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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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My thoughts are with the woman. Hope she’s made a full recovery. What a terrible thing to happen

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Magic day today......furthest ive driven for over 5 years....been to Rutland see one of my Sons new house.which is near-by....even had a longish walk around it (the Water not the house) to the half submerged old Church.......which back in the 70s i used to take 3 of my sons biking round it (the water not the )..when we lived down there........

                His house is lovely and he was well pleased to see us....made us right welcome.....

             Mind you the further South you go the more expensive everything seems to be........Went to a Garden Centre where i fancied a 'Bacon Cob'' (which they called a 'Bacon Butty)...but at £7.90.....i declined..........then nearly purchased 2 four foot wooden Trellis......again i fought the urge to spend £ i'll get the same locally for about half the price....

         Just one other little thing ''SAT-NAVS''......Followed its instructions going down there......because it was a small Village i'd never been to......took just over 2 hours........

         Coming back was 90 minutes....just followed my instinct as we did in the olden days......

          Anyway apart from my little moans ...thoroughly enjoyed the day...:)

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I remember Rutland Water when it was first created by building a dam. This was completed in 1975 and flooding commenced in 1976. Originally it was called Empingham Reservoir. I first viewed it from above when flying from Nottingham to Cambridge and watched it grow in size over a period of time. We’ve since visited on a few occasions and I once went there on a fly fishing course. We’ve also been to the nearby Barnsdale gardens at Exton which the late Geoff Hamilton created and which are now looked after by his son Nick. The gardens are well worth a visit and are a memorial to a great gardener and TV presenter.

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Loppy hope you are safe from what I’ve just seen on tv.Thought this tornado was only approaching Florida.

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1 hour ago, benjamin1945 said:

......Went to a Garden Centre where i fancied a 'Bacon Cob'' (which they called a 'Bacon Butty)...but at £7.90.....i declined...


Even by current standards, that's stupid.....unless it was at least 2ft long with half a pig inside.

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One of my claims to fame, or should that be notoriety ! In my very snall way I helped to build Rutland water. For 3 days, me dad and me were on a contract with our tipper lorries, to assist in removing earth spoils which we had to remove to a tip. If memory serves me correct, there is/was a line of open wagons on rails left there. Also the original road from Oakham to Stamford still runs straight into the water.

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3 hours ago, nonnaB said:

Loppy hope you are safe from what I’ve just seen on tv.Thought this tornado was only approaching Florida.

Thanks Nonna.  We are ok.  We are in North Ga. The storm is over South Ga and North Florida.  Expected to go up the coast I think.  Some rain today but nothing bad.

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The American branch of the Brew clan. My son outside his house. the one with the post box and paddle-boarding on the river that flows past his front garden. 

He is way down from the where the storm hit and outside the enforced evacuation area, it must be pretty rough further north..

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Glad you are safe Loppy, we were on Anna Maria island last year and had to mandatory evacuate before hurricane Ian arrived. Unlike this year there was a weather front below the panhandle which stopped it going up the Gulf so it went straight across the state. We ended up in Orlando still with severe winds but obviously no storm surge. I’ve never known wind like it. Us smokers were hanging on to the pillars in front of the hotel. LOL. 

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6 hours ago, Beekay said:

One of my claims to fame,

I transported the building materials (some of) to build the compound before they started work...

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13 hours ago, Cliff Ton said:


Even by current standards, that's stupid.....unless it was at least 2ft long with half a pig inside.

Yes Kev £7.90 for a Bacon Cob.......i recall when you could fill your car up for that...and travel down there and back........Rutland is not the far south but its certainly different in many ways from up here......not only prices but people as well...........

          I lived down that way for a few years and made some good friends...but it always felt very different..........even yesterday the old ''Feeling'' of 'Different hit me as soon as i stepped out of the car in my sons new village....can.t explain it.........Probably because i was brought up on a Northern  ish Council estate and my roots and thoughts will forever be there....

             When i used to travel back up to Notts crossing the Trent always made me feel better....whether it was Gunthorpe...West Bridgford or Clifton.........and yesterday crossing at Clifton bridge....i gave a little 'cheer'  my Southern Wife thought i had gone mad.......

        The only things missing back in Notts now are the sight and  smell of say nowt....of ''Ey-up Duck'' where YO bin''...from Mam and Dad...........

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'Er Indoors has spent most of the time since Sunday over at my older daughter's house in Worsley 'Cat Sitting' while they are on hols. The grumpy old sod.. (the cat) is ailing and possibly not long for this world.

Since both daughters live a couple of doors apart, she's also helping with no. 2 Grand daughter while youngest works from home.


Meanwhile I spent a lot of time prepping for the arrival of a new gas fire and fitter on Tues. He texted to re-arrange for next week, so in the absence of the Boss, I'm listening to as much loud music as I can, and also using a 'Sound Base' under the telly, to get a 'fuller' TV sound. Naturally the Boss doesn't like it and finds it 'distracting', but it does at least give up something more than the flat 2 dimensional sound of a flat telly and even gives more detail and 'ambient' info, well as lots of booms 'whooshes' and deep rumbles on movies.  Not brilliant, but better than typical flat telly sound. If it were left to me the telly would live between my hi-fi speakers. but the other grumpy old sod won't have that...


Tomatoes are now ripening fast, as are cucumbers.  Beans still rubbish.


A neighbour gave me six Cosmos seedlings. Most have grown to about 12" high maximum and produced a succession of flowers, but one, possibly two plants are now about 1 metre tall and still no sign of flowering... Not sure what's happening there...


I've not been for a swim for a while, as the pool tends to get overcrowded (i.e. one child, contriving to always be in the way) during the school hols., but I'm going for the Adults Only sesh at 9:00p.m.  Nowt on the telly anyway.


We are finally forecast some half decent weather from about Saturday, for a few days. Temps expected to reach the dizzying heights of 22 C.  Crikey!  We'll be dropping like flies...:blink:

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We spent a few hours today doing our monthly trip to  Hemswell Antiques in north Lincs but sadly nothing leapt out to make us want to buy. Taking a devious route back we passed through the small village of Stow where we saw the most enormous church. Checking on this at home I discovered that it’s the Minster church of St. Mary, one of the largest and oldest parish churches in England dating back to Saxon times. Now I’ve read its history it’s a must for a visit in the near future.

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A couple of months ago my husband took 3 Antique books to a chap in Eastwood to have them re-bound and today we collected them.  It’s a fascinating place on a small Industrial Estate. Just 2 people quietly working away, surrounded by ‘work in progress’.  The owner was interesting to talk to …… he reckons they’re the only company in the country doing such work.  He goes over to the Channel Islands several times a year to collect and deliver a lot of work and always has plenty of archives to restore for the Duke of Rutland at Belvoir Castle but says that Chatsworth never need anything restoring, which surprised me.  The 3 little books cost an arm and a leg to be restored, and a lot more than they’d sell for, but they’re of sentimental value to my husband as he remembers his Mum picking them up at a Jumble Sale about 60 years ago.  

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Lizzie I have 2 tiny books that belonged to my dad when he was at school. They are tatty and one of the covers is falling off but I wouldn’t change or sell them for the world.

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Loppy so glad you are ok and a long way from the floods.

DJ 22 degrees at the moment is cold for us having gone from 39c down to 20c in one day is a shock to the system.

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@nonnaBnow I’ve seen what the restorer has achieved with my husband’s treasured books I’m going to take a book we’ve had in my family since 1918 about Nottingham’s very own Albert Ball VC.  I’m sure I’ve mentioned on Nottstalgia before that my Granny (born 1898) and her 2 sisters knew ‘our Albert’ very well, being similar age and neighbours in Lenton.  In fact I have 2 short letters that Albert sent from the Front to my great aunt.  When he was killed a book was published about his life and my Great Grandad bought one, I’ve got it now but it’s been passed around so much that it’s not in great condition.  It’s certainly worth restoring.  

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Probably a couple hundred miles south of us Nonna.  Doesn't look much on the map.  A few years ago my late FIL came to visit us in Calgary.  The olympics were on in Montreal.  Before he left. Notts. someone asked him if he would go to the Olympics in Montreal.  He told them doubtful.  We will be as far from Montreal in Calgary as you are here.  ;)   Looks nothing on the map.  Sunny and cooler here today.

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On 9/1/2019 at 9:47 AM, benjamin1945 said:

46 Years ago today played football for Park Tavern united (old basford) against Kimberley Miners Welfare on Bagnal road ground known as 'Creepers'' we won 2-1....,,still see a couple of my old mates who played that day,,,i recall that day so well,,,because after the game 'Rushed'' back to city Hospital just in time to see one of my sons being born,,,the wife refused to wash the kit that week,,,tut,,,anyway the baby is coming round for dinner today,,,Happy Birthday son''.........

Make that 50 years ago TODAY........

He's had a busy life.....Army Veteran...still travels the World.....Had 100 pro Boxing  fights....And OH YES'' still pops round for Dinner......Happy Birthday Son...:)

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