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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Well I won two quid at Bingo last night, so there ! Mind you, it cost me three quid apiece to play.

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I did really well with mine this month as well!  (A four figure number!)

usually it’s nothing, 25 or 50

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I don’t know about ‘well done’ Lizzie - it obviously took no effort on my part :)   But it’s certainly raised the average level of interest!  

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@mary1947 I’ve never ever bought a scratch card so probably won’t do that!  I could bring something edible for us all for after the meal, though?


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The water looks very blue but I'll bet it's still cowd!


Yesterday was our Berridge visit. Excellent day with some new old faces and lots of memories.  Before we met at around 10am, I walked along Gregory Boulevard to the old Manning site.  I noticed two things, in particular:


The distance seemed much shorter than it did when I walked the same route every day as a schoolgirl.


The nearer I drew to the site, the more the adrenaline was pumping. Fight or flight. Even though I know it's gone (although I've seen it on Streetview, this was the first time in decades I've been there in person) I could still feel that awful sensation of dreading the place. 


The only area that remains as it was is the wooded section on the corner of Gregory Boulevard and Russell Road. That was always out of bounds to us, as schoolgirls. They couldn't see us in there!

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My day yesterday finished with some great news..After being treated to a day out to sunny Hastings, which included fish n chips, complete with mushy peas. I stunned them by asking if they had gravy ! 

But last night we had a message to say we had another great niece.

Delivered at 8.00pm, weighing in at 6lb 4oz. Received a message this morning that her name is, Emmie Isobella.

As PP says...'Life is Good'.

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I can confirm the Trent is cold, even in the summertime. I was thrown in, as was the tradition, when I coxed the school rowing crew to victory in the Butcher Cup when I was thirteen. I do have a miniature trophy to remind me of the event.

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Was blessed with a new Granddaughter last week down in Rutland........she's only my 3rd GD.........I say 'ONLY' because i have very many Grandson's.......

Love the name she has been given  ''Charlie Rose''...:)

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Yesterday I got a phone call to say that the Anaesthetist who wanted to see me as part of Pre Op for my second knee replacement, was not available....

So.. now awaiting yet another appt. for yet another pre op.


Nice and sunny here today, but nowhere near the threatened 29C, and not humid.

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1 hour ago, philmayfield said:

I can confirm the Trent is cold, even in the summertime. I was thrown in, as was the tradition, when I coxed the school rowing crew to victory in the Butcher Cup when I was thirteen. I do have a miniature trophy to remind me of the event.

When we, as 11 to 13 year olds, we never gave thought as to the water temp. Used to swim at all times of the year. Once, we were down near the railway bridge downstream from the Toll Bridge and we had to put our clothes under the arches, to keep the snow off.

One occasion we went in the water intending to swim across to the other bank and finished up doing a diagonal crossing, finishing up way down the river. It never occurred to us about the current or whether we could make it across. It scares me now when I look back.

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My husband had an appointment at The Park Hospital this morning and our electric gates decided they weren’t going to open, first time they’ve played up in years.  We tried all of our ‘clickers’ so it wasn’t a battery issue. Tried to use a special key to open them and they just wouldn’t budge.  He got a taxi there and back while I called a gate man who turned up quite quickly but can’t fix the issue for a few days, but at least he got the gates open and I don’t feel like I’m in prison.  

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perhaps they need to be running off green energy and not that cheap coal fired power station crap slywink



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2 hours ago, LizzieM said:

 but at least he got the gates open and I don’t feel like I’m in prison.  

Saw you climbing over em Lizzie......:Shock:

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1 hour ago, plantfit said:

perhaps they need to be running off green energy and not that cheap coal fired power station crap slywink



They do use green energy in Mapperley Park. The residents’ servants generate it from treadmills. Perhaps Lizzie isn’t feeding them enough!

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I understand now Phil, I had to sack my servant, the cheeky sod wanted paying, 



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Well I have had realy two good days. Wednesday appoinment at QMC this time top consultant for Parkinson's  not my PD nurse.  Well thought we had plenty of time but after cleaning my teeth found one had a piece missing, not just a little in fact half my tooth. Any way made note phone dentis when i get back. Master and I got to the Hucknall tram in plenty of time, stood with all the oldies waiting for 9 30 so we could use our pass, 9 30 well it was like an oap shop sale just pile on best you can. One lady was in her mobility scooter when she arrived in slab square she had to back the scooter off the tram, well it took about 6 attempts  backwards/forwards/backwards again, till a gent kindley helps her. Got to QMC 10 46 app was 11-00, Sat and watched all the folk who arrived same time as myself disappearing into  rooms.  we were the only ones left. By this time it was 11 30. finaly called in. how are you ask the doc, after asking if 2 training docs could sit in for consultation. I told her one or two problems I was having  then she asked did i think my meds were waring off too quickly? OH by the way what meds are you on?  doh!!! you have got the computer in front of you READ MEDS ON SCEEN  well my other question i never got an answer. Ask GP/ PD Nurse /or top Doc is this problem due with my Parkinson's answer  We'llllllll it could be its the same answer every time.  Coming out of her room meet the nurse  Hi I'm just telling you PD clinic 2 is moving to ????? but we can not take any body down in wheel chairs Now come on most of us who have PD lose our mobilty. Well i said I normaly get the tram to QMC OH !! you can still get that to the new clinc but you will have to walk for about 10 - 15min to get there. Of cause it's OK for some but that short walk to us with PD will take more than 15 mins   Next after leving QMC going home called for pub lunch  last visit to this pub the food was good, well it was about 3 30 food on the table UHGG !! just lets go home I said to master . On arriving home neighbour met us even before we had gotten out of the car. I am not one to complain but I have rang our manager and told her my feelings, now we live in over 55s bungalows and we were waiting for a piece of trellis to replace the old broken one. Well the joiner had been replaced the trellis but he had put it sideways on. I just had to go into a dark room for the rest of thr night.



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Ian, you could nip up to the Klondike and grab a piece of gold for Mary's tooth. I'll bring the Bosch electric drill. Plantfit could bring his spanners, so we'd soon have the errant tooth fixed.

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