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50144-FA8-F976-4-DD1-B2-E5-131044-EDDF91Sax player before he played the pied piper trot.

8-DE05-C2-E-5-ACB-4970-A85-E-23-A504-F9-People were sitting outside bars. We were sitting at the first table on the right.

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Today has been a good day. Had a couple of weeks feeling a bit rough, as I had been invigilating exams I did some covoid tests as some of the symptoms were a bit suspect but they all were negative thankfully. 
Been feeling better last couple of days, so this morning went out early with Jj for a walk before it got too hot, will take him out again later on when it has cooled down a bit again. Had a nice salad for dinner and then listened to one of my favourite podcasts (Small town murder).
After that I settled down with a cold drink (lime & lemon) and my mind wandered (as it is apt to do) to some of life’s more vexing questions.

Why when flies are in a window that opens and you open it for them why do they persist in hurling themselves at the glass?
How is it that my vet shows me how to give my dog liquid medicine & he takes it no trouble. But when I do it it ends up over the floor, walls, ceiling & me. None in the dog at all.

Why when I am in a crowd am I the only one that gets bitten by a mossie/gnat or terrorised by a wasp?
Why won’t my dog take his “palatable” dog worming tablets like the dogs in the adverts?
Why do spiders always run towards me?
Why when someone comes to my house to do some repair/upgrade do they explain things either in “tech talk” or as if I am 10 years old?
Why when the breeze blows in open windows do the blinds end up outside the window?
Oh well I suppose some mysteries are better left as that, all adds to life’s rich tapestry.

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Another one for you to peruse SG., ' How do they manage to get milk in coconuts?        B.x

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Interesting day today. I was invited to a meeting at Isaac Walton's cottage. An author was gathering info for a book that she is writing about the River Trent and I was introduced as 'the old man of the Trent'. Wonderful conversation ensued.  

Gathered the fourth crop of runner and French beans today and been picking four courgettes a day for the last fortnight. Looking for recipes for courgettes.... Plenty of big tomatoes but no sign of ripening yet.


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2 hours ago, Stavertongirl said:

hy when I am in a crowd am I the only one that gets bitten by a mossie/gnat or terrorised by a wasp?
Why won’t my dog take his “palatable” dog worming tablets like the dogs in the adverts?
Why do spiders always run towards me?
Why when someone comes to my house to do some repair/upgrade do they explain things either in “tech talk” or as if I am 10 years old?


Sounds like the preamble to the old TV series Soap. Did Billy Crystal live near you?

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51 minutes ago, PeverilPeril said:

Interesting day today.


Have they sorted your implant PP?

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PP, zucchini bread, marinated courgettes in sweet and sour, courgette risotto, pasta with fresh tomatoes and sliced courgettes, stuffed courgettes with tuna ,parsley and bread crumbs bound together with an egg and oven baked , also a very simple omelette. There are so many things oh and pick the very young ones grate them into a salad. Happy cooking.

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10 hours ago, Brew said:


Have they sorted your implant PP?

I go to Birmingham tomorrow to be fitted with a new device. I  will have a range of 60 miles - so don't go talking behind my back:happy:

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Greetings all. Had physio last Friday. The lovely Sophie bent my knee further than I'd managed, with little pain. Sadly  next day I could barely move it.

It's improving slowly but the pain isn't.

Currently 'loading ' with 30-40 mg Codeine early on and getting exercises done before it wears off.

Had staples out on Monday. Got a call from 'Enhanced Recovery' yesterday to check on progress. They told me to lose the compression socks which is a relief.

Then today got a follow up call from Sophie and an invite to 'Total Knee Class' physio next week. 

Follow up really is excellent.

Just hoping that pain will begin to subside over next couple of weeks.

Meanwhile getting lots of upper body exercise waving my fist at Boris and his morality free cronies on the telly

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6 minutes ago, DJ360 said:

Total Knee Class' physio next week. 


I wonder what a partial knee looks like?


Pleased to hear from you Col, and glad you’re making progress.

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Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I recently volunteered my services as a driver for the community transport scheme.

I held a DBS check from my hospital car driver days but they insisted on a new one. OK, my DBS check came back clean, but now need to attend a training course for mini-bus wheelchair users, fair enough.


Received an e-mail from the training officer: 

Regarding your Midas training unfortunately the only days that I have available next week are on Thursday 14/07/2022 and Friday 15/07/2022 at 08:00 am.

This will be held at Sherwood Bus Garage, Mansfield Road, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 2JN. On arrival, please ask for

xxx xxx

The cost is £30.00 for your initial driving assessment and a further £70.00 for your Accessible Midas Course. Please ensure that you bring your driving licence with you for this, or the course cannot continue.

Also, in addition to this there is the £10 membership fee which is also due for all Group Travel applicants.

Total cost will therefore be £110.00. All costs must be paid prior to the start of the course. This can be paid directly into our Bank account.

The Bank details are as follows...


Volunteering is one thing, paying for the privilege is another thing all together.

Any guesses who will not be taking up their very kind offer?

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23 minutes ago, Brew said:

Volunteering is one thing, paying for the privilege is another thing all together.

Any guesses who will not be taking up their very kind offer?


I realise it's voluntary, but do they give you anything in the way of allowances/meals/mileage/etc  ?

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None. The hospital car scheme, (Derbyshire, before it closed down), paid 41p per mile for using my own car.

The community transport scheme is driving their mini -bus, so there is zero compensation or expenses paid.

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7 minutes ago, Cliff Ton said:


I realise it's voluntary, but do they give you anything in the way of allowances/meals/mileage/etc  ?

Yeah but i bet it doesnt come to £110  !!!!

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We have a volontary service that is run in the village called Croce verde. Donations have bought a couple of ambulances and small van types vehicles for taking elderly  patients back and forth for appointments at hospitals etc. I’ve used the a couple of times when I’ve had to go for scans and not sure where they are. They aren’t nearby. We pay for the service usually about €40 for me but driver collects at home and waits then delivers me back home so it’s worth it without the hassle of trying to find the medical centre and trying to find whereabouts to go once inside.

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Dress sense, the other day my husband picked my nephew and his mum up from the airport and watching all the arrivals he could pick out the Germans, the English, Italians and Australians by the way they dress. Each country has their own way and style of dressing.

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Not only style, behaviour is also a good clue. Germans usually form a column and pushing trollies in front of them, charge down the concourse like panzers heading for the Sudetenland.

Italians need a lot of personal space whilst waving their arms and screaming at each other.

Aussies, carrying luggage and wearing clothes that look as though they've spent six months in the outback, will be the ones drinking from tinnies and demanding 'where's the nearest dunny mate'.

Brits, never ones to cause a fuss, will be standing in forlorn groups not  knowing where they are, what to do and hoping the nice lady rep will come to their rescue.

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c5e6458f-1140-45ef-9a54-8115f83c365c-OriLast night we had a family get together. Three days ago my nephew and his mum came to visit us. Its 23 years since we saw them at my brothers funeral.  He spent part of his childhood holidays with us and everyone remembers him as much as he remembers them. So last night we gave him a surprise party. There were 30 of us but about 25/30 more either live away or were on holiday. ( its a big family) During the evening he made a little speech to thank everyone for coming and remembering him but the emotional part came when he called his mum to join him. He said he came and did this trip for his mum that has had a traumatic few years and he wanted to do something especially for her. 18 months ago she was diagnosed with throat cancer and she recently lost her youngest son. My nephew has been in the army for 18 years and has just retired so that he can spend more time with his family. We had a lovely evening along with a few sad moments but Im sure it won't  be the only time we see them. In the 23 years they've moved about and so have we and its so easy to lose touch but we are going to make certain that it won't happen again. I felt pleased and rather chuffed that he called me Auntie Brenda because I have no other family here and those that call me Auntie speak to me in Italian so to hear an English version made my day.

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nonnaB how nice for you to have them together with you. Even made me emotional!

looks like you had a lovely time, happy memories of that night for sure.

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We were all laughing because we were happy but my son set up his photo to take a delayed photo and it didn’t shoot 3 times . The flash didn’t go off because there was too much light. We really did have a good time but sorry the rest of the family weren’t there. Thankyou

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Time for another moan.

I still can't get the pain relief right for my new knee. I gave up on morphine last week and then tried codeine. Codeine is worse. It only relieves pain by producing morphine in the body, along with a few other unpleasant 'metabolites'. More problematic, it makes me feel sick for hours after its pain relief stops, and it causes a lot of disturbances in my heart rhythm.

So. The plan for today is to try a drug free approach, using just ice packs and elevation in between the exercises.

I'll have another moan later to let you know how it went.:rolleyes:

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