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Moved into our new home today,,now sat quietly apart from a little jig when the music of Dr Hook gets too much to sit still, The site seems to have got back to its friendly ways,,so I'm back,,

Ben, another group called The Spinners with some fantastic shots of the UK. The song was all about the "Right to Roam". Written by Ewan MacColl I've walked and climbed in most of the places in th

Hey, Ayup Ben, pleased to see you back and sorry you’ve had health issues but hope you settle into your new home quickly.  Did you get out before the rent man called?   Just hope that a few of th

On 5/27/2021 at 10:15 AM, DJ360 said:

Don't get me started on Eurovision.

Did anyone actually watch it?

Anyone could have guessed that Ukraine would win with a massive sympathy vote regardless of the quality of the song. Don't know how good it was because I have not heard it.

Australia in the Eurovision song contest???? A bloke in a costume that weighed 40 kg and a chain mail veil. 

Only seen bits on the news, it looked more like an old fairground freak show than a song contest.

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We came second. Highest position since the days of Cliff Richard...or something like that.


I didn't watch the programme. I knew the UK song was by Sam Ryder but I'd never heard I watched it now on Youtube.   It wasn't something I'd buy or listen to again, but I put that down to me being too old.


Mr Ryder looked like he was in a metal/rock group, but sings like a castrato. Not my thing.

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We watched Eurovision to the very end.  I like the Sam Ryder song and also the Ukrainian one.  There were generally too many strobe effects in the programme though - sometimes I had to turn away and just listen.

We recorded Britain’s got talent because we like it!

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Todays so called Music.....just not for me.....they all sound as if they crying in pain..........come back Cliff and Cilla........and they knew how to dress.......

Better still Pearl and Teddy.......

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'Britain's got Talent'. Half the entrants aren't British and very few have any talent. Some get a sympathy vote if they're a child or have a disability but we'll never see them again. Would Pearl Carr and Teddy Johnson win a talent show today? They'd certainly get the sympathy vote! :biggrin: 

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What about "Nelson Eddy and Janette Macdonald" ?

Saw the tiniest clip of Eurovision. Is it a shouting competition? Couldn't switch off quick enough ! Where did we come by the way?

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Pity it's gone so Political...;)


Bring back the good old days when Ireland voted for Italy and vice-versa, nobody in Europe except the UK and Ireland had the first clue what popular music was, and the UK and Ireland only knew because of American influence.


I suppose if we can have Israel, which is in Africa or Western Asia depending on your prejudices  and Azerbaijan, which is in Asia, we can have Australia, which is dominated by European Immigrants. Pity about the Aussie entry though..I thought it was Elton John on Acid.


My oldest daughter loves anything 'Kitsch' and announced on Facebook last night that she was watching it as it's an 'Annual Ritual'.  I commented that I still think Pearl Carr and Teddy Johnson were robbed.. she had no idea what I was talking about.  Even Mrs Col doesn't remember them, or the Allisons, who came second with 'Are You Sure?' in 1961.


Although I can't recall exactly who won what, we seemed to often be there or thereabouts with stuff from Lulu, Cliff, Sandy Shaw, but occasionally some (proper) European country would win, usually with an instantly forgettable song.  The first 'forrin' song to register with me was Gigliola Cinquetti's 'Non Ho L'Eta. It's a nice song and it was fun to see her reprise it last night.


Even at 77, she can hold a tune better than many of last night's lot. That's my main criticism of the current crop of entrants. Music styles come and go, so  not much point getting hot under the collar about whether it's an intimate ballad, a social comment, a bit of heavy rock of the sort most here left behind with mullets and double denim, or some incomprehensible dirge from a woman with a washing up bowl in her hand.. I'd have thought that the major requirement of a singer in a song contest, would be the ability to tune.


Still, I had fun on a Facebook feed which I think was the 'official' one.  I posted:


'If anyone in Russia is seeing this and is confused..what you are watching, is the Democratic half of Europe, plus a few others, coming together for a bit of fun and friendly rivalry.  You should try it.'


Well... at least one person gave me a like.


Some stats here:



They don't write 'em like that anymore...


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2 hours ago, philmayfield said:

'Britain's got Talent'. Half the entrants aren't British and very few have any talent. Some get a sympathy vote if they're a child or have a disability but we'll never see them again. Would Pearl Carr and Teddy Johnson win a talent show today? They'd certainly get the sympathy vote! :biggrin: 

I saw them perform at an outdoor venue many years ago at Ratcliffe on Trent. During their perfomance, and much to their disgust, a removal lorry past by between the stage and the audience. Tends to sum up their waning popularity at the time.

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A 'troubled child', who seems to lurch from genius to.. let's say 'strangeness'.. but sublime at her best..




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Little Quiz.......can you name the local landmark seen on here ?

Once sat in its shade about 1966 and had a smoke and a Coke with a lovely girl from Long Eaton...:rolleyes:

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Not quite sure it was Hemlockstone Phil., it doesn't seem to be the right shape. But I could be wrong. B.

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1 hour ago, Brew said:

Sorry, it's nothing like the Hemlock stone...

Sorry i humbly apologise for thinking it was the Hemlock stone...

It does so look like must run me thru next time we meet for my 'Crass'' mistake...


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