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Everything posted by philmayfield

  1. The mean sea level is based on measurements taken at Newlyn between 1915 and 1921. I'm not aware that this has been superseded.
  2. Your have a chance to vote him out on May 5th. Only got in by default on a low turnout last time as most of us were not interested in the idea of a police and crime commissioner. We seemed to manage ok before these guys came on the scene. The only reason I'm voting this time is to tip Tipping out.
  3. I'm sure a cure for the common cold could be found but it's not in the interests of the drug companies to come up with one whilst they can make a fortune from us selling quack medicines. Many years ago a friend of mine who worked for a big drug company on the agricultural side came up with a substance that completely eliminated red mite from fowl pens for years. The substance was marketed in a much diluted form so the customers would have to come back for more each year. There's no altruism in big business.
  4. I think after 10 years I can treat myself to a new one! Having said that - it's identical to the old one.
  5. I don't think they have fallen out of favour. They're readily available in all the supermarkets, Boots, John Lewis, Argos etc. Maybe they are a high value item that can easily be concealed by shoplifters. "Health and Safety" is usually an expression used as an excuse by halfwits who don't know the answer.
  6. Went to Currys, Castle Marina, today to buy an electric shaver. Couldn't see one so I asked an assistant. "Don't sell them" he said ". " 'Elf and safety". "I've never heard such rubbish in all my life" I replied ( I've omitted the expletives!)." I suppose that's why you've got that scruffy beard!". I went to Boots at Netherfield and bought one - no questions asked.
  7. Mine was a 1947 MG TC sports. Scariest moment was when the steering wheel came off whilst driving through Burton Joyce!
  8. Celebrated our engagement in that very grill room!
  9. There used to be a superb gentlemens' toilet in The Victoria Club when it was a fine dining restaurant and casino. (I'm talking back in the 70's). When you had finished washing your hands there was a flunkey standing behind to hand you a towel!
  10. And I thought that William McGonagall had died!
  11. Al Hasawi has now said the club is up for sale at the right price. The latest accounts give the club a value of minus £86 million. Anyone here with minus £86 million to spend?
  12. I see Freedman's gone. 13 months - quite good for a Forest manager.
  13. Went to the new Lidl at Bingham last week on an exploratory mission. Sausages were rubbish, potatoes were rubbish and bread was rubbish. All down to a price. I did buy a couple of enormous crow bars for £7 the pair and they proved to be very good! The Belvoir Brewery Shipstone's has Ben around for a couple of years now.
  14. Talking of Shippo's (which was an acquired taste) - has anyone tried the "new" Shippo's, allegedly made from the same recipe. It's made at the Belvoir Brewery at Old Dalby. It's just another average beer really. They don't seemed to have captured the unique Shipstone's flavour which you either loved or loathed.
  15. Daybrook Laundry and Home Brewery used to be owned by the same family. The dirty washing water used to be pumped under Mansfield Road to make the beer. Not a lot of people knew that!
  16. Noticed another Luigi's as I passed through Arnold today - but then most Italian restauranters are called Luigi!
  17. The only Luigi I remember had an Italian restaurant on Lower Parliament St. In Pullman's old building, near the bus depot. He had a fondness for drinking wine in copious amounts whilst he cooked in the hot kitchen and became somewhat ratted by the end of the evening!
  18. I'm sure it was The Old Rectory. Used to dine there regularly many years ago. Seem to remember it being at the end of a lane at Holme Pierrepont.
  19. Tasted like soapy water. How did they get away with it?
  20. At least it should push the valuation down!
  21. As kids we used to hire a rowing boat from The Embankment and row as far as Wilford Bridge. No life jackets then. I think we're 11/12. No way could that be done now without serious questions being asked!
  22. I agree - their web site is a shambles. I did launch a Mirror dinghy at Hazleford back in the late 60's with no problem. It's used by the Trent Power and Ski Boat Club for launching speedboats but I don't think they are very active these days. Most days there's nobody down there. It was more active when the Star and Garter was a pub but it's an old folk's home now so very quiet.
  23. Good luck! Don't forget, if you launch at Hazleford Ferry, there are 3 locks to pass through on the way to Nottingham. I'm a Britannia man myself but that was in my sixth form days many years ago.