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Nobody asked me but Iv'e been on Amlodipine 10mg since I don't know when. Along with a load of others, if you want the names. ( Also, Trulicity injection once a week).

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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On 1/29/2024 at 9:35 AM, Jill Sparrow said:

Someone on the dreaded Facebook Nottinghamshire Lost School Friends site has invited me to a Manning reunion in April. :sorry:  I'm hiding under the bed and I shan't come out until May at the very earliest.

I cannot wait to see young Miss Sparrow in her School uniform standing under the Quadrant.

oops I didn’t write that did I. I was only thinking it,  I promise honestly.he he

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I have been on Alodipine for years and a variety of others at same time. I have to take home blood pressure tests for a week every couple of months and receive telephone calls from the doctor over this to often,and listen to the reasons why I should stop smoking. My readings vary greatly so as yet they haven’t yet found a tablet to control it which will not affect my kidney,

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My sister smokes. Filthy and unhealthy addiction but she doesn't want to stop and, therefore, won't. She, too,  is frequently requested to log her BP on a chart for a week.  More recently, she's been diagnosed with pernicious anaemia and has injections of B12 several times per year.  I'm sure the smoking addiction doesn't help. I have never smoked and don't understand the attraction. It's filthy, unhealthy and very, very expensive.

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Doesn't sound too pleasant to me, but mercifully I don't have to take it.  I think three things are apparent.  1. We all react differently to meds.  2. We can frequently 'get used' to meds after a while.  3. Some meds just aren't for us. I recall being given a Beta Blocker about 30+ years ago long before any heart issues were apparent, as a non addictive anti anxiety treatment.  It worked a bit.. but for the first few days my legs and feet felt like lead, as the drug stopped my heart from responding to demand, when climbing stairs for e.g.


Amlodipine is ruled out for me, so my BP is controlled by two drugs. 1. Bisoprolol, a Beta Blocker and 2. Losartan, an 'ARB', formerly known as an A2 inhibitor. Since my BP is often well below 100, I've queried whether I should reduce the BB, but I'm told I'm not on it to reduce BP, but because it stops the left ventricle from beating so hard, which is proven to slow down LV failure. So the next question becomes, well what about the Losartan?, but again, as well as lowering BP by relaxing blood vessels, Losartan has other, statistically proven benefits in Heart Failure and other conditions...

And I've recently been put onto two meds originally developed to treat diabetes, but now statistically shown to improve outcomes in Heart Failure. Finally, Aspirin keeps my blood like water and a Statin helps keep my cholesterol down.  At least those two seem simple..  And finally, the Cardiologist has suggested not one, but two further drugs to lower cholesterol.. Since that was based on 'Bloods' taken immediately after the Christmas Pork Pie season, I opted to try diet ands exercise firsat.  If they don't work.....


Smoking.  I hated it as a youngster, but got into it in my early 20s due to stupidity.  Took me until my late 50s to stop and I still don't understand how that worked.  After nicotine replacement and other methods had all failed.. one day it just came into my head to stop, and I did.  Just like that. If I could discover the psychology behind that and bottle it, I could probably make a fortune...

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Tablets and me don’t agree. I forget to take them when I have pain or similar. Until the next time , then I forget again.

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3 hours ago, nonnaB said:

Tablets and me don’t agree. I forget to take them when I have pain or similar. Until the next time , then I forget again.


I'm similar nonna, but lately I rely on Alexa to remind me every day... The pity is I can't set her to tell my smartphone to come with me when I go out...


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Alexa is set to remind my husband at 8am and 8 pm. But he goes out before 8 am to drop my daughter off at work then remembers when he gets back home. 8pm it’s usually me that reminds him when Alexa comes on because he’s usually asleep.

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DJ My husband started smoking in his 20’s when he worked in Jersey. Guests in the hotel where he worked always gave the staff cigarettes. So he started smoking them. He promised he would stop when we got married. We went to Scarborough for our honeymoon . He excused himself to go to the bathroom and when he came back, hands behind his back with a thin stream of smoke which seemed to come from behind. You’ve guessed it. 
Years later he promised my son he would quit when his wife got pregnant and it worked. He’s not smoked since.

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Starlings seem to be making a comeback. I remember watching them when I was a child but haven't seen too many in the intervening years. I now see far more rooks than anything else. Highly intelligent birds and fun to watch.

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Changing the subject a tad. @DJ360, if your'e out there reading this, can you kindly explain to me, in laymans terms, the process of 8D etc music? Iv'e just hit upon this on you tube while looking for stereo tests.

Got my headphones on and I was astounded at the difference in sound quality. I have never heard of this before and would like to find out more. There was these different music tests with 8D, 12D and onwards.

A whole different world of music and tempts me to buy better cans. B.

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BK, until you mentioned  it, I'd never heard of 8D.

However, I looked it up and found info which is in the link below.


Briefly, it is a sort of 'fake' surround  sound, created by adding echoes etc., which fool the ear/ brain into 'hearing' surround  sound. It reminds me of something EMI did years ago which I think may have been called 'Sensaura' It worked without headphones.... until you moved your head...whereupon the effect fell apart. So using headphones obviously  gets past that problem. If you like the effect I see no reason not to pursue it. I'll check it out when I have more time.

I have no idea what 'cans' you currently use. I have three or four lots. One lot I bought over 30 years ago for about 20 quid ( JVC ) still sound really good to me. My 'posh' noise cancelling Bluetooth ones (Bowers  and Wilkins PX7) are better, but not by much and were £350. audio is a marketing,multiple directions around the listener.

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2 hours ago, DJ360 said:

One lot I bought over 30 years ago for about 20 quid ( JVC ) still sound really good to me.


I had a pair of those, though they were a fair bit more than £20, when I had a Kenwood quadraphonic set up with a little joystick to move the sound. As i remember it there were two systems for quad sound and the Kenwood had both.

Like much of 4 and 8k TV now there was so little produced it was in fact an expensive waste.  But the phones were quite good and lasted years, some BBC DJs used them


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My JVCs are the HA-D600 model. They have little labels on them declaring them 'Digital Ready', which is a pretty meaningless statement, but pretty symptomatic of the time when everything from kettles to clothes pegs was judged to benefit from association with the wonders of digital.. There is nothing digital about their technology, or the signal they are meant to reproduce and in fact the analogue output from CD is limited in frequency to a range of 20Hz to 20 KHz. .narrower than some pure analogue sources.


That said they are a semi- open backed design which works well but like all such designs leaks sound both in and out, which can be annoying in some circumstances. They have been astonishingly durable, with even the ear pads holding up well.

  I had a pair of Sennheiser 25-13s, which were designed for DJ use and cost about £160 20+ years ago. They had a replaceable lead,...just as well because it failed twice. Although the ear and head band pads were supposedly  replaceable, I was never able to get hold of replacements.. a pity because the originals didn't  last long. They still produce sound but are effectively useless now. They are closed back design ..OK for DJ use but not great sounding. A plasticy 'cuppy' sound.

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It's Sunday. Until I was about 20 I attended church or chapel every Sunday. These days I watch Kunesburg on the Beeb on Sunday morning. Some distance from going to church, however, this morning was different. Nothing religious you understand, but something quite moving took place when Kunesburg interviewed Esther Ghey. The sheer kindness that effused from this lovely lady was a more powerful message than I ever heard from a pulpit.

Of course the program included what was happening with the US response to the terrorists organisations and the connections with the war in Gaza. A war consumed with hatred.

So, for me, the Sunday lesson was - Be kind. Hatred never solved anything.

This has never worked on the big scene...but on a personal level it can.

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The Dalai Lama (not to be confused with the Dalai Chulla) said, "Wherever it is possible, be kind. It is always possible."  Or, as my mother used to say. Do as you would be done by.  

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@philmayfield tnat quote was the name of one of the water babies’ teachers.  They all loved her.  Another teacher was called ‘Be done by as you did’. She was definitely NOT popular.  

Btw I’ve been told tnat tne eye for an eye quote was supposed to be a limitation of any retaliation.  

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