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Hope i'm wrong but don't fancy our chances,..........England about to play Portugal tonight,forwards look good..Vardy,Kane and Rooney............but don't like the look of defenders........its 7.38 we'll see.

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If I recall correctly, I commented on the previous England game by stating that the team seemed to be 'standing about in their own half, trying to summon up sufficient energy to stroll backwards'.

I see all the old commentators (in the professional and amateur senses) have gone back to being hopeful again. Gary Lineker was downbeat for a few years but these days he talks about our "talented" yo

Yes SG..........DJ360 WAS SPOT ON..............They need to try going forward instead of all this back and square passing in their own half.............And try some runs down the wings......but then a

Learn't nowt............just confirmation we have no star players anymore...........

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England about to play Portugal tonight,forwards look good..Vardy,Kane and Rooney............but don't like the look of defenders

Ironically of course, it was a defender who scored!

I thought Vardy and Kane were both disappointing tonight.

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Who in Gods name told Kane to take corners. He should be in the box ready to receive the bloody ball. Sheer lunacy.

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I see all the old commentators (in the professional and amateur senses) have gone back to being hopeful again. Gary Lineker was downbeat for a few years but these days he talks about our "talented" young squad and says this will be a great team. What happened to our "golden generation", the Beckhams, Gerrards and Lampards? Its the same repeating story of beating easy opponents in the qualifying tournament and then being embarrassed in the actual tournament. Are we really expecting to beat the likes of Spain, France, Italy and Germany with the likes of Cahill and Smalling in defence? England has no decent defenders at all these days. Rooney is in there merely because he is Hodgson's captain but its clear to see the team overall would be better if we didn't have to accommodate him. Even Lineker says he can't play upfront anymore. Kane and Vardy might have goals in the Premier League but they seem uniquely English players to me. How will they cope with foreign defences and tactics? The English have always been tactically naive. This is because most English players play and stay in England. They never get a wider football education. Meanwhile many of the foreign players travel from country to country learning as they go. I did read a while ago that two thirds of the "English" league is made up of non UK players. So it seems that our club teams are now basically made up of overseas players which surely cannot be good for our national side!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great win for our 'Taff' then England sort the 'Ruskies'.....................i reckon 0-0..........

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  • 5 years later...
  • 3 years later...

What a boring match tried watching but kept .........switching over......

Back Passing....Square Passing....Players ive never heard of......Serbs didnt know what a foul throw was.......supporters jumping up and down and hugging each other.........commentators going on as if it was the World cup.........its only the European cup ya know..!!!

                       Sooner watch somethig more meaningful like......Basford town..V...Parliament street

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I can claim next to zero knowledge about football.. but I watched as England stood about, trying to summon up enough energy to stroll backwards towards their own goal.


I was left wondering if they needed a sign post on the pitch, to point them in the right direction.


Truly abysmal... and a minute or so from the end, Southgate was clearly seen gesturing to his players to calm down!  Calm down?  Any calmer and they'd have all been catatonic....

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DJ I am pleased I am not the only one who is not interested in football ,right from junior school I hated it and dreaded when we had to play it. I cannot remember ever having watch a complete match.

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I’m not remotely interested in football. I played rugger at school but thought it was a silly game. So many people suffered fractures and other injuries. Is that what sport is about? Athletics was my interest and further up the school I did cross country running in the winter and middle distance running and tennis in the summer. We used to meet up with some girls from Bluecoat at the Bulwell Common tennis courts and played a few games with them! Mixed doubles I think it was called.:biggrin:

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I don't follow 'league' football, because as far as I'm concerned it represents the waste of far too many weekends and weekdays, not to mention loads of money, in the pursuit of an endless cycle of ups and downs.


I don't mind tournaments, because the interest and excitement is intensified by the progression (or otherwise) to the KO stages and the final, and it's all over in a couple of weeks.


I also like to be amused by the language of the commentators and pundits.


Over the years, I've noted:


Game of two halves..


Good strong boy...


Got a good engine..


..and more recently..






Running in behind.


Apparently, if England had ALL 'pressed' together, while somebody 'ran in behind..'  we'd have won last night....  Both halves.

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After Spain defeated Albania England have now qualified for the last 16 of the European Championship

Their own efforts so far have not been good enough so they had to rely on other sides doing the job for them.

They play their final group C game against Slovenia on Tuesday night.

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Southgate received a justified round of booing after England's 0-0 draw against Slovenia.

They qualified for the last 16 by finishing on top of group C, so in that regard job done.

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After last nights match England v Slovenia  comment from master, what a load of rubbish England where.  They have just got to re-think of a team change to get to win anything. 


Master thinks at the moment beast team is Spain.

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Normally, as I know bugger all about football, I don't make contributions to this thread. However, from watching all three England games I am of the opinion, we'd have been better off stopping at home. Do the players need satnavs to show them which way they're supposed to run. That there Mr.Kane just seems to hang around the opposition penalty area waiting for some kind soùl to pass him a ball so he can try to tap it in. Wonder how much they are raking in. Think I'll stick to waxing me legs on Sunday.

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  • Cliff Ton changed the title to England and the Euros

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