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1 hour ago, DJ360 said:

Anthony Scaramucci (sp?)

"I do believe that US Democracy will win

despite Donald Trump..and thank God for that"


Amen to that.

He worked in the White House for 10 days... spoke out of turn and Trump had him fired, maybe he wants his job back (Wki)

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Why do you feel the need to influence others? What is your motivation for so doing? Is it because you think you know better than they? Is it because it feeds your ego if and when you succeed?  Is it b

HSR: Col is given a 'free rein to spout his opinions' for exactly the reasons you are, only he does so with more civility.   Recently there have been a couple of attacks on the validity of t

True enough but none quite so 'in your face' or as blatant. To paraphrase Mone "I didn't lie to hide the the fact we're making £60 million and hiding it in a trust, it was to to protect my family

50 minutes ago, loppylugs said:

Said as one who has lived here for almost twenty years and sees the writing on the wall.


How do your neighbours see it LL? or is it something not to be discussed? It's hard for us to judge the ordinary Americans, all those we see on TV are activists and not exactly nonpartisan in their opinion.

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15 minutes ago, Brew said:

He worked in the White House for 10 days... spoke out of turn and Trump had him fired, maybe he wants his job back (Wki)

I've seen him interviewed a few times and must day I admire his candour. He was I think invited to work in the Whitehouse coming from a business (sales?) background. He soon saw enough of Trump. Was he fired? I thought he 'walked. But whatever.. I'd wear a sacking by Trump as a badge of honour....

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58 minutes ago, Brew said:


How do your neighbours see it LL? or is it something not to be discussed? It's hard for us to judge the ordinary Americans, all those we see on TV are activists and not exactly nonpartisan in their opinion.

I suppose to be completely honest with that it depends on which circles you move in.

My next door neighbor is middle aged with three kids.  We seem to be on the same wavelengh.  Neighbor on the other side is a couple of years older than me and petty solidly Republican.


It seems as though many twenty somethings have been conditioned to expect the state to provide everything.  Thay seem to forget there is no free lunch and even in countries like the UK with socialized medicine folks still pay for it in their NHS deductions.  They are just spared from a horendous hospital bill.  Here that is covered by private insurance.   If the Dems promise 'em free this and that they will vote en mass for it forgetting that govt has no money, it taxes the people for that.  Like spoiled kids, they are likely to throw a tantrum and get violent if they think society will not take care of them.


I think most middle of the road Americans are decent folks just trying to earn a living and keep their heads above water.  They voted  for Trump because he seemed to support those values.  They ignored his rudeness and lack of statesmanship because, at least, he didn't seem to want to reward slackers and layabouts.   My biggest fear for these folks is that they have been brainwashed by hollywierd (not a misspelling) ,  obsession with sports and entertainment to the point that they do not think clearly as their freedoms are being eaten away.

The media are firmly in the Dem camp so that all Trump supporters tend to be shown as gun toting rednecks. I'm guessing this is most of what you'll get from the BBC.


My main fear lies in the fact that both sides have their hot heads.  If the bullets start flying watch out for martial law and then the skies the limit.  God forbid.


Sorry for long post, but you did ask.  I just wish more folks could get a more balanced view.  The Yanks ain't so bad

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2 hours ago, DJ360 said:

Was he fired? I thought he 'walked. But whatever.. I'd wear a sacking by Trump as a badge of honour..


According to the write up he was fired by the WH chief of staff on Trumps order. 


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Think this phrase sums him up.  Trump " Im not playing anymore , youre not being fair". My American pen friend has been hoping he would get kicked out . Shes from Kentucky. :( Havent heard from her yet, can only think shes deflated and hoping for a different ending. I stayed up til 4.30 am to watch and felt for her when the first results, Indiana and Ky came in. Still theres hope .

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Loppy, thanks for the write up. And please don't apologise for 'long posts'. 


Complex ideas cannot be relayed in short soundbytes..  Something Trump ought to have learned by now after his endless Tweeting. But in all seriousness I don't think Trump ever experienced a complex idea.


You said earlier that you don't think it matters who wins now.  I disagree. It has to be Biden. Four more years of Trump is unconscionable and will only further hasten the decline and division of the USA.


From this side of the pond, I see Biden as a pretty moderate sort of chap who even through this very fierce and frankly nasty election.. is acting with a dignity and statesmanship which shows up Trump's petulance and immaturity.  It is now looking very much as if Biden will take the presidency. I hope I'm right.  Also worth pointing out that it is only in the US that Biden could possibly be construed as a 'Socialist'.  Margaret Thatcher was more Socialist than Biden will ever be.


Thing is, even as a proud left winger, it isn't Trump's right wing stance that bothers me.  It is the fact that he, in my view, is totally unfit to hold any office of responsibility in the governance of the USA, or any other country. If he was a Republican, I'd probably disagree with his political ideas.  But Trump isn't a Republican, he is a self-obsessed proto Fascist.  He demands (and until quite recently was getting) adulation, obedience, sycophancy etc., etc. How the Republican Party has allpowed itself to be corrupted by Trump is beyond me.

I'm not an expert in law.. but I am reading that Trump is genuinely scared, because once he is booted out of the Whitehouse, it's 'open season' on him from a legal point of view.  Let's hope so. Negligent Homicide of countless US citizens who died of Trump's 'Hoax Virus', would be a start.


He has a very serious personality disorder.  He is an egomaniac narcissist.  It is all about him and always has been.  I really do struggle to underestand how so many people.. even Republicans.. can NOT see right through Trump. He is a seriously flawed character.


But it goes further.  Trump has adopted...and continues to use, classic Far Right tactics, in order to garner his support.


He has identified 'scapegoats' for his voter base to focus on. ( Immigrants, Muslims, Scientists, 'Experts' 'Intellectuals', etc.)  This is all very familiar.  Hitler did the same and our own Tory Party has done the same since Thatcher.., though I will admit with marginally less bile.. and we have different scapegoats.... But the effect is the same...


Trump has even implicitly recruited his own version of Hitler's Brownshirts.  Thugs such as the 'Proudboys', who he doesn't explicitly condone, but nor does he condemn.


It never ceases to amaze me, how susceptible otherwise 'good' people can be, to this sort of propaganda.  I suppose from a psychological p.o.v. it is entirely understandable. Someone is offering you a reason for your unemployment/poverty/frustration/alienation.  And best of all.. it isn't your fault! It's all those Immigrants, Muslims, Scientists, 'Experts' 'Intellectuals', etc.....


Dave, you also inferred that you felt that the 'American Dream' is fading.  I see the American Dream as being a largely mythical concept, which only really ever existed for a few. It also has parallels with the idea of 'Little England' which is equally ludicrous.


The reality my view.. is that, just like GB,  the USA is no longer 'Top Nation'.  This is nothing to be ashamed of. All Empires fall and as time progresses, they fall quicker.


It seems to me that the USA, just like GB. needs to recognise that it is no longer the World Power that it was.  It needs to stop trying to be and it needs to heal itself . Then maybe it can face the future with confidence.


That will not happen under Trump.. who sees everything as some sort of cheap simplistic business deal and whose lunatic posturing actively promotes discord at home, while simultaneously alienating his nation's friends abroad.


It may not happen under Biden.. but he may at least allow a 'reset' from the Trump Lunacy, provide a period of relative stability and a pointer to  a more harmonious future.





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I was with you all the way Col until we got to this bit:

Hitler did the same and our own Tory Party has done the same since Thatcher.., though I will admit with marginally less bile.. and we have different scapegoats.... But the effect is the same..


I think Blair can claim the right to the title most outrageous scapegoat in recent times.


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11 hours ago, loppylugs said:

Sorry for long post


And so you should be Loops, most people skim read, anymore than 180 words (your quote was 37) you’ll be putting folk to sleep, bored to death, can you imagine having a pint listening to this ......No! Keep it lean, keep it mean & interesting, bit like Goose Fair when it was on for 3 days, bit like pubs before they opened all day, we only have a small readership here, probably in single figures, you have to wonder why,? No wonder most folk don’t come back :crazy: 


(91 words including the quote .... Sorry) 

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I don't believe you. People, especially NS readers, can read properly and hold more than one thought at a time, you insult their intelligence denying that. Not all of us make things diffcult for ourselves reading the forum on a phone when we should be doing the work we're paid for.

I doubt any would read it  when out for a drink with friends unless they are ignorant and ignore the company they're in, nor, I suspect, do most of us read out loud.

You know this thread is liable to have posts longer than average due to the complexities of the subject - so why read it? By your own admission you can't read the full post so can hardly have an informed opinion.


I asked LL a question and he kindly wrote an excellent reply, quite why you seem to gain some perverse passive aggressive pleasure from baiting and criticising people I don't know.


Can I respectfully suggest you stick to your interminable whinge about the length of quotes - they're easier to ignore.


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^^^ what he said.  :laugh:

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Anybody else had a bet on the US outcome? Was offered a cash out on Skybet but after watching Sky news though the night, with their edited bias on interviews I"ll keep on sweating! 


On a much lighter note, do they have flavoured crisp"s eg C&O, Salt and vinegar, in the southern states of the US nowdays? 

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While I understand people don't like Trump, me included...

Amazed that UK people here favour .a reduced bargaining chip with the EU...

Somebody who calls Boris a Trump Clone, and Obama,

with his back of the queue...

We are stuck with a Tory government for a 4 years plus...


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2 hours ago, DJ360 said:

^^^ what he said.  :laugh:

We are all different makes the world go round,,,,think we all joined NS for a wide variety of reasons,,

I joined having been diagnosed with cancer to try and take my mind off it,,and have found great support from many of you,,i dont dwell  on it and prefer tohave a laugh reminiscing about sides of bacon and T leafs,,and the occasional story of past romances. Lol,, 

Some of you enjoy it and some probably think ""what a twit""  Anyway whatever reason you are a member you must get some enjoyment or you wouldnt be on here,

If we were all the same it would be boring,,RR is a great character sometimes interesting too,,(joking RR),,Brew a very different sort,,but non the less interesting with his political views,, sometimes read his and Cols long posts,,only sometimes though,,

DJ360, our Col,,he cabt help but write long stuff,,and over the years have seen him take a lot of flak,,,but what i admire about him is he just takes it in his stride,,(anyway hes a Bestwood boy,so must be ok,lol) 

Should get my new computer today,,might write a long thread later,,

Cheers folks Y"all keep posting,,

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On the subject of the number of posts and the number of people who read the posts, that is two very different things.


Most of the posts on Nottstalgia are made by a relatively small number of people, but there are a lot of visitors who read posts and threads without ever registering as members or contributing.


For instance….at this moment there are 8 members online - but 42 Guests. Those Guests are reading various posts and threads - some of which go back a long way - but will probably never make a contribution to the site.


A small number of people making posts doesn't also mean a small number of people reading what is posted.

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1 hour ago, HSR said:

Amazed that UK people here favour .a reduced bargaining chip with the EU...

Somebody who calls Boris a Trump Clone, and Obama,

with his back of the queue...

We are stuck with a Tory government for a 4 years plus...


The Obama quote is no longer relevant.  He was trying, quite rightly in my view, to signal the 'bleeding obvious', to the British electorate, by stating that the EU market is bigger than the UK market, and would therefore take precedence.  But.. as I say.. things have moved on.


You are right that we are stuck with a Tory Govt... and I'd add a very second rate Tory Govt., composed of the dregs left after Johnson purged anyone with integrity in his attempts to push a minority position through Parliament.


Not sure how you reckon Trump would be a better bet than Biden.  Trump may dribble out apparent support for Johnson, but surely you must know that NOTHING Trump says ever bears examination, or comes to fruition. He is utterly deranged and totally untrustworthy.

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10 hours ago, Brew said:

I was with you all the way Col until we got to this bit:

Hitler did the same and our own Tory Party has done the same since Thatcher.., though I will admit with marginally less bile.. and we have different scapegoats.... But the effect is the same..


I think Blair can claim the right to the title most outrageous scapegoat in recent times.



I suspect we are at cross-purposes re: the sentence in bold Jim. I don't expect you to agree with all of my analysis of the Tories, but in relation to the scapegoating by Trump, I can quote Tory equivalents:

Gove and others including the insidious Cummings, directly 'dissing' expert opinion in favour of their own petty prejudices. May's 'Hostile Environment' and the general Tory encouragement/propagation of lies about immigration.

Cameron's deliberate invention of 'Benefit Scroungers', used to set society against itself in a classic 'divide and rule' move. I'm sure there is much more but it's late morning and I think far better late at night. :)

Johnson/Cummings attempts to 'politicise' the Civil Service and even the Law.


I completely agree that Bliars alliance with Bush to target Saddam Hussein and Iraq in response to 9/11, was completely misplaced. It was pure propaganda for Bush's 'home audience'.  I've never quite grasped WTF it was supposed to be for the UK.

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52 minutes ago, Cliff Ton said:

Most of the posts on Nottstalgia are made by a relatively small number of people, but there are a lot of visitors who read posts and threads without ever registering as members or contributing.



Spot on Kev,

I don't think it's very different on most 'special interest' sites.  For e.g., I've often looked for info on things such as car maintenance, or DIY, on assorted 'enthusiast', or 'expert' sites.  I have just found..or maybe not found.. what I wanted.. but rarely registered.


I see no need for some members to try to unofficially 'censor' the site. The rules are all in the AUP.

I've said many times before. If people aren't interested, or don't have the requisite attention span.. they are at liberty not to read a post, thread, or whole forum.


Quoting takes up hardly any bandwidth, and in any case, most people have the sense to know not to quote whole posts, or engage in lengthy copy/paste.  That's what links are for.


There are whole sections of NS which are of little/no interest to me.  I don't moan about them.  I just ignore them.

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1 hour ago, benjamin1945 said:

DJ360, our Col,,he cabt help but write long stuff,,and over the years have seen him take a lot of flak,,,but what i admire about him is he just takes it in his stride,,(anyway hes a Bestwood boy,so must be ok,lol) 


I've been insulted by experts Paul...  There's nothing here to compare... :):)

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I must admit I don’t post that regularly, especially since March, as most days are much of a muchness as my Nana used to say. But I do come on regularly to see what is happening and catch up on the threads that interest me, even the epistles on the political thread. It would be very boring if we all agreed on everything And I do enjoy the (good humoured) debate between you all. 

(I had a spectrum 2, loved it although had no idea what I was doing, then went onto a Commodore I think it was.)

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2 hours ago, DJ360 said:


The Obama quote is no longer relevant.  He was trying, quite rightly in my view, to signal the 'bleeding obvious


How wonderfully appropriate..

Why has he crawled from under his stone, strangely in the last week?



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1 hour ago, HSR said:


How wonderfully appropriate..

Why has he crawled from under his stone, strangely in the last week?





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  • Cliff Ton changed the title to Anything Political

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