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@Cliff Ton I'm 77 and don't consider myself as tottery. I've been working outside, clearing leaves, cutting grass and cleaning my boat. I've also been chatting to my neighbour who was kindly chain sawing up one of my trees that fell into his field. He was chucking the logs into a trailer like someone half his age and he's 80! I made no charge for the timber!

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HSR: Col is given a 'free rein to spout his opinions' for exactly the reasons you are, only he does so with more civility.   Recently there have been a couple of attacks on the validity of t

Why do you feel the need to influence others? What is your motivation for so doing? Is it because you think you know better than they? Is it because it feeds your ego if and when you succeed?  Is it b

True enough but none quite so 'in your face' or as blatant. To paraphrase Mone "I didn't lie to hide the the fact we're making £60 million and hiding it in a trust, it was to to protect my family

It wasn't me who started the 'tottery' was Brew !   I was referring back to what he'd said.


2 hours ago, Brew said:

Quite possible... Although Biden (seems at times a bit tottery), in my opinion is the more sane option.


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Age has little or nothing to do with it, it was CT who mentioned age! ;)


Joe has on occasion looked somehwhat unsure of himself and has stumbled a few times when making speeches. I've noted before when giving a carefully written and rehearsed speech he's fine, he's not quite so sharp 'on the fly' - but still better than DT

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Ain't that the truth.  Biden is, as I said above, lucid 99% of the time.  He has his moments of hesitancy etc., but don't we all. Trump, by contrast, either lies, is incoherent, is self contradictory, or just plain loony, 99% of the time.


Incidentally, the latest theory I've heard as to why he is hanging on and refusing to concede, is that he is still raking in contributions to his funding, from deluded supporters.  It seems he needs every penny he can get.

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Meanwhile.. in other seems that all is not well in Number 10.


In amongst all the skullduggery concerning Johnson, his (unelected non politician) 'partner' and assorted other factions.. it seems that Demonic Cummings is 'considering his position'.


I live in hope.

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6 minutes ago, DJ360 said:

Meanwhile.. in other seems that all is not well in Number 10.


Development... Cain has walked away from No 10.... or was he pushed?

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The new Downing Street Director of Comms is James Slack.    If the name doesn't mean anything to you, maybe this will refresh your memory:


(He was the so-called Journalist who originated the 'Enemies of the People' pic of judges.. in the good ole Daily Mail.)

droodzilla, 41 minutes ago Report

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Tony L Administrator


droodzilla said: ↑    The new Downing Street Director of Comms is James Slack.

I guess Steve Bannon was unavailable.



 From the much maligned Pink Fish Media :)

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Do this week's developments signal the beginning of the end of the malfunctioning regime supposedly in charge of the UK?


I don't quite know how BoJo's rule is seen from his home ground but here it is considered, both by the French and by exPats, akin to a Feydeau farce - where everything that can go wrong does go wrong.


OK, the current French system is little, if any, better  but it doesn't have the bungling, blustering  comedic element of total incompetence as is being demonstrated and now coming to a head in the UK.

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Well, I'm glad he has gone.

He has made a place in history that many senior parliamentary members will envy. He will be remembered, they won't. A very clever schemer who knew how to play on weakness. A plotter with no scruples. Basically dishonest. But hey! he worked with politicians! and was very successful. He will never be out of pocket. 

I admired him for taking on the establishment and stirring things up a bit. Also for his part in trying to re nationalise our atomic weapons industry.

Wonder where he will pop up next?

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He did at times appear to be doing a Svengali impression but since Brexit what has he done?


With Covid he came across as the ultimate pragmatist, a man totally devoid of empathy when he mooted the "herd immunity" theory. It was quickly shot down but it was not originally his idea, it was first suggested way back in the 1920's. Faced with an unprecedented situation it was inevitable, and indeed sensible, that all possible scenarios and solutions, however unpalatable should be considered.


I don't know if he's dishonest, in fact a case could be made that, like corbyn, he's too honest for his own good. The trip to Barnard Castle though was certainly a poor excuse, even if he believed what he was saying.


He recommended chanelling money into the NHS computer systems claiming it would make for greater efficiency. Opposing him were those that wanted to take the popular option a rise in pay levels, increase the salaries of nurses or buy expensive technology? - no prizes for guessing which plan won.


Socialists of course will claim his idea was purely to funnel taxpayer's money into the greedy hands of Tory cohorts and the private sector. They should know, Blair/Brown did it in a spectacular way in 2003 and continued to throw money at it for the next 9 years.


He is much vilified by both sides due I suspect to his utter contempt for many of them. "Thick as mince", Oxford PPE degrees making "Duffers into Bluffers" and meetings just "jibber jabber".


He said way back he will leave in January. We are not in the inner circle so don't know what has transpired. I suspect, him being an impatient man,  he considered his advice was no longer heeded so walked.


Am I glad he's gone? mostly but like me he doesn't think much to anthropology  so can't be all bad!    :P



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You still seem to miss the broader base of PFM opinion.. and the humour.


The problem with Cummings is not his views.  Everyone is entitled to their own view. Cummings made his plain in his blog which he seems to have suspended since he became 'Top SPAD' 

The problem is that he has clearly been allowed to go far beyond the role of adviser, to almost 'dictator' of policy.


And I don't for one minute believe his exit from the front door of No.10 was anything other than staged. He's not gone yet.

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On 11/14/2020 at 9:22 PM, Brew said:

With Covid he came across as the ultimate pragmatist, a man totally devoid of empathy when he mooted the "herd immunity" theory. It was quickly shot down but it was not originally his idea, it was first suggested way back in the 1920's. Faced with an unprecedented situation it was inevitable, and indeed sensible, that all possible scenarios and solutions, however unpalatable should be considered.


The "Do Nothing Option" is always one that should be considered in every scenario plan.

One thing that is apparent, the UK and the rest of the world cannot continue along this stop/start, open/close path we have chosen to combat this pandemic for both social and economic reasons. I am therefore rapidly coming to the conclusion that we need to change tack and use all means possible protect the vulnerable and let everyone else get on with life.  


Bye the way what does "briefing against" actually involve?

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