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Hi All

Saw our First Lincolnshire Hedgehog the other day, made me wondered if there are still many about?, use to be a quite few in Arnold and one that use to have his/her little route across a busy road at a set time, quite funny the way the cars use to stop and wait for it to cross the road.

Traffic of today has cut their number down sadly to say.

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Shame they cant climb our fence then.

The other day I put down some slug pellets.

Lots of snail and slug cassualties the next morning,

Also Saw other slugs devouring the corpses!

Canibal slugs!

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Three conkers, that is such a funny way to describe them, katyjay. When I was sixteen years old I moved from Meadow Lane to Valley Road, Sherwood. My family had lived in a two up, two down with an outside toilet. The house in Sherwood had a bathroom, inside toilet and a garden. One cold night my Mum went to put something in the dustbin and spotted this hedgehog in the garden. Never having seen a hedgehog whilst living in the Meadows she took pity on it and decided to bring it indoors to give it some warmth on such a cold night. It wasn't long before the lounge was covered in fleas with everyone shouting and screaming as the fleas jumped all over them. In the end my Mum got the hoover and hoovered them up. She spent hours in the lounge with the hoover and for years it was a big laugh in family get togethers as we recalled what had happened. Needless to say, she never brought another one

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  • 9 months later...

We once found a hedge hog in our garden and it had fallen down a hole that my husband had dug ,we had been away and when we found it the poor thing was quite weak,we asked around and we were told to give it pet food but not milk and bread as we first thought,it soon recovered and left the garden one night never to be seen again,Don't get to Close Mick2me as they are full of fleas, that is how we knew we had one, our dog came in with her nose covered in jumping fleas.LOL

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Yes you are lucky, they seem to be very scarce these days. During the winter we saw a couple around where we live in Mapperley Park, just wandering about on the pavements, it was our dog on his late night walk that sniffed them out. Not seen them again for quite a while. Before that it had been years since we'd spotted one, even though we used to live in the countryside. I remember my younger brother bringing one home when he was a kid and putting it down on the kitchen floor and masses of fleas jumped out of it. Mum went mad!

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I was walking through Kirkby on Monday night, well after midnight (don't ask) and saw a hedgehog gradually working its way along Lowmoor Road, sniffing at everything it passed.

We had one in the garden every night for several months a few years ago. It had a regular round, patrolling my garden and others along the street. You could almost time it by when dusk arrived. One lunchtime, I saw it in the back garden in broad daylight, in the summer.

Then all of a sudden, it just never turned up again - run over or died, I guess :(

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If a hedgehog is out and about in the daytime it's usually a sign that there is something wrong with it, as they are nocturnal creatures, which is probably why you didn't see it again notty ash.

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I suspect it was just hungry - not much darkness in the summer to gather food! It was just sniffing around the back garden like at night. It was around for a while after that.

It was pretty safe in my back garden - the cats found it difficult to get in.

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  • Cliff Ton changed the title to Hedgehogs

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