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Everything posted by Brew

  1. It's all me BK but I copied it from a picture I saw somewhere a long time ago. I'm really not happy with it. The umbrella is at the wrong angle for the wind direction and the cloak/coat is too flat. First time I've ever used a palette knife. The thing I found about acrylics is the speed it dries. Looking at various sites you can buy jallop to slow it down but I couldn't wait so went ahead anyway. Someone here said why no face, 'cos she's facing away from me.... and I can't do faces anyway..
  2. B K if you were boring me you would know about it. You're putting the wrong interpretation on my post. I said I'm bored and all the art talk had set thinking if I had a go what sort of mess would I make, You can see the results, kept me occupied for a hour so. It took me longer to clean up than it did to paint the pic... I'm bored again now.
  3. All this talk of art'n'stuff set me thinking and being bored off me t*ts came up with this. It's in acrylic and done using a palette knife. I have little imagination or natural creativity so this is a picture. of a picture.
  4. That would totally freak me out!
  5. Gem painting inside the lines is not necessary. Jackson Pollack never managed it and his works sells for millions!
  6. Personally I've never found deckchairs all that comfortable I'd much rather spend less and have a modern chair the one your fat ar,,, err the one that has broken..
  7. I quite agree Qz though I don't know much about the system or setup 'down under' so I did as you do and went fact checking. Australia in the list of the 25 most expensive electrical supply costs comes in at number 12, just a few pennies above the UK at number 16. Comparing country by country though can be misleading, sometimes variations within individual states can have a significant effect. Foreign ownership has to wrong but if Qz is anything like the UK locals had a chance and turned it down. The EMEB went private, was sold to the Americans, then back to the Brits (Po
  8. Then perhaps it's time we had an engineer in charge. Someone who can see the problem and come up with a solution rather than a committee self centered, self indulgent empire builders who, 'see the trend, are aware of the nuances, pay tribute to the margins ad bloody infinitum - and do nothing but agree the menu for the next meeting. The solution may not always work, it doesn't always, so scrap it, change it and move on, at least have a go rather than all this intellectual claptrap politicians of all flavours trot out with monotonous regularity. Sometimes we really do look for complex answ
  9. Is that the US of A in Sherwood or the one near Viccy center, it can't be a post about something that's not Nottingham related surely?
  10. The trouble is people don't realise that interharmonics condigitally conflate and the resultant interpolation when transposed to high frequency will have a negative predisposition towards subterranean stresses and unless some bugger shoots that butterfly in the amazon the will be a hurricane come September!
  11. Saw the pictures on the Beeb of the beach where idiots hurt themselves jumping of a cliff. There have must have been couple of thousand people in the crowd watching the helicopter land.
  12. And it's not 'arrogant' ? They failed to realise the natives had no need for organised agriculture, they were self sufficient for food. They assumed they knew better and could introduce 20th century customs and practice into a hunter gatherer society, and that's not arrogant? There was no sense of 'home' in many cases, when they used all the resources in one place, they simply moved to another. I maintain it was arrogant of the whoever made the program to assume they knew better and experiment with peoples lives for no good reason - just to see what happens. The natives did however w
  13. That's strange I remain almost totally un-shocked, perhaps I've developed an immunity to persistent moaning!
  14. There is a debate over the grandchild going back to school. The school have promised no more than 15 pupils per class and close supervision of distancing. Yeah right, that's going to happen with a school full of 6 and 7 yr olds. And why 15, what's so magic about it? If it's spacing in class that's going to last all of 10 seconds come playtime. Nor have they mentioned the congregation at the school gates when the little dears are dropped of or collected. I was in two minds when Boris said it will be OK but 4 members of SAGE now say it's too early - I think I will err on the side of cauti
  15. There have various claims against electro magnetic waves over the years, the most enduring that they caused cancer. It was even claimed that Italian building regs demanded bedroom circuits could be isolated during the night and that sleeping in parallel to the circuit was more dangerous than lying at right angles. There will always be urban legends just as there will always be gullible people who believe such nonsense.
  16. Seriously you want to claim that without any knowledge or experience of them or their lives? How on earth can anyone say they are content with their lot when all we know is what we are told by some bozo of an arrogant anthropologist who looks at them through a microscope, totally misunderstands and writes warmly of their reliance on 'being one' with their environment, of the quaint customs and practices before returning to his nice suburban house and life. Unless the observer is one of them the best that can be done is stand outside, look in and use a modern yardstick to measure their lives,
  17. Amazed the clock on St Nicks church Maid Marion way wasn't instantly recognised, The small one is on a pub wall (the Boat Inn), Priory street. There are a surprising number of publics clocks dotted around the city but I'll give it a rest for now...
  18. It's an interesting argument CT and the difference is purely one of semantics really. Once we have a roof over our heads, food on the table and all the necessities, what drives us on, greed or ambition? Is much wanting more greed or ambition. I grew up a raggy arsed urchin from Sneinton and it gave me a hatred of being poor. It made me work long hours, made me try and fail and try again. Was I, am I, greedy or ambitious? How can ambition be greed without most of the selfishness? It either has selfishness or it doesn't. I think it's simply different degrees of the same thing.
  19. It's true, the American revolution (1776), French revolution (1848) the Russian revolution (1905 - 17) and on and on... but was the replacement any better? In all events the proletariat were still ruled and controlled by the state and not necessarily for their benefit. In America it was not called the 'wild west' without good reason, it was a virtual Kropotkin style anarchy. The first French republic earned the sobriquet 'the reign of terror' for its brutal control of the masses. The Russian model saw Stalin murder millions of his own people. It has gone on since before Brutus did
  20. It depends on how you define greed Greed: Intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food. Ambition: a strong desire to do or achieve wealth or power. Seems like two sides of the same coin to me. The only difference I can see are the adjectives. It's nice to think there is a more equitable system but greed and the pursuit of power and profit has been quite successful for several thousand years. The great strength of the capitalist system is its ability to adapt so I can't see it changing anytime soon.
  21. I don't think anyone truly believes that capitalism will last forever. In a world of dwindling resources it will at some point collapse. It will come at the point where the system can no longer support and sustain the population. Quite why you are so sure the Chinese/N.Korean/Russian model wont come as a replacement I'm not sure, all the signs say it's more than likely. One thing I'm sure of, we won't all be happy clappy people learning the words to kumbaya. Tribalism is not a system based on cooperation except in travelogues. In reality it's a world we won't recognise. a vio
  22. Ahem.... that you come to mention it...
  23. Oh yes there is. The sort of sudden silence an alarm clock makes at that time of morning when bounces off the wall.
  24. Grandchild to Mama, we're making shapes... what sort.... purple ones.... made me chuckle anyway