Ailments, Aches & Pains. (Let's hear them here)

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Have a word with Compo LL., he'll give some tips on how to ease pain. But it does involve a tub of Ben & Jerry's. 

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Just got in from the hospital.  Had hernia surgery.  First surgery I've ever had.

It was a good experience if surgery can ever be called a good experience.  The surgeon''s nurse told me she'd hold my hand as I dozed off.  She did too!  Ben would have loved it.  :biggrin:

All for now I'm a bit sore. Going to bed pretty quick..

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How did I miss this Loppy? 

I hope all heals well and that you are bounding around the yard very soon.



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You'll be fine, Loppy.  It will be painful at first but they should have given you something for that. 


A friend of mine had this op last September and he's thrilled with the result. You just need to be A good dog for a few weeks. No carrying heavy bones, no digging up the vegetable patch, no racing round the garden.  As WW says, daily doses of Bach will make you feel better, along with cuddles from Jake and Bailey.


You'll soon be back to normal. Look after yourself.

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Thank y'all your kind wishes.

Maybe I mentioned it while you were taking a break, Col.  I didn't want to go on about it.  Lot's of folks have far more difficult issues.  As a couple of you noted I'm planning on taking a few good doses of Bach. It will have to be on cds though.  I won't be back on the organ for week or so.  Haven't played much for the last week or two.  The hernia got to hurting if I got too active with the pedals.  

As regards American hospitals I can't speak to highly of the one here.  All of the staff were friendly and helpful and seemed to enjoy a bit of banter.  Especially the black guy who came in to shave me, and I don't mean my face.   :biggrin:  We had a good old laugh.  As noted surgeons nurse, Connie, treated me like a long lost cousin when they took me in .

What surprised me was a big monitor at the end of the table.  I aked if they were putting it on Youtube.  It was actually for the surgeon to have a look around inside of this old dog.   Ended up with just a couple of small incisions..   bit sore but really no worse than the hernia was before the surgery.

Currently eating breakfast, poached egg and cornflakes. I haven't eaten much since Monday.  So far so good.   :)

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Well done loppy,, i didnt mention,,but ive just had a Colonoscopy,,at Queens med,,having coffee and biscuits now,,all was ok,cancer free thanks lord,lovely girls,,

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Ben,  pleased your colonoscopy showed nothing  untoward.   You’ll feel relieved.....

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Pleased for you Ben!

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32 minutes ago, loppylugs said:

There's just some places I don't want anybody sticking a camera.  :biggrin:   Yer a brave ladI


Just reminded me Loppy.  I had  colonoscopy done last year.  There was no camera inserted it was imaged using a CT Scan.  Still had to have my bowel inflated though....:blink:


Thing was they kept sending me appointments to see the Gastroenterologist before I'd had the test done. So I kept cancelling them.  then we had lockdown.  Finally I was sent another appointment quite recently, despite my own Doc telling me my results were OK.  I queried this and it was cancelled, but they sent me a report.  Seems I have  bit of Diverticular Disease which is very common and and nothing to worry about, which is good, 'cos I already wasn't worrying about it... :)


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13 hours ago, loppylugs said:

Just got in from the hospital.  Had hernia surgery.  First surgery I've ever had.


55 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:

Well done loppy,, i didnt mention,,but ive just had a Colonoscopy,,at Queens med,,having coffee and biscuits now,,all was ok,cancer free thanks lord,lovely girls,,


Nice to see you both back and still posting on here. Long may you both continue :)

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24 minutes ago, DJ360 said:


Just reminded me Loppy.  I had  colonoscopy done last year.  There was no camera inserted it was imaged using a CT Scan.  Still had to have my bowel inflated though....:blink:



I’m an expert on Diverticular Disease :sorry: and have had quite a number of Colonoscopies and CT scans (performed at the same time DJ) fortunately all that is, hopefully,  in the past for me.  Having had a stoma for 15 months and then re-plumbed about 3 years ago I’ve been fit and well since going through two lots of major surgery.  (I can’t believe it’s that long ago when Chulla found me in QMC and brought me a big slice of carrot cake, bless him). I’m only a few pounds off my fighting weight now, it’s taken a long time to gain a stone in weight though. 

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Thanks Y'all...........been worried about the 'colon' job a few weeks now,,,but now feel great,,operation room full of ladies put me right at ease,,still made me Tabs' tingle a bit Loppy..

                      Also pleased to hear Lizzie,,you got your weight back,,you are right, hard to put back on after our sorts of Surgery,,,mine is almost back to pre-op times,,,

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Wheight is my next issue.  Since the stroke I've lost about thirty pounds.  Not too bad, in my own opinion I was overwheight at 180.  Lower is good for my blood pressure which is my main issue.  Dropped my waist size to a 36.  Need to drop a further size to a 34.  I think some of it is just due to aging. My parents were not big people either.  Mrs. L fusses about it.  That makes me growl and raises my blood pressure.  B A D!  I think I need to get Carni to send me a few cream cakes. ;)


Camera's in strange places has always brought a twisted smile to my dog face.  My very first camera was a box Brownie.  Not the sort of thing for intimate photos of one's innards.:biggrin:     Seriously though it is truly amazing the way good images in real time can be done today.  Probably saved a lot of lives and pain as well.  Still can't get over that big screen on the end of the operating table.  I don't think I would have liked to have watched it though.  Maybe they just like to watch old British sitcoms while they work. Alf Garnett comes to mind.  :Shock:

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Wish I could lose some weight. I used to be so slim and I had a fantastic metabolism which meant I could eat a box full of cream cakes and lose weight!


Not now. Since my thyroid started playing up, my metabolic rate has changed completely. Now, I find it very difficult to lose weight. I eat very little. No one in my family has ever been a big eater but I don't know of anyone who's had thyroid problems and had problems with losing weight.  Still, there are many worse things than that, so should think myself lucky I haven't got any of them!

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2 hours ago, loppylugs said:

Carni to send me a few cream cakes. 


Now come on LL, asking me to share my cakes, that is going a bit too far! :rolleyes:


Talking about cameras and operating tables. Reminded me, I'm overdue for a Colonoscopy which was cancelled in March, due to the Virus. I can't quite bring myself to phone and make sure I haven't been forgotten. Back to the camera. I have had 3 Colonoscopys in the last three years, and from the minute I get on that eyes stay firmly closed, I have seen the screen for me to watch the action, but I would rather not look thank you very much.:Shock:


I have been on Thyroxine for under active thyroid for many years. I blame that for my cuddliness. Nothing to do with cream cakes. Honestly.:biggrin:


Best wishes to LL and benj, and to all NS who are going through health and other worries.:)


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Jill, maybe it’s all that red wine ;)  No, I’m very aware of weight gain due to Thyroid issues, a good friend of mine, who was always very slim, gained a lot of weight when her Thyroid started to play up.  I’m sure my very welcome weight gain is due to lock-down, I’ve had more alcohol in the past 4 months than I normally consume.  It used to be a couple of sociable trips to the local per week, a meal out (with wine) and the occasional glass of wine at home.  I’ve had an alcoholic beverage just about every evening since March.  Not bothered though, I’m delighted to have gained a few pounds!  Just hope my Liver doesn’t start complaining.  

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10 hours ago, LizzieM said:

 I’ve had more alcohol in the past 4 months than I normally consume. 


.....whereas I've gone the other way. I don't drink much at home; I keep it for social, external gatherings.


I've never been verging on alcoholism, but since the middle of March I've drunk less than at any time since I first ever started drinking.

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