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Everything posted by IAN FINN

  1. Did you do your deliveries in the dingy ben?
  2. Get well soon Mr & Mrs PP stay safe.
  3. Went to the Bowling Green a few times when we went to the Dungeon can't remember what street it was on might have been Castle Blvd.
  4. Oz i used MGO everyday to go to Alfreton High School from Nuthall in the late 50s to the early60s they were the AEC Regents loved the sound of that diesel tickover and sitting upstairs on the front row doing homework it was about a forty minute ride each way either the B3 or the C5 it was one and threepence return or 8pence each way.
  5. My barber always finishes off with the cutthroat razor i just hope he does not have a heart attack while he is doing it.
  6. Are Bartons buses still going i remember driving by the garages i think it was Beeston area and seeing pictures of them converted to gas during WW2 .
  7. So nice to hear the good news ben safe journey home for your son.
  8. Good movie and a Cadburys dark chocolate bar perfect Stavertongirl.
  9. I think there was a protection point at Cinderhill island going into Nottingham for the MGO buses i can not remember where the protection point was for leaving Nottingham was.
  10. Wife has done the same thing DJ had it one week already trying to get her to dance to Playtime On Pluto by Ron Goodwin,just listening to some oldies on CD with Jack Jackson and Carole Carr while i am cleaning the car.
  11. You just count the quills Beekay.
  12. Its terrible first we fight the covid just about get that on the run and now the nonsense Ukrainian war where is it going to end? Great job nonna we will be doing the same when the refugees arrive in Canada we have a lot of Ukrainians in Saskatchewan and i work with quite a few of them.
  13. Willow we have no one but DJ 360 himself playing all the oldies.
  14. Happy Margie hope you had a great day take care.
  15. Did you ask her if she frequented the Palais or the Locarno ben?
  16. Forgive my ignorance ben what is the BRSA in Bulwell.
  17. Loved Gladys in Open All Hours and also her Moggy Minor never forgotten.
  18. Are you going to try it again this year Mary?