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Everything posted by PeverilPeril

  1. It was just armless fun Jill...
  2. The last self employed tailor I saw was in Lagos. He was cycling along with a sewing machine balanced on his head!
  3. Chulla - that Morris 8 is exactly like the one I had. Same year and colour. It was the car I had when courting Mrs PP. I told her I had a sports car when we first met at the Palais. Well - it had an MG steering wheel that I fitted. Mrs PP had to use a brolly when it rained due to a very leaky hood.
  4. I would love to install a zip wire. Tried enthusing a couple of our grandsons to no avail. Think they would prefer creating a virtual zip wire Do you remember the Tarzan Slide(?) on Goose Fair before the elf and safety epidemic?
  5. Yep - a little Grey Fergie would do me fine.
  6. Still have a sack of used bailing twine. The cut lengths with a knot in have been used over the years for the beans and anything that needs tying together. Always remind me of the great times out hay making mowing, woofling, bailing, collecting and stacking. The old trailers with boards missing (to allow the seeds to fall through...) and the elevator with laths missing - will it start? That little old Ford tractor with a leaking radiator - water sprinkling out in front (kept the dust down...). Wonderful summer days. Yes - a sack full of memories..
  7. When do us old un's stop having toys? My last toy was a Toyota Mk3 Hilux pick up truck with BIG tyres on. Had it for 8 years and would still have it but it was nicked 3 years ago. Running a sensible X Trail at the mo but it is quite boring. I'd love another pick up truck with even BIGGER tyres on ...always wanted a tractor...still time tho'.....
  8. At an office party in a hotel the pianist was playing requests. I asked one of the secretaries to go and request something by Jock Straplin. Which she dutifully did. Got a right ear full when she came back
  9. I remember Mansfield open market 1949/51. Dad had a stall next to the statue which I assume was Queen Victoria. The stock room was a stone stable just up an alley. Spent many a Saturday in there among the old, unsaleable stock of books and toys.
  10. Sorry Col - my typo. I did look up tAxonomy and it was not in the Collins. I still prefer looking up words in the dictionary and browsing adjacent words rather than googling. Sometimes it becomes quite absorbing. In this case I learnt that taxodium was a genus of a coniferous tree
  11. I Agree with you Mess. seem to remember that it was boarded up temporarily for skating in Winter time in the early days
  12. Do you use Stena lines Ian? They've been ripping us off for decades. I can get to Ireland cheaper on a Brittany ferries boat from Roscoff than Stena from Holyhead to Dublin. The French crossing is more than twice as far and includes a cabin. Stena keep sending me 'offers' but you have to travel at ungodly hours on rust buckets (compared to BF).
  13. About time someone challenged those rip off coffee dudes that pay almost no tax!
  14. I used Noel St baths regularly in the 40's and 50's. Berridge Seniors used it too. When leaving the baths we would crowd into the bread shop and buy penny batches, fresh out of the oven. After a swim on a chilly day those warm penny batches were the best food on Earth. Forgotten the name of the shop?
  15. Hmmm! Toxonomy? not listed in my Collins universal dictionary 1972 edition! Nice word though and I will use it it future to keep people guessing My hobbies are quite varied along with my sports. At the moment I'm cleaning up a C1880 boys 'ordinary' bicycle (Penny Farthing) and trying to identify it. Been going to restore it for 60 years (my record for procrastination) and decided to see what needs doing. Just finished modifications to my Mailstar postman's bike so that it will transport fishing tackle to the local cut. I've just made a nice fishing seat box from bits of an old hos
  16. Toilet seats that fall down when halfway through .........
  17. The only papers left at the PO yesterday were the Mail and the Guardian. Took the Guardian but not very good value at £2. I like the 'I' for 50p. Nicely balanced and good puzzles.
  18. Sounds worse than it seems Col. Never stopped me living life to the full and I can now drive legally without glasses. Fortunately the damaged eye has good peripheral vision and I can read some letter on the bottom line at the opto's with the other. So OK for driving and outdoor activities. Wear glasses for reading but tend to keep them on after a lifetime with something perched on my nose. Considered a monocle but everyone thinks I'm daft enough already.
  19. #1 I have spent (literally) months in that place! Seriously short sighted as a child and wore thick glasses since age 5. Had about a dozen eye ops, mostly detached retinas. One eye was damaged due to 2 bodged ops when I was 28 at Nottm. 6 weeks in bed then two more weeks. Then I was sent from Nottm to Moorfields in London who fixed me in 5 days but some damage was irreparable..I have since had the cateract damaged lenses replaced with plastic and can see better now than at any time in my life, although the damage from those Nottingham ops has reduced sight in one eye to 30%.
  20. Just on a more simple level - when at Pipewood camp every July, the Cow Parsley was maturing and there were unripe Elderberries and Rowan berries in abundance. Natures peashooter and ammo! Cut the straightest stalks of the cow parsley for the selected ammo calibre
  21. Was Mr Tetley the last tailor in Nottingham to sit cross legged in his shop window, sewing by hand? His shop was next door to us on Peveril St and it was in the 40's.
  22. Jill - were the Roper girls the daughters of Bruce Roper the owner of the off license on Peveril St? Be about the right age.
  23. Amazing what could be bought from the chemists in the 40's and 50's. As well as the usual salt petre etc. you could get photographers flash powder - whoooo! Think I mentioned the big explosion we caused in my pals bake garden on Lake St. The plan was to blow a gooseberry bush up. A hole was dug to on side and under the bush and loaded with gump (it's what we called it). To concentrate the explosion under the bush we plugged the hole with and old brass paraffin heater. Needless to say, the bush remained in place but the brass heater blew sky high. It just vanished! Then there was a loud crash