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Where we live if anyone passed away a couple or more would attend the funeral, Now I have been to a Jewish Wedding an Africans Wedding, a Catholic Wedding, A green bowlers Funeral.  A non   believer funeral, Chulla's  send off,  

BUT Never been to a Jehovah witness send off, there are 4 of us going One is a Muslim /one Catholic /one  a believer /one not    

What a combination.  

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Brew so sorry to hear about your brother, I do hope he's OK

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All our thoughts are with you Brew hope all goes well  for him and you take care. Same disarray over here in the medical field seems everyone is stretched to the limit.

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On 1/14/2024 at 3:41 PM, Brew said:

I may get a little shouty soon...


And I wouldn't blame you at all Jim.  Firstly, I hope your brother comes through all this OK.


As for getting a bit shouty.. I've just fired this off after spending yesterday suffering at the hands of the NHS...






Targeted Lung Health Check-Spirometry.

Re: DJ360. D.O.B. 03.02.1949.  NHS No. 123456789
I have been given your name as an appropriate person to whom I may express my concerns regarding the above.
Background: As I am sure your records will show, I underwent a telephone assessment on 03.01.2024. During the assessment I explained that I have Moderate Left Ventricular Failure and other Cardio Vascular issues, including previous right ventricular damage from an MI, a totally blocked and inoperable right ventricular artery and a slightly distended Aorta. I am in the care of the St Helens Heart Failure Team.
I attended as recommended for a Targeted Lung Health Check with Spirometry, at Tesco Haydock, yesterday, 13.01.2024, at 12:30. I should say here that whilst I found all staff in the unit to be polite and friendly, the overall impression was somewhat 'shambolic and disorganised'.
I underwent the CT Scan without issue and was then asked to undergo the Spirometry Test.
I found the Spirometry Test challenging, but did my best.
The gentleman performing the test informed me that I was 'blowing' below defined parameters. I explained that. 1. I have Heart Failure. 2. I was out of condition due to being recently unable to walk or swim as normal due to Total Knee Replacement Surgery in mid October of 2023 and that 3. I have just recommenced swimming, the effort of which, along with the chlorine from the swimming pool can cause me to develop slight congestion in my upper airways, which tends to resolve as I become fitter.
I was not questioned further about my heart condition, or my medications.
However the gentleman asked me to inhale 4 doses of Ventolin and await a re-test. I did so, and was informed that I was now 'blowing' better. I have never taken Ventolin before.
It was explained that I will hear results within 2-3 weeks etc.. after which I left.
Upon arriving home approximately one hour later I felt unwell and by checking online soon established that this was likely to be side effects from Ventolin. Shakiness, slight headache etc., but mostly a significant rise in heart rate.  I checked using my heart monitor, which showed a pulse rate in excess of 90 BPM at rest, which is very high for me.  My normal resting rate is around 60 BPM.  More worrying, my monitor was also reporting 'irregular' heart rhythm.
I found online information contradictory, as it was generally stated that Ventolin side effects resolve quickly, whereas it was clear that the 'half life' of Ventolin is around 5 hours.
I considered calling 111, but my symptoms stayed the same for around 6-7 hours and then showed slight signs of resolving. Nevertheless, I was reluctant to go to bed and when I finally did so, at after 4:00 a.m., my heart rate was still above 80 BPM.
I rose at around 9:00 a.m., feeling somewhat better but still not entirely so.  Mercifully my heart rate returned to normal this a.m., but I am left feeling somewhat 'battered' by the experience.
1. My comments re: Heart Failure etc., did not elicit a response.  I was not questioned further about my heart condition or medications, neither was I reassured before administration of Ventolin.
Online information points to potential interactions between Ventolin and other medications, including Beta Blockers, which I take along with several other standard medications for Heart Failure.
I have reviewed the published Protocols for Targeted Lung Health Checks at: 
The above protocols make little mention of Spirometry, so I also reviewed the general Protocols for Spirometry at:
Whilst I don't pretend to understand all of the above, I was struck by P.7 Step One, concerning contra-indications to Spirometry, which, though they may not apply to me.. might have, given the information I provided but was not further questioned on.
2. I was not warned of any likely side effects of Ventolin, how to cope with them, or under what circumstance I might need to seek help. I find this, to say the least, incomprehensible.
3. I am left feeling that the treatment I received as outlined above,  was all rather careless and presumptuous.
  I would ask you to imagine how I felt under these circumstances.  I am well informed about my own health conditions and I am aware that those with Heart Failure run a much higher than 'average' risk of experiencing problems from assorted Arrhythmias, to Cardiac Arrest. I therefore experienced over 14 hours of discomfort, worry and frankly, anger, resulting from the administration of Ventolin without proper discussion.
I would appreciate it if you could investigate this matter and reply to me with your views.


That should sort 'Em.


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2 hours ago, DJ360 said:

That should sort 'Em.


Excellent and so it should, sadly though we both know it wont. Hopefully I'm wrong though at least your spirometry happened, mine is now eight weeks and still waiting.


Re; my brother. Thanks all for the good wishes.


He has been trawling the corridors of the hospital in a walker and forbidden to walk normally despite, to all appearances, being perfectly OK.

Following some determined discussions we still have no definite diagnosis though they have apologised for the lack of medicines in the pharmacy, the indecision and shipping between different wards plus the  lack of communication.  I have the distinct impression it was not an unusual occurrence.


On the bright side their training in obfuscation and platitude repetition is working splendidly.

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Brew so sorry to hear about your brother. At one time I would have defended the UK NHS but having heard stories about it lately I don’t think I would bother . Our health service is good but when a particular operation is needed there’s a long list. Drs are easily available. I had to go the other day( must against my will as I hate going) rang at 9.30 and got an appointment at 11.10 Often if we ring before he starts surgery and he says come straightaway. Ring later and you can’t get in the same day. But then we live in a village not a big city. I have had a couple of major operations and was diagnosed and operated on in a couple of months so I am happy to be here as things may have been different in the UK. I’m not knocking NHS but am aware of the problems it has and hope they don’t go on for too long. I have 2 nieces that have just finished training as nurses and both have gone to uk. Talking to a dr during one of my ops about nursing staff and the problem they had of young ones leaving Italy to work in UK and wanted to know why. I couldn’t answer. 

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@Brew  Hope your brother gets proper treatment soon or is he just on observation?  What signs and symptoms did he have when he was admitted?  Please give him my best wishes and tell him he’s fortunate to have a brother like you to look out for him :)   

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Although a life long believer and supporter of the NHS my faith in it has been seriously knocked since Covid. Where have all the doctors gone? It was never this difficult to make an appointment.

My recent sojourn in QMC and the present debacle with my brother are , as I said previously' firmly in the realms of you can't make it up. In my case the A&E was absolutely rammed and needed al least double the space.


Why did he go in the first place? After several days waiting to see a doctor with chest pains and violent head pain. The doc read a BP of over 170 and immediately ordered him to hospital. There they were expecting him and parked him in observation for two days before going to a general ward - a stroke unit - back to general - to obs and now he's back on the stroke unit and forbidden to walk without support. Still has head pain and a BP 160+


Now I've had my say and calmed down a little I have to admit they all seemed very professional and maybe as an observer I can't see everything but it did look chaotic, allowing eight noisy visitors to surround one patient didn't help.

I'm sure he's going to be OK, he's sort to make jokes about everything and he's seemed fairly chipper when I left...


I have mentioned staffing before, the stroke unit had five members of staff, the main entrance reception had seven. This at 7pm Sunday night. To be fair they did look busy but it still seems topsy turvy to me.


Cue a diatribe on the gov deliberately winding it down - I'd have a difficulty defending it



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Maybe not the correct thread for an extended discussion on the politics behind our health system, so I'll just make one point. Somewhere else you made a comment about 'when they Privatise the NHS'. In my view they've already largely done so.

Interestingly, I spoke to my heart nurse yesterday concerning my tale above and she clearly said that she wasn't  able to comment because she didn't know the protocols of the company concerned. Whole sectors of seemingly NHS primary care are now sub contracted to assorted 'trusts', 'agencies', 'projects' etc.


For e.g.


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I’ve not commented on this until now as it’s of little interest to anyone here but Brews recent comments prompt me to mention my recent experience. I see a specialist at the QMC for 6 monthly checks for a long term condition. I saw him about 5 months ago which resulted in a referral to a surgeon. That came through in mid November and I had surgery last week. Cannot complain about any aspect of my stay, treatment and the time line. The food was, well I’ll just say adequate but generally my overall experience was all good. 
I was surprised at the amount of paper work that seems necessary to even administer an aspirin and that probably takes up more time than actual ‘nursing’.

My son had a recent experience of an MRI scan being lost waiting months for a result and my wife had a terrible experience of an endoscopy and subsequently all notes of it lost. 
Hope your brother gets sorted Brew.


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Forced mesen out this morning...sunny but very cold....needed one or two went into Bulwell for a change........

                Whilst i was only in Tesco probably 15 minutes i saw 3 seperat males ''Shoplifting'''''''''''

                 Then whilst getting in my car in their car park...parked only 2 feet in front of me....witnessed a Drug deal.....two cars side by side one passing a small bag to the other......then receiving some notes in return....they   like the shoplifters seemed completely unperurbed by my close presence.........

            Sign of the times i suppose......they must have been visitors to Bulwell:)

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Well what a day (yesterday) due to having Parkinson's I have to see a PD nurse every 6 months.  First the clinic were I had to go was Clinic 2 main corridoor, QMC     Now the clinic has moved to Leen Gate Lenton. I had to order a taxi so I phoned QMC and asked for the Post Code so I could tell the taxi where to go. QMC were very nice one the phone but just said Post Code same as QMC had a look on laptop as master used to work at Bell Fruit and he thought it was near there. There was the NHS building facing Bell fruit. Orderd taxi when near QMC ask were taxl was going, oh!!  to the treatment centre said driver (I had given him post code for Bell fruit  so he should have known  where to go?   Is It Me???  we did get there in the end.

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It was frosty and allegedly -6°C first thing this morning in the city. +1°C here now. It starts to warm up tomorrow and +12°C is expected by Sunday. Hardly cold enough to freeze screenwash! The Trent was back to a normal level when I went to Newark this morning.

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Everything seems to be total confusion these days is it the world or us getting old? I do hope everything goes well for you its my turn in two weeks have to get a cyst removed from my chest i hope they dont give me a vasectomy by mistake.

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Are you sure it's a cyst, and not a third nipple?

Bet you've got a Golden gun too.

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I mentioned recently when the topic was pubs closing down, that the Bramley Apple in Southwell was currently shut but I didn’t know if it was for a refurb or closed down. Apparently it is to become an Indian restaurant. We’ve only got 2 at the moment so a third is desperately needed!

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Bad news for me. Missus just told me we on a cruise on May 25th and that is Cup Final day (Reds are still in the cup).

I never wanted to cruise in the first place.

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