Black holes & quantum physics.

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I saw some quantum ducks.... They were going "quark quark!" I'll get me coat...

is it time for your 'medication' yet colly ? lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There was an excellent programme on BBC4 yesterday about Einstein and his theories. If it's possible to explain them in simple english, the programme did it. Definitely worth watching on iPlayer.

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  • 2 months later...

Well they have discovered gravity waves & they think they came from two black holes merging with each other. & they've also found repeating fast radio bursts, very fascinating stuff. Well it is to me anyway...

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That stuff makes my eyes glaze over Colly! But then I was never any good at Physics at school. They wouldn't let me sit the O Level Physics exam because I only got 13% in the mocks LOL. Didn't worry me though ......

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  • 1 month later...

I've been thinking (stop laughing, I can think you know) if we can't communicate properly with any other life form on this planet, so how do we expect to communicate with lifeforms on another planet?

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Judging by the amount of wars being fought over the last three or four thousand years,we can't communicate with other human beings never mind other life forms.

Animals only kill for survival we kill for no reason.

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As a small child, I apparently confidently told my parents and anyone else who would listen that this world is just an illusion. I can remember lying outside on the lawn, next to my older sister, looking up at the clouds and stating that what I saw would not be the same as what she saw because it wasn't really there anyway!

Not surprisingly, my relatives thought I was a bit odd and at least one of them told my mother she would be requiring the services of a child psychiatrist!

I distinctly remember aunties and uncles saying "Why don't you go outside and play with the other children instead of asking silly questions all the time?"

I still suspect that what we call "reality" is an illusion and that if we knew how to overcome it, we would know the truth.

But I'm with Einstein who said that the important thing was never to stop questioning. Trouble is, there aren't enough answers!

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Jill, I was the same as a child - always wondering if I was really here and how I could prove it! I still do.....

On a different note, I had a friend who had one green eye and one blue and I clearly remember asking her to close each eye in turn to see if anything looked different when she did. (I didn't know then that the iris colour didn't affect sight)

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Jill, when we get into a topic like this one it seems to be almost inevitable that if we pursue it far enough we get into the realm of the spiritual. Religion. Aaaaargh!

Unfortunately I feel that I have to stop there. I hold a Biblical world view as I know some others do, but I feel like to start stating them and defending them could rapidly degenerate into a FUSS, as we say in Georgia. Sort of like politics, so for the most part I don't go there. I do appreciate your posts though.

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Well, loopylugs, I really see it more as a scientific dilemma. Religion is fine provided people don't try to impose their beliefs on others. I never try to do that because, as my sister turned to me and said when were watching the clouds that hot day in the early 1960s, "The problem with you is you're nuts!" So who would take any notice anyway? I'm afraid I see religion as a method of imposing control upon the way people behave and think. Sadly, it has been a very successful means of controlling the way women behave, think and the opportunities that are open to them.

I've always, like Margie H, been a divergent thinker and spend as much time as I can possibly spare thinking divergently but not to the extent that I didn't notice those pitying looks people gave my mother when I was a child. "Oh dear, Mrs Sparrow, it looks like your daughter's a fruit cake!"

As I've often said, we're all basically the same but some are more nosey than others. I call it having an enquiring mind!

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It is a scientific dilemma. Problem comes when we come to the end of what science can answer.

I don't really like the word "religion" as I tend to think of it as something we do by rote. Ie. I go to work religiously. Unfortunately "religious" people have given "faith" a bad name by their greed and sometimes controlling ways as you said.

The outcome of all of that is that it has become increasingly hard to address the spiritual side of a scientific problem because folks immediately jump to the conclusion that you are proselytizing.

Nowt wrong with an enquiring mind.

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You're not wrong, Loopylugs. There is a huge difference between religion and spirituality. I like to think the Dalai Llama was somewhere near the truth when he said that it matters not which religion you follow, if any at all. It's the person inside that matters. But then...we're back to the subject of illusion again! Or am I being cynical?

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Interesting comments Loppy, Margie & Jill. Thing I can never understand is when they say "he's/she's a good god fearing Man/Woman!" If god is so good why would anyone fear him/her/it? I've been told I'm going to hell for being a blood donor. Well that's that then, lol..

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Life and the Universe are still a great mystery to me anyway,.............but Jill i love how you call Loppy'.............Loopylugs.....ha ha ha,sorry Loppy..ha ha ha.

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