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51 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

I can buy an inflatable Father Christmas to stick in the garden but not a blow up baby Jesus.


No wonder you're so miserable, so to bring some Christmas cheer into your life I've found one for you....   smile2


You're welcome...


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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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5 minutes ago, Jill Sparrow said:

Don't forget something nice for those beautiful boys of yours, Loppy, for being (reasonably) good all year.

The boys always do especially well at holiday times.  They share whatever that rotten Jake the Beagle can steal.  :rolleyes:

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28 minutes ago, Brew said:


No wonder you're so miserable, so to bring some Christmas cheer into your life I've found one for you....   smile2


You're welcome...


Honestly I’m not miserable. I couldn’t be happier as I sit here with a beer in my hand and the thought of a lobster dinner this evening. Your inflatable crib scene has brought even more joy into my heart.

The problem is that being neither a Christian or a Pagan I have no friends at this joyous time of year. ☹️

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25 years ago tomorrow it was blowing a gale and the snow was going sideways and I have never known it so cold, oh and we got married





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Only 25 years Rog? Your'e still a novice and only playing at it. kickme

Congratulations mate ! Wishing you all the best for the next 25.

Best wishes from us both.

@philmayfield, if that's true..Congratulations to you too.thumbsup

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2 hours ago, IAN FINN said:

whipper snipper

Seeing that reminded me of when we first came to OZ and the difference in what things were called.

UK                                       OZ

Strimmer                             Whipper Snipper

Hardboard                           Masonite

Sellotape                             Durex (Bring on the jokes)

Duvet                                   Doona

Bunking off                          Wagging (School)

Off license                           Bottle shop

Football                                Soccer

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15 hours ago, Beekay said:

Well, got me Christmas dinner sorted out. Been to M & S and bought two turkey dinners complete with pigs in blankets. No farting about with 3 hour brussels etc. Just bung em in 'towd oven and hey presto !

Pair of saddoes or what !

I am a great fan of M&S meals and if someone else hadn't been doing Xmas lunch i would have followed your example.

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Let’s get Christmas over so we can start to prepare for our short break in London. It must be almost 10 years since I was there so looking forward to speaking English with the English and doing some much needed shopping ( that we can’t get here) . We have booked to see such a lot in the few days we are there including seeing the new Wonka film. This visit is the gift from my daughter for my 80 th birthday last year. We couldn’t go last year because my husband was in hospital having a hip replacement. My daughter only has certain times when she can have a break so it’s been difficult to fit in. She truly deserves a break and a medal for the work she does. She’s a chef and believe me it’s hard work plus staff who suddenly take days off at the busiest time or just don’t turn up. She starts work at 8am finishes at 3pm has to start back at 6 pm then whatever time she finishes sometimes 9 pm sometimes midnight. But she still creates superb dishes and makes time to make chutneys , desserts and jars of preserves. I see her react when people book for 12 at the busiest time don’t confirm then at the last minute when they arrive there’s only 4 of them meaning in reality that she is 2 tables left free that at the last minute she’s unable to fill. It’s so annoying as so many restaurants have this problem. we’ve booked at a restaurant in London for New Years Eve and have had to pay £ 50 deposit each with the rest of £65 each paid on the day. Not everyone will be paying up front but I think it’s fair and the right thing to do. 
Expensive yes but we don’t want to end up at McDonalds. I’d sooner have a bag of crisps. I knew Kath was going and should be there now. We thought we’d be able to meet up but her husband has a strict itinerary, morning, afternoon and evening have been arranged. My nephew is joining us and we think he’s arranged a couple of things for us plus our few days are booked with various things ( strictly no touristy things). Hopefully we can each have a couple of hours that can be spared to meet.

I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and more important a healthy and happy New Year.

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Not with the stress Thankyou. Yes for all the friends we made and still hear from them.  I miss that but not the “ don’t take any more bookings we are extra full”  or any awkward customer that doesn’t have the food already on the table ( almost) when he arrived.  One that grumbles because we’ve sold out of his favourite wine. We were only human and were able to do human things. But they were good times and we had fun now it’s time for retirement that Alex isn’t really enjoying. 

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Being in business is all about delighting your customers. Sometimes you have to do it through gritted teeth but it’s they who pay your wages. You’ve got to keep your staff happy as well. I’ve spent a great chunk of my life making others happy which wasn’t easy for a miserable bugger like me!

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When I was working during my apprenticeship we had a lady that used to make her appointments every 3 weeks throughout the year. One appointment coincided with our holidays and we were to close. She wasn’t a happy bunny when I told her. She was so annoyed because she wanted us to change our holiday because it would upset her hair appointments. It caused friction between her and my boss but we thought she’s not going to come again. Great we thought but no she threw her money across the desk and walked out. She turned up 3 weeks later and never said a word.

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