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  1. Today
  2. His usual strategy of deny everything and blame everyone else failed him this time. We await the appeal and the other trials with interest. If Humpty Trumpty becomes President again methinks the world will be a very different place this time next year.
  3. Carl's Fables, some great nights at the Forest Folk, Bliduth
  4. Yesterday
  5. Hi Alan, I remember you as being lovely!!!! and my mate fancied you rotten. So Neil sounds like he is living his dream - good luck to him. He sounds like he is enjoying every minute from his posts. What are you up to now? Are you still involved with music? I have only just seen your posts - and was thrilled that you had replied to mine. xxx
  6. Surely that's a necessary qualification to be a least it seems so, add moneygrubbing and you've covered half the house.
  7. Nor, clearly, does being congenitally stupid, self-obsessed and totally lacking in self awareness.
  8. We still have to be entertained with the appeal and his electioneering. In the US a criminal record does not preclude you from being president. Dear Nige is hoping he gets in, he quite fancies emigrating and having a big fat federal salary.
  9. Sorry I misubderstood you wanted Guardian links: Blocked Labour candidate Faiza Shaheen to challenge deselection | Labour | The Guardian
  10. Just checked online. Gibsons were at 61-63 Upper Parliament St. I think Pearsons acquired their premises around 62/63. I was there doing their audit around that time. There was a turntable on the premises for turning the vans around.
  11. Thank you, but those are not Guardian links. I've read many of the others. The video in question, which I linked to, is from 2014. It shows a 'newsreader', being assailed from all sides and variously being accused of being zionist, anti semitic, pro Hamas, etc., etc.. It is clearly intended to be comic, though I don't find it 'laugh out loud' funny, and it is also clearly meant to be satirical. It makes no sense under any other interpretation.
  12. According to Wiki, most VG stores became Spar or Alldays. Don't think I've ever come across Alldays.
  13. The National: LABOUR have been accused of the “worst political tribalism” after a candidate claimed she was not endorsed by the party over a series of posts she liked on Twitter/X. Faiza Shaheen has told BBC Newsnight that she will not be Labour's candidate in Chingford and Woodford Green, after allegedly liking antisemitic posts on X. Labour candidate shocked after being blocked from standing as candidate - BBC News Originally it was reported on the BBC at first that she did not remember, now she is offering excuses. and blaming the fact she is postpar
  14. In other news, 'Walking Personality Disorder and Cry Baby' Trump is found guilty on all charges. He then proceeds to call the judge 'corrupt'. I'm fairly sure that here, that would bring a charge of 'defamation', 'contempt of court' or somesuch. And of course our very own Farage.. is STILL defending him.... 'Birds of s Feather....'
  15. Where did she say that? I can't find anything online from the Guardian about Shaheen. Could you provide a link please?
  16. Didn’t AB Gibson have a depot on Upper Parliament St. at the back of Pearson Bros store? They ultimately acquired it and expanded their shop and warehouse premises.
  17. Who are you referring to here? I'm struggling to understand your post. I don't think anybody has accused Abbott of being AS or supporting Hamas. However..there are such accusations against Shaheem, despite her actual record of 'ecumenical' activities, working with both Mulims and Jews. Eitherway, it seems that Starmer has seen sense and appears to have overuled the Labour NEC. Abbot is free to stand for Labour. It's less clear for Shaheen, who has in my view been treated appallingly. Read her statement:
  18. Anyone remember these?..........ABGibson Based in Daybrook Sherebrooke road.....were the suppliers of the VG stores throughout the Midlands South Yorks..Lincs Cambs and Norfolk.........VG is no longer a trading its height i believe it had something like 3,000 stores........Gibsons had two other depots apart from Daybrook...they were in Peterborough and Moxley west Midlands.........I worked for them all thru the 70s at all3 depots.....good days some great people........
  19. A great song i still have it on cd that my dad recorded off the Jack Jackson show on his twelve inch reel to reel Philips tape recorder around 1960 off the Jack Jackson show.
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