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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Reading Peveril's latest contribution regarding religion led me to the Thought's for Today on the BBC's Today morning news that I listen to in bed. I often think when listening to these so called religious zealots that they must be on wacky baccy. 

I'm astounded at the unbelievable rubbish in that they attempt to justify in their mythical god how (he) loves us all and he is with us, makes me think that these educated people can actually believe in the things they speak of. Sorry if I have offended anyones feelings and I know that I could turn off the radio for two minutes but I just cannot be bothered.

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I do turn it off and listen to Times Radio instead. I’m of the generation that was indoctrinated with religion at school and didn’t realise what a lot of nonsense it all was until I was 17 and was inveigled into going to confirmation classes by a rather ‘churchy’ girl I was going out with. One class was enough when I realised that I was neither a sinner nor a ‘miserable offender’. I wrote to the vicar on those lines and have lived an honest, decent and respectable life ever since without having to talk to someone who ‘lives up in the sky’. If it makes some people happy, so be it. All the so called Christians I know are complete hypocrites. Big houses, two cars and second homes for some of them. I was talking to one today, my financial advisor. I parked my Mercedes next to his! Says it all really!

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Funny thing this afternoon. I went out without my mobile phone. I realised at the bottom of the drive and reversed back up forgetting I’d closed the gate. It wasn’t a big bang and I got out of the car saying ‘please God let there be no damage!’ Fortunately neither the car nor the gate was marked.

Perhaps there is a God after all! :biggrin:

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You know the saying Phil., He works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.

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We know neither the time nor the hour when the son of man cometh (or words to that effect). I think I’m becoming a born again Christian! There’s a happy clappy meeting in Southwell every Sunday. Not in the Minster of course - those people wouldn’t want that jolly lot in their midst!

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Very nice covering of snow this morning.......North of Bulwell...........1145908.jpg

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Reckon the drift starts in Hucknall.....not


Loverly Picture though............

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@katyjay, think your'e probably right. Looks like Gold Hill.

There's a place halfway down that's a self catering holiday rental.

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Definitely Gold Hill, Shaftesbury.  We walked down and up it last summer. I took a few pics but have forgotten how to put photos on here

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After the overnight rain the Trent’s spilling over the river bank at Fiskerton and it’s well over the fields at Kelham bridge. After the previous heavy rains the ground’s saturated and puddles are appearing in the fields. The lake at the end of our field is starting to form again. The gentle brook by Hockerton Farm Shop had turned into a muddy brown raging torrent. The snowdrops are prolific though!

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Much of Tesco's car park was flooded this morning. I only ever go in for cat litter as my elderly mog will not under any circumstances use litter other than Tesco's bog (no pun intended) standard product.  Managed to find a space I didn't have to wade out of, miles from the entrance doors, and got wet through on the walk there and back. :wacko:

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Hey up @philmayfield, have you still got your wildfowl lake or has turned into an ice rink? Of course that depends if you've had a load of snow. We drove to Uckfield earlier for shopping and I was astounded at the floodwater at Newick. One of our rivers had burst its banks causing substantial flooding, not seen for a long while. It was amusing to see two horses standing shoulder deep whilst having a drink. One time when I did'nt have my camera. 

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I’ve probably mentioned this before but one of the first places the police came to look for Lord Lucan was at the old vicarage on our lane. The occupant at that time was know for his gaming parties and Lucan was a regular attendee. The story was recounted at his funeral in the Minster a few a years ago. 
I didn’t see him on the checkout in Waitrose this morning but I did see a Tesla with the registration W18REV in the carpark. Does the Archbishop of Canterbury shop there?

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Today went well. Set up my modest stall at the British Fly Fair International show which opens tomorrow. This is my forth year as an exhibitor. It's great fun meeting fly fishermen from all over the world.

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When I go to the fishing tackle shop in Lochgilphead and ask the owner for ‘what are they rising to at the moment?’, I’m sure he thinks ‘bloody English’ and he sells me something he can’t get rid of. I rarely catch anything!

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Its now 16.45 and its been a very quiet day on here. Maybe everyones gone fishing with PP.

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I have just had a week in Tenerife as I was fed up with the winter, it was great in the sun, but after every pleasure there is a cost. The wife and myself both wore face masks at the airport and on the plane travelling back, after an hour she collapsed and needed oxygen for the rest of the journey. She was in bed and was on her antibiotics for several days. Me feeling left out and having to do all the holiday washing and ironing felt rough and started coughing my son called in and made me take a COVID test, for the first time I was positive. After a week mostly spent in bed I am clear but am still feeling weak and tired and unable to do anything. I have blamed it all on the wife and the fumes from washing and ironing, that’s gotten me nowhere as she’s over it and back to normal and thinks I am a wimp.

 I am never going on a plane again, so much for my belief in wearing face masks.

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