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I try not to think about it Ian. I do feel for my wife as she gets upset on Mothers day. My biggest regret is that we'll never be grandparents. Said before on here that I've advertised for anyone who

Got no interest in the politics thread whatsoever but some find it interesting so get on with it, I try to post what I've been on with during the day or the garden and hobbies threads but not everyone

Sorry to hear that BK hope you have some fond memories. Our grandson was born with a diaphramatic hernia he was given five percent chance to live he was in an induced coma but by a miracle he survived

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45 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

I’m still around. I thought the politics section was getting unpleasant and not in the true spirt of the forum. 


Having scrolled back through the political and other threads to find anything offensive, and failed, I'm confused that someone who considers a day to be wasted unless he upsets someone has found something to complain about. Reading the thread is not mandatory


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There's been a lack of activity around here for a few days, and to underline the point, yesterday the biggest contribution came from a spammer who made 24 posts in one session.

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IF everyone used their favourite topic as much as the them that use the Politics thread the site would be no fan of the politics or a few other threads.....but for them that do use them...keep going...makes the world go round.....:)

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Got no interest in the politics thread whatsoever but some find it interesting so get on with it, I try to post what I've been on with during the day or the garden and hobbies threads but not everyone likes those threads, the historical side of Notts should have more posts I think because they are of members memories, I don't know what the answer is to creating more posts, we need to attract new members how we do that I don't have a clue, maybe a "welcome to new members" section  and encourage them to post their thoughts and memories



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I like the historically themed posts the best. Phil, I did get the book about Tollerton Aerodrome, very interesting so thanks for that. 

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Yes, I’ve just been re-reading that book. It mentions quite a few people I once knew, now no longer with us. With the possible closure of the airfield to build a massive housing estate there’s a Facebook section filled with the opinions of the objectors.’Save Nottingham City (Tollerton) Airfield)’. I think it’s inevitable that the development will go ahead. When I look online at ‘Flight Radar’ the usage of the airfield is very low and my old alma mater, the Sherwood Flying Club, has an outdated website and isn’t the buzzing place it used to be. I suppose the cost of private flying is out of reach for many people. It has been suggested that the airfield users could move to Langar but that has an active parachute club and I don’t think they would welcome an influx of light aircraft. Strangely parachuting is thriving and that’s one of the aviation activities I’ve never attempted. A friend once did and had to be rescued from the roof of an industrial building! I might go down at the weekend and have a nose around, they still have the ‘Chocks Away’ cafe at the control tower.

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3 hours ago, philmayfield said:

The politics thread puts me off. Maybe others as well?


Off what? You rarely participate so why on earth would you read it?


The only reason someone  dislikes something they read is when they don't agree with it, if they do they will not object. 

Perhaps Col's sometimes perceptive and erudite observations are a little too close for comfort to dyed in the wool Tory supporters? Maybe defending one of the most disgraceful parliaments in living memory with not go down well with others.


It's been said before that we all have memories but they are finite and once recalled can only become repetitive, and quickly kill this forum. As for those purists who think this should be Nottingham themed only...... scroll back, delete everything not Nottingham related and see what 's left.

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As has been said before, if someone doesn’t  like a particular thread - or topic - the solution is to ignore it and move on to the next thing.


Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a facility to automatically ignore a thread - although curiously you can set preferences to ignore a particular person.


I doubt if the Politics thread puts off newcomers, because most people finding Nottstalgia for the first time won’t even see it. They get here by searching a particular topic (eg. Drury Hill, or Victoria Station, or Berridge School), which leads them to the relevant thread. 


The chances of a general political search (eg Starmer, or Thatcher)  leading them to NS are microscopic.

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Not forgetting CT you have to be a member to look at the political thing I think so someone just browsing wouldn't have access to the thread anyway, I can however confirm that  that "setting a preference to ignore a particular person" does work



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Barrie, keep an eye open for the post over next couple of days thumbsup



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I don't have anyone on 'Ignore'. I like to hear what everyone has to say.  I'm quite capable of ignoring content I find  personally uninteresting etc., and perfectly capable of challenging OR ignoring views I find objectionable.

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6 hours ago, IAN FINN said:

Better get you long johns out Oz the pawnbroker will be taking his sign in.

Coldest morning of the year so far here 5 deg with a "feels like" temperature of 3 deg.

It will be full on thermal underwear soon and it is only the third day of winter.

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