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  1. My mate used to be the architect for Shipstones, when it closed down, Greenalls took great delight in destroying everything. Fortunately he managed to save a few things, I have a Shipstones leather bound folder that I use for surveys, which by coincidence is sitting next to me, a set of huge transfers that were applied to their wagons and best of all a picture of the founder that used to hang in the boardroom. When Greene King shut down the lovely Ridleys Brewery near to us, they ripped out all the brewing equipment within days, the reason, our local authority were appalled at what at happene
  2. far as I am aware goldies DBD34 500 and DBD 32 350 at least came with clip ons? not sure as out of my league cashwise till mid 70's, classy looking but headlamp stuck a bit far out? plus poor mpc (miles to the clutch!) had to slip such such are RRT2 gearbox or rather gearing meant slipping clutch up to about 25mph (would do 60+ in first) I fitted mine with Bigger g/box sprocket I think from B33 which made it a lot better, yes remember both those 2 guys Pete Butler last time I saw him still had his, remember the other Butlers from lower down Northgate? them and Hollands (been trying to remembe
  3. Ours was always burnt down by the Walton crescent gang. I saw it going up one year and ran out to rescue it , soon joined by the 'Big Boys' who had done the building in the first place. After they realised I was saving and not burning the damned thing I was a hero (for an hour anyway) It got burnt down later that night any way. After that we used to collect the rubbish and all the neighbours kept it in their gardens for us to have a mad dash round on 'Bonfire Night' itself, it worked ,because we always had a good 'burn up' after that , (Until they built the blocks of flats on Foxhill road i
  4. You may think a bit early for chat re such? but last night saw a proper 10ft high one! whether it makes it till Nov 5th is another matter! In 1950/60's I don't think it would as burning down rival "gang's" bonfire before the night was regular thing, (still it beats today's shooting of members!) I well remember a large stock of rubbish going up in flames leaned against house wall off Egypt Road, and ours went up once. This was in the days of street bonfires, unthinkable these days esp like when the Chard Street Gang built theres around a gas lamp for support, proper dresden job that was! fire
  5. Re tying doors together, we'd do such but leave a bit of slack then knock on one door then as late as we dare the other, first one door would open a few inches, then slam shut as next door pulled his open then opposite effect etc! lol, another one was tying front to back door so no one could get out or completly filling entry with cardboard boxes, best ever though was when we got a tailors dummy in bonfire rubbish, we dressed it up and hung it, proper hangman's noose, from tree's in several gas lit locations, at first "albert" would not be seen, till we made a noise, a wonder we didn't cause h
  6. You're not Ashley Durose are you? Hes the only Asley I remember from around the area............... I do remember when the bonfire went up, when we were kids we built a big one on the site where the houses around Palm st had been pulled down, guarding it with great care.....but someone managed to torch it when we werent around!
  7. Yes craig, I knew your house, remember I phoned you when one next door was empty? Slasher Banham's was on corner of Zulu Rd opp gasworks gates, his son played for forest though think reserves etc, remember when all the stored bonfire rubbish at fern terrace went up in flames?
  8. SWMBO has a couple of cats and every year it's the same "Ooh we must get them in for bonfire night" but round here bonfire night starts in the middle of October and finishes mid November (And then starts again as soon as the shops sell them for New Year.) So our cats are used to the din and don't even flinch when one goes off, even over head !!!(Hard b45t4**s my cats!!)
  9. Hey Katyjay! those smells are so evocative of my youth in the Meadows too, my Dad made the most amazing Pea & Ham soup, he loved cooking & although I became a chef - mostly because of his & my Aunts love of good local home-made food, I have never in my proffesional capacity been able to re-create that special taste/smell/association of My dad's Pea & ham soup in the kitchen of a 2 up & 2 down in Nottingham Meadows in the '60's for all my long years catering, it is a flavour that will elude me forever I think - possibly because it is so much steeped in youth & nostalgia
  10. These are the smells of my childhood, sadly no more. Parafin in the heater in the outside toilet. Bread wafting from Blanchard's at Watnall if the wind was in the right direction. Tar on a hot summer's day when it melted on the edge of the road. Granny's cellar smelled musty. Goose Fair had that sweet smell of the candy floss machine, toffee apples, and the oily smell of the machinery driving the rides. Mussels cooking on Sunday morning, tripe and onions on the stove top [yuk to both of them] Lights cooking for the dog's dinner. The smell of the Co-op with bacon or cheese on the slicer, hams h
  11. The smell of the sugar beet factory in Colwick Industrial park. Often very strong in September/October as they processed the beet harvest I suppose. When we could smell it in Netherfield it always seemed like rain would come soon after. Also a reminder that Goose Fair and bonfire night were just around the corner. Dave
  12. So when's the bonfire party? Bip.
  13. Excellent Mick...well done! I'll study them on my return, as I'm off to Thailand in a couple of hours...back by Bonfire Night, hopefully! Cheers Robt P.
  14. People who start bonfires with two gallons of unleaded. I was on a course last year, where they showed a video 2 men lighting a bonfire with petrol. Pretty impressive display.
  15. People who tell you they have had one of the nicest days of the year when it has tipped it down here for most of the day (And you would be exceedingly hard pressed to get a bonfire going without 2 gallons of unleaded)......LOL .......Thanks Mickety
  16. We sang Bonfire night, the stars are bright, And all the little puppy dogs ,will have a fright. Oh and you nicked my "little birdy flying high"poem. My dad used to chastise us ( even though it was him that told it to us) for saying DAMNED and insisted we said DARNED instead .Bless him, he also told us to "Bleddy well stop swearing" once ,oh how we laughed
  17. Little birdie, flying high Dropped a message from the sky Eeew, said the farmer as he wiped his eye It's a damn good job that cows don't fly. If your Bob, don't give our Bob The bob, that your Bob owes our Bob Then our Bob will give your Bob A bob in the eye. Also on bonfire night or thereabouts, we sang Bonfire night, the stars are bright Two little angels dressed in white. Seems a short verse, was there more?
  19. Sorry to pee on your bonfire boys and girls but it was Graham Knight who used to do the bin man stunt (He was on 'Game for a Laugh' doing it) He also ran around with a 'C.B.' which was a big Card Board box
  20. When i/we were kids, we had bonfire night on whichever November 5th fell on, apart from Sunday i recall, so, can someone tell me why we now have almost a week of it? This year it falls on Monday, but so far have had fireworks going off almost non stop since the Friday before. Im not against it at all, its just that ive been lumbered with a number of cats, and trying to keep the buggers in has become a pain in the arse, especially as its spread over so many days!
  21. Chalk - luxury! We had to use 'stone picked up off 'street! Some of those games of tracking went on literally all evening. I remember at times you never saw your mates before you had to go home. Hedgehopping - oh yes! In the days when everyone seemed to have a privet hedge around their garden. How about 'spirit knocking'? We'd usually head for a street with terrace houses and tie several door knockers together across the street. Approaching Bonfire night was always a busy time. Collecting people's garden rubbish as if it was gold dust and dragging the big tree branches etc through the stre
  22. I think more people make the effort to walk though the new flatter square now , where they may not have done before ? Those boxes where stacked up beside the left lion when i passed , would have been ideal for your bonfire Den ?
  23. Usualy open at 11.00am close at 6am plus one and a half hours cleaning restocking fridges, and ,the best part of the day, 'Cashing Up', quick bite to eat into bed for 3 hours and back to work for 11am (if it was my turn, I had an assistant manager and we took it in turns to open up.) I always closed up though 'cos daft as it sounds there is no better feeling than closing up knowing that you have done for the night, and then that strange walk home in the twilight as Ibiza was just waking up. But the best feeling of all was when SWMBO would come out for a visit and we'd go for a 'Skinny Dip'
  24. While we are on the subject of Guy Fawkes and bonfire night, I was out walking the dog the other day, you could say I was on a walk about Australian style because I hadn’t a clue where I was going when I heard an almighty bang. Looking across to where I thought the noise had come from I saw a large black cloud in the sky. On hearing the bang and seeing the black cloud reminded me of something my daughter had said the other day while I was visiting her and eating her out of house and home. I had mentioned that I have been walking Diezel over by St Chads church in the village of Wilm. There is
  25. It wasn't us that started the build a bonfire malarky with the put County in the middle etc And if you watch this you will notice that the recent pitch invasion was nothing to do with us But to tell the truth I don't particularly hate you guys as long as you lose LOL. I don't care what any one says but I truely believe that Notts would never have had the successes that they had in the early 80s if it hadn't been for the peer presure created by messers Clough and Taylor even though they didn't help us financialy, they inspired the faithful few to shout that bit louder to spur the