Ailments, Aches & Pains. (Let's hear them here)

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It's on hold. Paintwork is sorted. New unit is wall mounted. Just four screws for brackets and hang it in place, pre- assemble basin tap and waste then drop in and connect up.

But not till I get the all clear from Doc.

Last is to put down some 'click together' flooring and a bit of skirting.

When thata done sort out some decorating elsewhere, new carpets throughout then that's me done.

Anything beyond a bit of gardening will not be done by me.

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Yeah yeah... you make it sound so simple but we both know it can be quite strenuous bending, lifting etc. There comes a time...

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Absolutely. That time is here, but since I can't afford to pay tradesmen..

The back pain started before I started in bathroom, which is so far just painting, although I did have to isolate, empty and then lift off the poncy stainless steel heated towel rail as impossible to get a brush or roller behind it. All done now. Ten minutes of painitng needed then it's just the new basin/unit. Flooring literally goes down like laminate flooring, but has its own backing and has waterproof joints. Easy enough, and it's only a small bathroom. Bath and shower stay, just getting new magnetic seals for shower screens.

After that..(and a suitable period of procrastination..) it's a couple of internal doors.. NOT fitted by me as I only have to look at a piece of wood to make it split... replace some exceptionally creaky floorboards on landing with particle board, redecorate stairs, landing, and lounge, (Brother will help with the decorating.. he's a pro..and younger.) carpets and that's it. All that should last a minimum of five years.  If I last longer..I'll employ a decorator...


Oh.. I wan't to refinish the open plan stairs. Still a very yellow 70s pine finish.. it has to go...


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Col you make it appear a short easy few jobs to be done , just think about it and take you time we dont want to hear more stories of injuries.

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You must be clever, Col, fitting the flooring round the loo and washbasin …..

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32 minutes ago, MargieH said:

You must be clever, Col, fitting the flooring round the loo and washbasin …..


I'm cleverer than that Margie!!...


The wash basin will be mounted on a wall hung unit, so flooring just goes under..  And the loo is separate....

Flooring will encounter the door architrave, but the simple solution is to cut away a few mm at bottom of architrave, using a 'multitool with a 'plunge' blade so flooring slides under. Any slight imperfection at floor edges will be hidden by skirting fitted afterwards, with adhesive and/or sealant. Couple of pipes for towel rail need to be got round..that's all, and any cutting again hidden by those nice chrome pipe collars, which just clip into place...


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31 minutes ago, trogg said:

Col you make it appear a short easy few jobs to be done , just think about it and take you time we dont want to hear more stories of injuries.


Trust me Mick.. I am NOT rushing. It's not in my nature.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesteday I was called in for a long awaited lung function test, it took just over three months waiting and my name finally came to the top of the list due to some cancelations. My COPD is now at 57%.


The same afternoon off to a private clinic to have my cataracts looked at. After a battery of tests they found my rapidly degenerating vision in my right eye is not due to cataracts, they are only stage one in both eyes and easiliy corrected with lens'.

They found I have a macular edema across the focal point pf the retina.  Few, if any. private clinic will treat the condition, it seems they cherry pick what to treat, but they have made an urgent referral to QMC.


My vision has rapidliy worsened lately and thinking about it, it has done so since I started on Amlodipine.

Reporting to the doctor and ask for an appointment to see him... certainly sir, 5th of June...    :faint:

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It's just annoying they put you through so many tests they make high street opticians look like amateurs, and no doubt they could sort out cataracts in a morning. But anything that looks like it may not be an in and out job they shunt you off to the NHS.

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@Brew  sorry you seem to be having some health issues.  I hope they'll  be sorted soon.  I know all about those eye tests …… I’m a regular at the eye clinic.   We also have a ‘Peak flow’ monitor to use at home which measures how quickly you can breathe out.  Our scores aren’t too good and we’ve both been sent for CT scans but the results seem OK for our age.

Sending  lots of good wishes to you ……. x


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Sorry to hear of your health problems Brew, knowing your strong character you will deal with it the strength that you have, best wishes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The eye saga goes something like this. Struggling to read so off to Specsavers, " do you want an OCT for £20 to detect any problems?"

OK. Result - you have cataracts in both eyes, and we'll refer you to hospital.

Hospital waiting list is six months for assessment and then another wait before treatment. Not happy.


A private cataract specialist tells me cataracts are correctable with lenses so replacement not necessary, but you have a macular oedema which we don't do. Referred to QMC as urgent.


QMC two weeks wait so quite good really, but I'm told there is no oedema, it's advanced degeneration.


All in all three different diagnoses.


I'm just back after spending most of the day at Woodthorpe Hospital. and it appears two were right and Specsavers were wrong. A consultant at Woodthorpe has confirmed wet macular degeneration but under a blister of liquid there is also an oedema.

Many years ago a careless crane driver released some iron filing which hit me in the face, after treatment at Lincoln hospital I forgot all about it but it scarred my retina and over the years has grown to be a problem,


Treatment? none in the words of the consultant, "you may spend many thousands of pounds with various attempts to improve your sight - they will fail!".


Looks like it's Margie and myself fighting for the window seats then...

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At least the consultant has been honest with you, even if it isn't what you want to hear. That's better than encouraging you to spend a fortune for no result.

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Sorry to hear that @Brew, upsetting when you’re told nothing can be done to improve your sight.   How about getting a second opinion?  Who did you see at the Woodthorpe, was it Mr Alwitry?  

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I saw Mr Zakia and he was my third opinion. Two consultants and specialist ophthalmologist I guess I have to take their word...

3 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

At least the consultant has been honest with you

That's what I thought, I did thank him for it...

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Sorry I've not followed this Jim.  

I don't  really understand their view on cataracts. They are either too minimal to be a problem, or they need surgical removal and a new lens putting in the eye.

The Oedema I don't know anything about, but I wish you the best possible outcome.

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16 minutes ago, DJ360 said:

The Oedema I don't know anything about,

 Nor did I............ but you can be sure I know a lot about 'em now...  ;)


Edit... sorry ...thank you.


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5 hours ago, Brew said:

Many years ago a careless crane driver released some iron filing which hit me in the face, after treatment at Lincoln hospital I forgot all about it but it scarred my retina and over the years has grown to be a problem,

Sorry to hear about your problem and prognosis Brew. If that accident had happened here you would be eligible to claim workers compensation, even after a protracted time. It won't help the deterioration of your sight, but some compensation may help get you any aids or assistance you may need.

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@Brew I’ve only just seen your post so sorry I’m late in replying ….   Is the wet Macular degeneration in both eyes or just one?    It’s only my left eye that is wet, the right one is still dry.  I’ve had monthly injections in my left eye for around 2 years but as it has now stabilised (so I’m told) I only have clinic appointments about every 2 months so it can be monitored.  It’s impossible to say whether the injections have stopped it getting worse but it seems to have done so.  
I had a cataract removed over 20 years ago and an artificial lens fitted, which was amazingly successful for about 15 years but the macular problems have now taken over.  I have a cataract in my other eye but I’ve been told it probably isn’t worth taking that out as my main problem is the macular degeneration.

Went to Specsavers last week but as usual was told there was nothing they could do to improve my vision, but would I like to buy some new frames!
I’m just so pleased I can still type messages on a bright back-lit iPad. .  I can’t read paper books anymore but use Kindle.  Reading does take longer than it used to as I have to go slowly and carefully but I still feel life is good.

I hope any treatment will go well for you x


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10 minutes ago, MargieH said:

I hope any treatment will go well for you x

Sadly no treatments offered, but it's my right eye at the moment so if we link arms we should have a fighting chance...   smile2

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Brilliant idea Brew but as both my eyes are equally rubbish that probably wouldn’t work :( 

Have you asked about eye injections?

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Just read your post Brew sorry to hear about your health but hey/ho chin up a???? down. Brew your a fighter, I'm sure you will beat it in the end.

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1 hour ago, MargieH said:

Have you asked about eye injections?


The opinion is that I could spend many £1000's and see no benefit. Trust me I've explored every avenue.

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The other day master had a letter from QMC with an appointment for a check up on Cararact at 11 00 and the opp at 3 00, Now he had seen our GP around FEB and (our GP is NHS)  3 weeks after having been for his eye test,refurred to GP then booked into private NHS clinic, master had his cararact opp done.

When the letter came from QMC he looked at it and just said well i'm not going twice, after twisting his arm i made him phone and cancel the app  Well the lady on the phone was not plesent she was very blunt  ""well if you don't want it doing thats up to you but you wont be able to have it done if you cancel.""  she was told twice that it had already been done but this fell on deaf ears,                                  Is this not the case of the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. Plus that big notice (Please respect our staff) and they keep telling us !! its your NHS !???  all I can say is role on July

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