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Everything posted by Fynger

  1. I thought the whole planet revolved around me ??
  2. Why did they even think the council would have said yes ??
  3. Makes our computer look small.......bet ours is more powerful tho....lol
  4. R.I.P. Rory....I had the pleasure of playing bass for him in studio in the mid 70's...
  5. The 2 that we got were Mr Softie and Walls......all the kids waited for the soft ice cream, because Walls ice cream was hard, had to be unwrapped and came in a square cone.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bq7DGvfnr3U
  7. I must get a little hand on this watch.......have yer been .....
  8. Lotta history now hidden by some stick on nails.
  9. Yeah they're planning on killing all the historical places in Kimberley...just to save the one road that goes through the town.
  10. Yer not alone tho i dont know what Biffo is.
  11. FFFFFFFFFF.................................
  12. maybe you can explain to me what its about then Lizzie ???
  13. It confuses me, this log in/log out stuff.............I logged in ages ago.......close the site when i leave......come back and i'm logged in automatically.......why log out.
  14. Nothing should be 'locked' to you Bazza..........sommat Mick needs to sort for you...when he's got time
  15. OK folks.....( including Mick for starting this thread ).....whereas I agree that there have been posts on here that ( me all on my own, cos no other moderators have been doing anything ) have had to be edited or removed.....I'm confused by this thread...Ive not seen any pure female picking on - so why do they get the right to govern over what the males may say ?????????????????? I had PM's off a member here and I explained my opinions for my editing/deleting to them BUT that had nothing to do with picking on females...??? so.....whats this about Mick....you may be busy....but read stuff on
  16. *ibrators and *iagra....odd.....as you say ....they wouldn't post wonder how many other words the site wont allow
  17. Baseball caps should be banned.
  18. Plus, he aint gotta camera......lol
  19. Thats cos we dont av an Accent...ev'ryone else duz