Members 'Nostalgic Age' Photos.

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I put these together for a book 'wot i rote', makes you think when your lifes compressed into 15 photo's!

Me 1968/9 on me bike outside house I was born 28 Brixton Road Radford Nottingham Arms in the background. 

This is me aged about 9 or 10 with my grandma.  Mum used to curl my hair in rags each night as my hair was never naturally curly!   It's only photo I have with my grandma... she was quite old whe

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I hated having my picture taken as a child and, at about 15 or 16, I destroyed all the photos of me which I could find. The only one that exists, as far as I'm aware, is one of me in an infants school play wearing a pig mask - we were doing an interpretation of Three Little Pigs. I know it's me - nobody else does!


There is a picture of (almost certainly) me on these pages at a somewhat later stage of life (but still quite young). I'll try and find it. Edit - I think it's been deleted.

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I did the same with all my photos when I were young, but i think the police might still have a couple!!

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I also hated my photo taken, as I was always squinting after invariably having had to face the sun. 

Still hate it. My memories are in my head, not on  a piece of paper.

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Waddo,  my ex burnt all mine after I went searching for greener grass ! girlvboy

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Ha, ha Ben. I expected a reply like that !  Mine probably did after the initial shock. 

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25 minutes ago, FLY2 said:

My memories are in my head, not on  a piece of paper.


I also hate being photographed, especially since getting older - I'm not a photogenic subject. However, it is nice to look at old photos and see what we wore and what we did in days gone by - I reckon I'm just a bit .....Nottstalgic!


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This is me aged about 9 or 10 with my grandma.  Mum used to curl my hair in rags each night as my hair was never naturally curly!  

It's only photo I have with my grandma... she was quite old when I was born as my dad was the 'baby' of his family, and he was 41 when I was born.


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Some of you may have read in the Nottingham Punk thread how I stumbled across a pic while wasting time on the internet  from the Sandpiper in 1977. After contacting the photographer he found 11 others which I bought.

Think I've cracked this Postimage thing. We'll soon find out...

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What beautiful eyes you have Margie.I used to have my hair in rags too as my hair is even now as straight as pump water. When I was little my mum did everything she could to make it curly.

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Nonna, thank you for the compliment .... but unfortunately my eyes now no longer work as well as they should.   Age catches up with us all eventually...  

Mum used to call the rags for my hair ' Curlybobs'.   She used to curl my hair every night until I was about 11 - then I  had my hair cut short.    I never queried WHY she did it, I just thought that was what you did!  


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I used to have loads of photos of my childhood and youth. My dad was a keen photographer so took many but my mum destroyed most of them after an argument. I also had photos of my grandparents and ggrandmother. There was a lovely one of 4 generations with my ggmother who died shortly after I was born. You can imagine losing all those photos, so many happy memories including one of my brother with me being the photographer. " Dad is this the button I press" Too late it had been pressed , my brother was leaning.:flyswat:

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I know how you feel, nonna. Emily, who lived in Garden Street, possessed albums of Victorian photos of my ancestors which I was often allowed to look at from being very young. After Emily was widowed, my mother went to visit her one afternoon and found she had burned them all! I was in my 20s then and was incensed when mum told me. Emily knew I was fanatical about the family tree and she didn't approve. I can only assume that is why she did it.  People should never, never destroy family photographs.

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Nonna, what a shame your precious photos were 'lost'.   I still like actual photos as well as those on my iPad.   

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Margie my mother is still like that. Very vindictive. After an argument here when she and her husband ( not my dad) went back to uk you should have seen the chaos they had caused in the house. Our property that we had converted for them. Electric wires cut, water tubes cut, they left furniture but took the hinges off w/ robe doors, took drawers out and I don't know what they did to them as we never found them. Wrote on the backs of furniture nasty messages. Left a load of garden furniture outside when they knew it was going to be collected. I could go on. This was all because I told her I needed a bit of time for myself as she was always asking me to take her out. So they went back to uk. Childish or what? She's always been like that.

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Jill my aunt gave me a paper copy of my ancestors years ago , thats what got me started on research. When we went to australia my uncle ( her brother ) told me not to go any further because the research had suddenly stopped and he couldn't get any further. I found out why. My ggfather was illegitimate. They were ashamed of it. I'm not saying that it was the cause of your records being destroyed but there could be a very good reason why she did it. Shame too.

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Oh, I know why she did it, nonna.  She was my maternal grandmother's cousin and they were very close. Emily didn't want me...or my find out that grandma had 2 children out of wedlock as a result of her affair with my grandfather's elder brother.  She possibly didn't realise that copy birth certificates can be obtained!  She was only trying to protect my mother so I suppose her motives were commendable. There was still no need to destroy the photos.

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2 hours ago, nonnaB said:

Margie my mother is still like that. Very vindictive. After an argument here when she and her husband ( not my dad) went back to uk you should have seen the chaos they had caused in the house. Our property that we had converted for them. Electric wires cut, water tubes cut, they left furniture but took the hinges off w/ robe doors, took drawers out and I don't know what they did to them as we never found them. Wrote on the backs of furniture nasty messages. Left a load of garden furniture outside when they knew it was going to be collected. I could go on. This was all because I told her I needed a bit of time for myself as she was always asking me to take her out. So they went back to uk. Childish or what? She's always been like that.


That's so sad, nonna.  But it's good that you haven't become the same as your mother!  You have proved that you are better than that by bringing her over to be nearer to you, so you can keep an eye on her welfare x

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  • 1 year later...

Thankfully my wife's mum always wrote on the back of the family photos who, where and when.

We should do the same with our digital memories by changing the file name from jpg**** to who where and when as they are archived.


Strangely enough we often get out the old albums but rarely look at the photos on our computer drives

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Re the last post, mainly so as not to use the quote section!. I must be the world's worst, regarding the last paragraph.

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