Bird brain?  Not that I would use that term. Not with my surname!


Big Bertha is living dangerously!

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Busiest day yet on the NHS Volunteer front. Six requests, of which four were just a chat and two requests to collect medication.


Quite good fun showing my Royal Volunteer Service ID to the people controlling the queue at Sainsbury’s and being let in in front of everyone else so that I can get to the pharmacy.

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Talking about birds, Tuesday was pretty cold here, 20F below average for this time of year, so I lit a fire, every time I opened the wood stove door I was met with loads of smoke pouring out. So yesterday I went on the roof pulled the weather cap off the stove pipe and good grief, some bird had built a nest, at least three charred eggs. Pulled it out and the nest must have been at least 12"  thick down the stovepipe.

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Usually in summer we get Northern Cardinals, young males attacking their reflections in the windows.


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