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Not rained here on the Island since May 14th.

Grass is yellow, fruit and veg need constant watering at night.

Too hot for walks with the dogs, just drive to the nearest river and let them play.

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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We've not got any water ! Not had any all day. Can't make a Brew, can't use the toilet etc.

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Your water authority should supply you with bottled water if the supply is off for any length of time.


Severn Trent kept ringing me repeatedly a few weeks ago, updating me on how the repair was going and how long my supply would be off.  It was very nice of them but my supply was perfectly alright all day, even though I'd filled every available container after their first phone call.

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You'd think so Jill, considering we're in sheltered accomodation and all pensioners. Not even had a word from any of the trustees.

Edit: 21.00hrs and it's just come back on (hopefully).

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In the waiting room at the dentist’s this morning, at any time there were around 5-6 other people.


During their waiting time, all of them were permanently looking at their phones. 


I deliberately didn’t look at mine - just to be different. I must've stood out like a weirdo.

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It’s better than looking at out of date magazines. I regularly look at my ‘phone whilst I’m waiting for something. I like to have information to hand. It was much worse when I had to carry the Encyclopaedia Brittanica with me everywhere!

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As I don't possess a 'Smartphone', I take my E-reader and read a bit more of whatever book I'm on at the time, anywhere that I know there'll be a wait. E.G=Medical apps etc., and especially when I take 'er indoors to the hairdressers. Avoid read and guaranteed a lovely cuppa ! So don't mind waiting there.

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The joys of greenhouse ownership Phil. 

My brother has similar problems, except that what few friends he has all tend to ignore him, or even hide, when he comes into the pub with bags of Cucumbers, Beans, Tomatoes or whatever glut he is trying to get rid of.


I don't have a greenhouse and my outdoor cucumbers were only put into final pots a couple of days ago and the outdoor tomatoes a few days before that.  Even so, I've had difficulty in 'offloading' all of my surplus crops to neighbours in recent years.


This year I've got too many cucumber seedlings....

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My mother's favourite sandwich was tomato and cucumber.  Apparently, during her first pregnancy with my older sister, in the winter of 1949/50, in the 'craving' stages, she craved cucumber sandwiches! Of course, in those days at that time of year, cucumbers were just about impossible to find.


I prefer the Dickensian term. Cowcumbers. 


Oddly enough, it's one of the few things my sister can't eat. They upset her stomach.

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Got to admit it.......ive joined the ''Old Men in Shorts brigade..''

So even at was just too hot for 'Jeans' and shirt''....usually just wear shorts when i'm on the Garden or me 'Bike'

So off i set to Bulwell in Shorts and 'T' Shirt'''....,,,nice black 'Trainers' and short grey sports socks.....all nice and clean....even smelt good (so i was told) with a splash of ''Old Spice''.......

First stop 'Tesco' in the lift with 3 mature Ladies....did my impression of the ''Big Coop'' lift man....'''3RD FLOOR LADIES UNDERWEAR'''....Got a Chuckle from the Ladies........but i think they wanted the 4TH Floor to collect their 'Divi''.........anyway had to think why i'm in Tesco?.....oh buy some new shorts and have Breakfast.....

Then had a nice hour in Bulwell with lots of ''EY-UPS........Bought a couple of ''Petunia's' for potting......altogether a very nice me new ''Shorts'':)

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Men in shorts? Hmm. It's a bit like women in leggings. Most haven't looked in the mirror or they'd never leave the house in them.  I spotted a woman emerging from the post office earlier this week. She was wearing leggings. Her backside would put a Clydesdale to shame. 

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I was in mucky ucknall today having a bacon cob, black coffee and a fag afterwards watching the world go by ,with trousers, shirt no tie but proper shoes on. After a short while I lost count of the water  buffalos , that word describes them perfectly, go past, dont they realise what they look like or are they not bothered. Thats male and female buffalos.

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