Ailments, Aches & Pains. (Let's hear them here)

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If your fall has caused a flare-up of existing osteo-arthritis in your shoulder joint,  it might settle down again in 2 or 3 months.   Let's hope so.    Poor you - as if you haven't enough to cope with!  I hope all will go well when you have your procedure next week xxx

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Carni, maybe the arthritic shoulder is due to the constant lifting of heavy cakes..... Only joking. My thoughts are with you .

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Well, er, um, er, well yes Brew, I suppose I do. 

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6 hours ago, AfferGorritt said:


Bleddy 'ell, Loppy. 'Ope she dun't wear it out!


Sorry! You must be sick and tired of organ jokes, but I couldn't resist.


I knew I was asking for it.  Lol.


There's a guy on the organ forum I'm on chose the login name....Myorgan....He should have known what he was letting himself in for.    :biggrin:



Edited to add....Carni..  Physio is fine but in your case it does sound like it agravated some issues and at that point I think you have a right to say, Enough!

In my case they are trying to rebuild the muscle -- brain connection.  I wouldn't say I'm in pain.  Just some discomfort frm working muscles that may not have done much for quite while.  Wishing you well meduck.

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Carni, I do hope your shoulder gets better soon.  I can't talk about shoulders, but I do have a couple of dodgy knees and the object of physio with them is to strengthen the muscles around the joint to support and control it better.  It does seem to work.  Don't ask me what exercises would be required though.


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Went to the dentist again today.  This time the specialist who did my root canal work.  He basically said that the jury is out  until the anti biotics are finished and we see what happens next. He prescribed me more Clarithromycin to take with me on hols in case it kicks off again.  Told me to forget Erythromycin my own dentist gave me for the same purpose...  :blink:  Still, this specialist bloke does have a degree in Pharmacology as well as his Dentistry quals.  He also said that he thought that 7 days on 400Mg Metronidazole, prescribed by the hospital, was a bit much . Says he normally prescribes three days but suggested I split the difference and do five.  I can live with that... Means I only get to go for 8 days without a little drinkypoos....  :)  And to be honest I am pretty much all antibioticked out after four lots in a few weeks.


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Good luck DJ, You are certainly putting your time and money into saving that tooth, not to mention all the pain while you are trying. I hope it can be saved  after all your effort, and especially in time for your Mehiko visit. Thanks for your concern, and good to know your physio is doing some good on your knees. I will definitely be seeing the doc again, now I know the physio  shouldn't be so painful. I wouldn't mind........if it was helping.


Hope this is correct. Felices Fiestas DJ.:biggrin:

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On 13 March 2019 at 1:52 AM, DJ360 said:


I also seem to be getting some bruising of toe nails.  Weird.


Just thought DJ you got shoes on right feet & to be honest mate I think I'd be sacking your two dentists off. 


But to all of you, get well soon X 



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I have had an upset stomach all this week, presumed it was an IBS flare up although I haven’t had one for a long while. Just checked the side effects of my thyroid medication and it says it is one. I have been taking them for a few weeks now and it has only just started although it seems a bit easier this morning, the “ache” has gone at the moment. I am hoping it will settle down as it does say side effects go as your body gets used to the medication and the last blood test showed it is starting to work. Hopefully this will be the case as I don’t want to have to take something to counter the side effects of the tablets I am already taking. I saw this with my late husbands mother who ended up with a plethora of tablets each counteracting side effects of other tablets she was taking. Definitely don’t want to go down that route.

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4 hours ago, carni said:

Good luck DJ, You are certainly putting your time and money into saving that tooth, not to mention all the pain while you are trying. I hope it can be saved  after all your effort, and especially in time for your Mehiko visit. Thanks for your concern, and good to know your physio is doing some good on your knees. I will definitely be seeing the doc again, now I know the physio  shouldn't be so painful. I wouldn't mind........if it was helping.


Hope this is correct. Felices Fiestas DJ.:biggrin:


Thanks Carni,

Dunno about the Spanish.  Will have to consult my older daughter who was pretty much fluent, though I suspect she's lost a bit of that since she worked in Barcelona.  Either way, I think 'Tequila Por Favor' or 'Cervesa Por Favor' ( phonetic) is probably all I need..  :laugh:


Teeth.   If it was just one tooth, I'd have tried a bit of treatment and if that failed I'd accept it had to go.  I don't need repeated infections as they are bad for the heart etc.  But, the issue is nobody seems sure which tooth is the seat of the problem and I don't want two out.  So.. I'll just try to 'manage' the issue until after my hols.


I'm told that they have Drug Sniffer Dogs running about at the Airport in Cancun, and that they are trained to sniff out Opiates.  So, apparently there's a possibility that they will sniff out my supply of Co Codamol which has 30 mg of Codeine (opiate).  Could be interesting, but i'm not worried as I have hospital notes, prescription info etc.


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I would check on the Mexican embassy website Col.


It is illegal to bring into Mexico some over-the-counter medicines commonly used in the United States, including inhalers and some allergy and sinus medications. Specifically, products that contain stimulants (medicines that contain pseudoephedrine, such as Actifed, Sudafed, and Vicks inhalers) or codeine are prohibited.

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Don't worry about taking the drugs with you col, you can get owt you need on most street corners.

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I'm, going to leave the Co-Codamol at home.  Haven't needed any so far.


Just need to check out the rules for a few Valium now....

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Be careful of that Mexican food or you might need more than Valium.  ;)  Neh mind though.  You can always illegally emigrate to the USA.   I think most of the Mexicans are already here.  Lol.

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28 minutes ago, DJ360 said:

Just need to check out the rules for a few Valium now....

Take one before bedtime!.

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I need to take some time out to consider all of this helpful and constructive advice...:dry:

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Right. I've had enough.  Three lots of Metronidazole in a few weeks.  This last lot with added Clarithromycin. 


I only took five days worth of the 7 day supply of  Metro, on the advice of the dentist.


Tonight I decided I'm not taking any more Clarithro either until I've spoken to a pharmacist. My whole body has been itching for days, though little to see other than the odd raised bump. Leaflet says that's enough reason to stop.




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P.S. Regarding taking Meds into Mexico.  The all around consensus is that if I have a list of meds, reason for prescribing etc., signed by doc and stamped.. and I also take all meds in original packaging with pharmacy label.. I'll be OK.

Docs have already supplied that.


But now it seems I ought to have a 'Fitness to Fly'  Certificate too. 


This is getting tedious now.

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