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I agree - the article was very difficult to read because of the missing words on the right hand side.  

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HSR: Col is given a 'free rein to spout his opinions' for exactly the reasons you are, only he does so with more civility.   Recently there have been a couple of attacks on the validity of t

True enough but none quite so 'in your face' or as blatant. To paraphrase Mone "I didn't lie to hide the the fact we're making £60 million and hiding it in a trust, it was to to protect my family

Why do you feel the need to influence others? What is your motivation for so doing? Is it because you think you know better than they? Is it because it feeds your ego if and when you succeed?  Is it b

I can probably post it again in plain text. I just posted it 'as is' to show where it came from and that it was unedited.


I'm interested in the definition of a 'rant'. Is it determined by length or some other parameter?


Incidentally, I received a message from Jim  (Brew) in connection with this. No need for details, but it was good to hear from him. 

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 Letsav ... Just a couple of points.

Firstly, if I post or quote another source, it isn't necessarily aimed solely at your good self. I post stuff here which I agree with, for others to read and draw what conclusions they will.


Secondly, I think I've made it plain more than once that my politics are essentially  'Social Democratic'. It does not follow from that, that I automatically support everything Labour say and do. That said, even though I'm disappointed with Labour's performance since the disaster of Brexit, they would have to get worse to an unimaginable degree for the current Tories to become preferable.  You posted words to the effect that Labour would be no better than the current Tories and implied that history supports that view. I think we could have a very considerable debate around that, encompassing comparative records on Public Borrowing, Inflation, public services, health, education and  other areas  on which the conservatives consistently  and falsely claim a better record. But whatever..


From my perspective, there are a couple of further points outstanding from our discussions.

First, I don't favour unlimited immigration and nor does the Labour Party. The combined opposition  point being made is that the current Tory Party is less interested in 'fixing' immigration, than in making political capital out of its diversionary tactic of hyping up the issue and promoting xenophobic fears.

Second. In the past I have been content to simply disagree with Conservative Political thinking, and by implication, with 'small c' conservatism too. Sadly, those days are gone because the current Tory party has very obviously been hijacked by far right, anti-democratic elements which I have already characterised. Think of them as the Conservative Party's version of the Militant Tendency, except that they are much more secretive and insidious. The difference is that whilst the usual suspects..( DM, Sun, Express etc ) screamed hysterically about the Militant, they are silent about the Far right equivalent and even collude with it, such that many less sophisticated voters remain blissfully unaware of the very real threat. Liberal Democracy is under attack World wide. We are not exempt from that fight.

Finally, I repeat that the hi-jacking and indiscriminate use of 'woke' as way of falsely discrediting any and all opposition, simply adds to the deception, and the danger.



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CT will have to answer that. I didn’t/couldn’t read it.

209 illegal immigrants have arrived here over the weekend. Millions spent on patrols by the RN have had no effect whatsoever. The current numbers of illegals arriving on our shores is unsustainable. I’m sure that the vast majority of the general population are sick and tired of the complete inability of the authorities to do nothing to stem the flow. It doesn’t really need any ‘far right’ whipping up as the situation speaks for itself. The Tory’s failing to address this effectively do so at their peril.
Will Labour do any better in this respect? 

What is their plan on immigration?  

Doubtful on the first and I’ve no idea on the second.
As for the use of the term ‘woke’, that is in the manner you don’t like. However much you dislike it you’re stuck with it. Much like many objected to ‘gay’ being hijacked, woke is in the wild and not going away soon. 

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How is it that all other countries can get all there people out of Sudan ?? 


This is typical of the UK

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As Major General Tim Cross pointed out yesterday, many of those who are there ignored Foreign Office advice not to travel to Sudan and neither did they notify the Foreign Office of their presence in the country. Not exactly helping their own welfare and safety but expect to be rescued at the drop of a hat!

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On 4/26/2023 at 5:10 PM, letsavagoo said:

Sorry to disappoint but this has been fact checked and is fake news. Don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story though.

Fair enough...but stories of Tory corruption  are like buses... there'll be another one along in a minute...:laugh:

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At the middle of all this is the £800k loan he arranged for Boris Johnson, which he didn’t disclose during his application to be the chairman of the BBC.


Makes you wonder why Johnson needed such a loan, considering that he has “earned” nearly £5M since his party kicked him out of Number 10. Has the Child Support Agency been after him again? Or does his current wife need some new wallpaper?

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I’ve just been reading about this. A loan of £800,000 was facilitated but he didn’t draw down anything like the full amount. His earning capacity out of office was far more than his prime ministerial salary so he needed some cash to maintain his lifestyle which included paying off divorce settlements. When he would ultimately leave office he would get back to his high earning regime. Believe it or not there are many people who read his articles and pay to hear him speak. Being a former PM with a questionable reputation just enhances the attraction to his sycophants.

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The real problem though, is that Chair of the BBC is a Political Appointment, in the gift of the Govt. Not satisfied with a tame press, the current bunch of Spivs also want a supine BBC.

There are increasing calls for more transparency over this appointment.

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20 hours ago, DJ360 said:

I like how you just brush off a totally untrue allegation against the prime ministers wife as ‘fair enough’. It’s not fair enough, it’s damaging lies.

I do not condone the story about Richard Sharpe but do you think that the Tories are unique in this respect. Look at the current events with the SNP and do you think for a second that Labour are immune from scandal, corruption, malpractice and sexual misconduct etc etc?
What about Dianne Abbott’s recent disgraceful anti semitic comments and Unite union the Labour Party's biggest donor subject to investigation into fraud, bribery and money laundering. Keith Vaz needs no further comment and there have been dozens of sexual scandals some of a serious nature including rape by politicians of all flavours. Shall I bring up Sue Gray? People in glass houses springs to mind. False allegations even those that are ‘fair enough’ in your opinion are unforgivable. I’m disappointed although not surprised with you making it in the first place but even more so with your flippant response Col.

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Letsav, you are quite right to point out that the allegation was untrue. I should have checked the story.

However, 'Fair enough', might seem flippant to you but that's not how it was intended. It was an acknowledgement that you were correct.. no more, no less.

Much of the rest of your response is basically 'whataboutism'., but let's remember who has been in power for 13 years. I take little interest in the SNP and have no view on their current troubles. I'm not in the business of defending any politician, of any stripe, who proves to be corrupt, or criminal.

But you mention Labour, then 'scandal, corruption malpractice and sexual misconduct etc., etc. etc'..but no cases.

For what it's worth, I suspect that Diane Abbot is losing the plot, it's well known that she's not well, but it doesn't  excuse her.

However, - 'whatabouts' or not, I genuinely  do not think there is any comparison between the occasional indiscretions, crimes etc , which affect the whole political class,(just as they do wider society) and the 'industrial scale' theft, corruption, gerrymandering etc., which characterises the present Tory bunch.

I've said this before. I do not agree with traditional Conservatism, but I never saw it as fundamentally corrupt.

The present Tory Party is a different animal. Infiltrated and basically controlled by far right groups, it is far removed from tradition and is a thoroughly reprehensible mix of corruption  and incompetence..almost completely  devoid of honour. This extends far beyond actual theft and corruption, though God knows there's enough of that...and is built into every bit of Tory policy. Even the 'good' things they are doing, such as subsidy for household  energy, are set up such that the profiteers  in energy are protected,while the 'support' is funded from borrowing, which again benefits the wealthy to the detriment of the poor. Still no progress on Grenfell, Water Companies let off the hook, etc. etc. Everything they do is tainted with their acquiescence to 'big money'. 

It can't be much fun for 'traditional' Conservatives..seeing their party used as a vehicle for borderline fascism, but it's up to them to clean up their own party.

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Personally, I think Sean Bean would make a better Richard Sharpe, as already proved.

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OH!!! Mrs B I fully agree.

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