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I also remember the old circular gents’ pissoirs in Paris where you could see the occupants’ heads and feet. It was the first time I saw a bidet in which I used to soak my feet after a day’s sightseeing. I was told that the French were a very hygienic race who washed their hands before using the toilet!

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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30 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

I was told that the French were a very hygienic race who washed their hands before using the toilet!


As part of coursework some years ago we researched the market for handsoap, the French at that time had the lowest sales in Europe.

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In China the public loos had a mix of regular toilets and holes in the ground. Of course, we ladies wanted to use the regular toilets and there were less of them than the holey ones. It took longer for the ladies, than the men who were in and out quickly. So the guide would tell us to use the men's as well and he stood guard outside.  I did notice when older Chinese ladies came in the  loos, they'd squat at the holes, with the door open!

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On 9/4/2020 at 12:49 AM, DJ360 said:

Photo of current situation here. My house on left.


To be honest DJ if like you say, you've left that ground level broken wall like that for 20 odd years I do not blame your neighbour for growing those plants to hide it from his side, I think you should let your neighbour maintain your side as well?     

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8 hours ago, philmayfield said:

I also remember the old circular gents’ pissoirs in Paris where you could see the occupants’ heads and feet. It was the first time I saw a bidet in which I used to soak my feet after a day’s sightseeing. I was told that the French were a very hygienic race who washed their hands before using the toilet!


When I first came to Italy to meet my future in laws every house new or old had a bidet and I thought they must be very well to do. When we had our bathroom redone in Radcliffe we installed a bidet. Prospective buyers , when we decided to come back here, were puzzled as to what it was.. 

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I've got a pal in Peterborough who did plumbing work. He once told me that quite a lot of call outs were to seized up bidet taps, because they were never used. A status symbol perhaps.

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We HAD bidets at 3 previous houses, we inherited them, don’t think we would have installed them ourselves.  Certainly wouldn’t bother again, they were mainly for decoration! 

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As it's quite a while since I went on a holiday abroad ,Toilets ?? if you want a 5* toilet then you need to visit Singapore, the toilet is a computer. It will lift the lid for you, flush automatically the the seat is washed dryed and before used again it will compleatly turn over, the toilet is about 7ftx6ft and at the side of you is a column about a foot in length and 1ft wide. On the column are about 12 buttons for you to press, 1 will wash you, when required. 2 will pass paper , (not news paper) that paper the the little doggy chase's    other numbers carry on doing other things, and so on. It is a while since we went so maybe these toilets have changed a little. Come to think of it Toilet might have been in Thailand it was a long time ago now.

Very worst toilet that i have visited.  (Sorry nonnaB)  we were traverling around Europe and went to catch the train to Italy,  I could not keep my legs crossed any longer. so went on the ladies at the station just one of those holes in the ground, and it was UHHH!    I will say no more.

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Ah! Singapore. Only been there a couple of times. It must be one of the most civilised places on Earth. Spotless.

Although the traffic is busy it is so orderly. One of the few places I would go for a holiday to without a fishing rod :rolleyes:


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19 hours ago, LizzieM said:

We HAD bidets at 3 previous houses, we inherited them, don’t think we would have installed them ourselves.  Certainly wouldn’t bother again, they were mainly for decoration! 


No Lizzie ours get used even after a shower. They are so handy.

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Mary they were and still are the worst ones, considering the amount of use. Also the ones on trains.

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Not a great day today. I, being a bit of a gambler, bid for a couple of items on Johnson’s Auctions at the Cattle Market yesterday.  Went down there and collected them this morning.  A big Karcher jet washer  was a very good price but when we got it home it leaked from its innards.  No good, and a pair of earphones I bought wouldn’t charge.  We only bid for them because my husband has mislaid his somewhere between Jamaica and UK, expect he’ll find them anytime soon.  
Then got a phone call from American Airlines telling us we are not getting a refund of the US$9,000 we paid out for airline tickets in January for flights on 17th March (the day UK citizens were banned from flying to the States) I’d cancelled them on Saturday 14th March as soon as President Trump made the announcement, apparently we should have driven to Heathrow on Tuesday 17th March, gone to the desk and been refused to board the flights, that way we would be entitled to a refund.  We’re not giving up the fight but they have today said we can re-book until December 2021.  
I had a Jet2 package holiday booked to Corfu in May, they paid us back, no problem.  
Oh well, tomorrow is another day.  

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On 9/5/2020 at 2:01 PM, radfordred said:


To be honest DJ if like you say, you've left that ground level broken wall like that for 20 odd years I do not blame your neighbour for growing those plants to hide it from his side, I think you should let your neighbour maintain your side as well?     


You are missing the point entirely RR.  I've stated already that he had the option of planting stuff to hide the wall from his view.. right from day one.  But.. he preferred to make an issue of it instead.

Then he cheekily (and without my knowledge) screwed little trellises to the wall. I knew he was using the trellises. but not that he was screwing them to my wall.

After doing that.. and then planting cotoneaster all along the trellis.. which he has to come around to my side and regularly cut... he finally decided to grow that now he can't see the bloody trellis or the low hedge he's grown... for the shrubs.


The second point is that he's also grown a Cotoneaster right up the side of my porch. This could damage my brickwork.. or cause damp. Also, the invasive nature of Cotoneaster means the roots could be damaging my foundations.  The thing also drops red berries all over my doorstep.. which get trampled into my house.


On 9/5/2020 at 2:07 PM, PeverilPeril said:

I was thinking the same RR. Looks like the neighbour is doing a good job :)


On his own admission.. he likes to see all of his property boundaries totally covered with greenery etc. He does not want to see any fences or walls.

When I suggested he might cover his own garage wall.. rather than my porch wall.. he looked genuinely puzzled.  But his obsession with covering things with vegetation could have been achieved years ago without any need for trellises etc.  He's obsessive.. and although we are basically good friends.. he can be bloody annoying. 


I was so p****d off with his attitude last Thurs.. that I barely slept that night for 'seething'.  He kept out of sight on Friday. but I texted him asking for a meet to clear the air.  He didn't reply.. which wound me up even more.


I went for a walk Saturday morning and didn't I bump into him and his wife out in the fields.. collecting Blackberries....

Normal neighbourly greetings were exchanged and I then asked..
"Did you get my text yesterday?"
"No.. what about?"
"The wall.. I wanted to discuss it. Can we do that now?"

So. I offered 'overhand' working by the Brickie as far as poss... but with minimal cutting back where necessary. I also insisted that the trellisses needed to be unscrewed from my wall and made clear I was unhappy they'd been screw fixed at all. They are no longer needed as he can't see them for shrubbery and his low cotoneaster hedge no longer needs support.  That was accepted.

I pointed out that he will have the devils own job getting rid of that hedge.. but he said he doesn't want to.  He might in future if the roots undermine my wall.. but I'll worry about that if it happens.. if I'm still here...

Next.. I moved on to the rather more delicate issue of the Cotoneaster grown up my porch...
Neighbour insisted that he'd never seen any berries dropped on my side.

I countered with.. just because he hadn't seen them didn't mean they weren't there... and "why would I make that up?" (Classic trap.. invitation to call me a liar..) Then I played my Trump Card. 'Cotoneaster is regarded as an invasive species'. This didn't have quite the impact I expected.. but the seed was planted.. as it were....

Mrs Neighbour said.. "So what you are saying is you'd like us to take it down?".
I replied with stunning reasonableness.. "I can't say that.... but I wouldn't object if you did.... feel free to plant any alternative which isn't invasive.. doesn't damage my property and doesn't drop berries.

Later.. neighbour texted to say he will 'trim' the Cotoneaster over the weekend.. so he still hasn't quite got it... Trimming it won't affect the roots.. But... progress.

Today.. he called me to say he was cutting down the Cotoneaster by my porch and asked permission to come onto my front to do so.  Of course I agreed and even offered to help but was unfortunately in the middle of lunch.

When we spoke later.. I thanked him for cutting down the offending shrub.


He won't say it.. and I won't ask... but I'm pretty certain Mrs Neighbour told him to cut it down.. because he's listened to none of my objections for years.. until yesterday... while blackberrying.. with his wife...


Meanwhile.. I'm still looking for a Brickie to build the wall.



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4 hours ago, DJ360 said:

I was so p****d off with his attitude last Thurs.. that I barely slept that night for 'seething'


That's no good mate, a wall keeping you awake all night while raging, make yourself ill, poor Mrs DJ, Brexit, Boris, Trump, broken tomato plant stems, Cornavirus, power point sockets & now your neighbour, hope his names not Tommy or Nigel? Who I must say sounds quite rational & calm well rounded bloke, bet he's slept like a log?

I would ask your neighour if he would like to build this wall, you could mix his gobbo & pass him bricks :Friends: I think between you, you would do a smashing job? Got to be better than that you've abandoned for 20 years :crazy:

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18 hours ago, LizzieM said:

I, being a bit of a gambler, bid for a couple of items on Johnson’s Auctions at the Cattle Market yesterday


Reminds me of my dearly beloved, she went on the John Pye site and bid on a microwave (even she doesn't know why). No idea how but she was bidding on six machines thinking they were the same and and people were outbidding her.

The upshot is I finished going to collect all six she had won and all of them broken in some way. Guess who is banned from online auctions...

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Apropos of nothing.


This is a question mark.  ?


This is an exclamation mark.  !


Just saying..

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Sadly.. I have just discovered that the young Liverpool man murdered in Birmingham on Saturday., by a man on a knife rampage... was the son of a former colleague from my days at Merseyside Connexions.

Very sad.

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