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Everything posted by MargieH

  1. #17 &19, Jill and Loppy Oh dear, you're not going to like what I'm going to say now.... I believe the church is not a building - it's the people, the fellowship of believers, who are the church. They are people living out their Christian lives, sometimes making mistakes like everyone else but knowing that through Jesus they are able to be forgiven, put things right when this is possible and start again with His help. However, I actually quite like like old church buildings - they were lovingly built by, and for, the people of that particular time and I, too, can so
  2. Just call me Countess Henrietta Worthing-Stone!
  3. Enigma, I am the same - I ONLY use the unread content option and I don't have any problems as I can still choose not to bother with the topics I'm not interested in. They just remain unread!
  4. Welcome SteveS, I hope you'll continue posting your memories...
  5. Just read your link, Col. I'd be worried too ......................... Apparently you're ruled by Uranus!
  6. So sorry that you are suffering with abdominal pain, Col. I hope you will get an answer from the doctor tomorrow or a referral for tests. For what it's worth, I believe one's body, mind (and spirit) all need to be in harmony for us to be completely whole and well. As you probably are aware, one's stress levels, however caused, can seriously affect the workings of the physical body. I suspect it won't do any good telling you that you need to try and stop worrying about various things, but maybe that's PART of the answer to your problem. Anyway, I hope you will soon be pain-free.....
  7. Chulla, although much of the story in 2001 - apart from the 'Dawn of Time' sequences - takes place in the mid 20th Century, it certainly doesn't end there. After Dave Bowman has gone through the Star Gate on Japetus (a satellite of Saturn) he transcends thousands of light years before his life and memories are 'rewound' and he becomes a baby - a Star Child. I have said it was on a satellite of Saturn because this is the planet named in the book. It was changed to Jupiter in the film! So, as I said, the beginning and the end are crucial to the story, which is not just about a trip int
  8. Chulla, I disagree a bit with what you say about the beginning of 2001 - it gave an impression of time passing, which was good but I didn't like the ape costumes much. It was necessary, though, as it IS in the book and is an integral part of the novel. As I said before, you need to read the ending in the BOOK which makes things a little clearer. I actually liked the music in the film as that, too, gave one the feeling of time passing/timelessness in space.
  9. Just thought of another all time favourite called 'The Shack'. It's by William P Young and once one gets past the first 80 pages or so (the story becomes very upsetting in the first part of the book) it is mind blowing - at least it is to me.
  10. Col, haven't read that particular book. I actually find HG Wells doesn't have the depth and vision of some other sci fi writers, certainly compared with Arthur C Clarke! Each to their own, I suppose..... One of of my all time favourite books is 'Winter's Tale' by Mark Helprin. It is difficult to describe it but as the review on the back cover says... " This is a book about the beauty and complexity of the human soul, about God, love and justice, and yet you can lose yourself in it as if it were a dream." Most people I've spoken to seem to refer to it as 'that book about a wh
  11. Col, you obviously missed a few posts I made several months ago. I love sci fi as long as it's not gratuitously sexual or violent! Most of the sci fi books I read/re-read are by older/often deceased! authors and probably would be referred to as 'classic'. To counteract them I also like historical romance type stories (again, often classics) and modern books on theology and Christian apologetics - bit of a mix really... and a bit of Dickens now and again... and autobiographies particularly of people who grew up in the early to mid 20th Century. All that is when I have time, which at the
  12. Crankypig, Moody cow and ChrisB, after choosing 'Activity' choose 'unread content' also, under the label 'sorting' you can choose 'newest first' Obviously, once you've read a certain topic it no longer appears on your 'unread content' list, so if you want to find it again you have to go back and choose 'activity' again
  13. The ending in the book is slightly different and is good. I also like the sequels - 2010, 2061 and 3001. In the latter, the body of Frank Poole who had been lost for a thousand years since HAL caused his death is 'retrieved, revived and enhanced' and the purpose of the Monoliths is revealed
  14. Find yourself on the map Cliff T and see if you are a green house!
  15. Sue, I see you as a blue pin, so what you said must be right!
  16. I'll try and find you on the map, Sue, and will let you know if you're a green house or a blue pin!
  17. Don't think it is to do with the skin, LL - a green house is a different shape to a blue pin
  18. I've just looked at the member map and I'm on there but shown as a green house. Other people are shown as blue pins. Why am I not a blue pin!!? Also, I looked at the PM envelope and see that I can add other people to join a conversation I'm having with someone. Is this new, or did I just not notice before? No jokes about threesomes, please!
  19. The little circle looks greyish white to me, not blue. Perhaps it depends on the theme colour you're using as to how one perceives it - I' m on the Old School one.
  20. We have Freesat but don't watch Drama or Yesterday channels, so can't help you there. All the channels we watch seem OK except when pigeons have a scuffle on top of the dish!
  21. Yes, Enigma, I discovered that, too. You have to touch screen/click the time and not the topic or the person's name to get to the end..