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Everything posted by mary1947

  1. yes but I did not want any early grandchildren or be the cause of STD, but he had just broken up with his girlfriend, and I think he was out for what he could get, it was the girl that I felt sorry for. Son did end up marrying his girlfriend. By the way me and the other half were just lucky.
  2. I was born in St Ann's the place that they said was unfit for us humans but I'm still here. My brother also born at home and the midwife was a Nurse Phillis, when married lived in St Ann's and my first son was born at home but Nurse Phillis was again the midwife and this was to be her last delivery, coincidence or what as my bother was 20 when my first son was born. Next son again born at home but delivered by hubby as you did not have mobile phones or house phone so it was down to the red phone box with your 4d pennies. When he went second time to red box he had ran out of pennies in th
  3. The Hogarth school was in fact infants and juniors but before Manvers on Carlton Road was built the old Manvers was attached to Hogarth, when the new Manvers was built students came from St Ann's, Carlton, Netherfied, and lots more places
  4. So glad you managed to get your self some bowls as I said once you start playing you get hooked If you are playing at Alfreton indoors center then they will close around April, then its all out doors for some fresh air, if your interested in playing outdoors contact me, it would be nice to have a new member, you can have 4/5 roll ups free to see if you like out doors. PS its our bowls AGM 11th if interested contact if not cant blame you as its just a load of waffle.
  5. I remember the saying about the donkey in the bath and when Clifton was first built it was said that the people who first went to live there kept coal in there bath, but I think that's just what it was an old saying made up by some one, just the same as when the hair style called the bee-hive, some one put it around that the women who had her hair styled had not taken her hair down, for weeks and a bee had made a nest in her hair. Not True. It was just words that some one had made up, Just another comment that went around they said that some people up St Ann's could not afford cup
  6. HI jonab nice to read your comments but you forget how friendly the people are from places you are not happy about, I my self feel safer at night walking around St Ann's Forest Fields and other places that you name than down south. Don't forget home is were the heart is, life is what you make it. I lived in Hucknall in the 1970s and found the people very friendly. Plus FLATS you get what you pay for.
  7. Remember when Titchfield Park had a lake/pond one Friday night my two boys after calling at a few pubs were on their way home via though the park, they were having a few chosen words and one of the throw the house keys into the pond, now the other son did not have his keys with him, so 11 30 ----12 00 they both were in the pond looking for the keys. When they arrived home they were wet, muddy and soba, but at least they had the keys. At the time (this is for all who lived in Hucknall) PC John Hardy gave them a telling off, not that it did much good as they were 18/19 years old.
  8. Did you know q boy called XXXXXXXX XXXXX?. I presume that you went to the old Manvers school "boys" will you be at any of the Nottstalgia meetings? sorry to ask so many questions but I think you lived on Cardale same time as Master "husband" and if you did I would like to bring hin to one of the meetings, this is of cause "Top Secret" thanks for the infro. Name removed from post on OPs request
  9. Just sat and read the post what a lot of knowledge you all have. Welcome to all new members hope to read more of your post's. My dad would have loved reading all the post as he was a Knight of the Road, he learnt to drive during the war but never did pass his test, one of the firms he drove for was Lindley & Lindley Bobbers Mill Works Nottingham I have a reference from them for my father who was applying for another job. It states that he was a driver of light and heavy lorries. A teetotal and a non smoker (not true) but it sounds good. Going back to haulage firms I c
  10. AfferGorritt......Just asking did you live on Cardale Road? if so would you mind telling me the year please?
  11. Just been reading comments on Flu Jab can any of you remember before we had this jab and people did get Flu a lot of people died, now I worked with a nurse, and she would say if you do have a cold when you are given the jab it only makes the cold worse, each year they wait to see what strain of Flu will be coming along before they make up the vaccine. If any of you went private for your Flu Jab it cost's £5 00 px £10 for the jab and £5 00 for the chemist and these amounts were in 2000. So its up to you either you have it or you don't.
  12. I remember my eldest son going down to Rock City he was about 19 and had just fallen out with his girl friend. Myself and the master were in bed it was about 2 30 am, I heard my son come in the back door, then I heard him say shuss mum and dad might her us, next thing was a female voice, "son" you can sleep in my room with me if you like, wow? what was happening this voice was not his girlfriends. Well I woke up master and told him "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT"? he ask me! coward was master. I jump out of bed got on the landing just as the two got to top of the stairs. YOU!!! I said to
  13. Welcome Trogg look forward to your post's if you live in old Bestwood you should have lots to tell us well maybe?, spent many a day/night in a few of your pubs.
  14. Thanks Caz for the greeting. Happy new year to all members young and our mature ones. Let's hear it for 2018 hopefully if you had a bad 2017 things will be better for you in 2018. Best wisher's to all Nottsalgia members.
  15. Talking about the tram , to-day the tram stopped at Hyson Green and the driver came over the mike, some one had left his/her car on the tracks near Nottingham railway station, the tram would have to stay were it was for a while. After about 5mins the driver came on the mike again, to apologize for the delay. 10/10 for customer service for the driver keeping passengers informed what was happening.
  16. Never had any problems with the Commodore most of our hairdressing comps were held there eg Wella Gold Award. L'oreal trophy, Goldwell Rose Bowl and many more some of the comps were also at The Sherwood Rooms. Never had any problems with either venues.
  17. Hi Gem yes I do like it, it's a fact of life or death I suppose, the reason I ask if you were a Goth is my Tai Chi teacher is a Goth, she has rooms just like yours, her bedroom is in black with lots of different things around it, bats, coffins, weird paintings and more. We went to the Goth Ball at Whitby last year if you have never been you should go up their and see all the Goths, its amazing.
  18. Just sat here and read though all members post's your not going to believe this ! no really your not going to believe, it. Not one member has mentioned the Queen's Speech. Honestly!!!! now what is Christmas with out the Queen's speech? A very Happy Christmas do you think. Now don't read to much into this post please. I don't want to give some member any ideas.
  19. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all Members, Those were the days my friend, we thought that they would never end to quote a song. Getting to Pork Farms early to get your sausage rolls, sausage meat, and your Pork Pie. Getting to the bakers to collect your bread because if Christmas fell on a Thursday/Friday the bakers would not have any bread till the following Monday. Stocking up on your spuds, veg, fruit and nuts. Last of all down to cattle market/Marks an Spencer for you Turkey. The best thing though was, going to the pub Boxing Day with turkey and stuffi
  20. When we went to live in South Africa. Wages went from being paid weekly to monthly. We had two boys aged 3 and 5. We went out with £100 which was not a lot, and it soon went. by the 3rd week we did not have any money for food, so I took my husband's camera to the pawn shop (it seemed to be the in thing in SA) we got 5 rand which was abut £3 00 this had to last till hubby had his wages, the following month was the same we did not have any money left by the 3rd week, again visit to the pawn shop. This time I got 5 rand, well we brought a loaf of bread and big tin of baked beans. The following m
  21. BE CARFULL WHAT YOU SAY NewBasfordlad
  22. I agree with you Compo I do think retirement age should have been brought down, after all life's for living not working till you drop. I can remember my mum had a choice about paying insurance stamps she could pay the full amount, or pay 6d of cause not earning much in those days she chose to pay 6d. but she was older than my dad by 2/3 years she could still not retire till my dad was 65 , so much for paying stamps. I think the best thing is when you as a women retire, and you have not paid in enough stamp money ( having time of to have children) they ask you if you would like to pay the
  23. Never smoked in my life but best thing to do is "Live and Let Live" your choice! Would be an interesting topic of how many of our members like to have a drink or two (pint or glass of wine) this is "quote" also a drug! It must cost the NHS more money than smoking as well as marriage breakups, violence, road accidents, and lots more problems. Again some of us do not cause any problems we just enjoy our self's