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Early family outing to Skegness....Uncles Aunts Grandparents cousins..all went for the day by train..about 1950........ Me with my Grandad and Uncle Sonny riding pillion........

I love Skegness.  I have lots of lovely memories of going there with my parents when I was little, exciting memories of going on impromptu day trips as a teenager, our honeymoon there and  then taking

Witnessed totally disgusting behaviour on the beach at Skegness today. A man and woman arguing in front of a load of kids then she smacked him one on the head and it all kicked off between them, the p

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Lizzie we had our honeymoon in Scarborough. I remember it from when we were kids at Cayton Bay and having a chalet. Lots of beach combing learnt from my grandfather Gary. ( His name was John Henry so dont know how it became Gary) 

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Oh !!! nonnaB  you have just jogged my memory my grandson when young went on holiday to Scarborough. 

Each time we ask what was his favorit holiday place he would say   SCCCCCAARRRBOROUGH  it was his part piece.

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On 5/19/2021 at 11:18 AM, Alpha said:

Situated, as Skegness is, on the edge of the cold North Sea, no thanks. How old must that portly fisherman be? Is he on something?

Just sorry to say but that fisherman is called The Jolly Fisherman  and if you go to the over 50s Bowls week and win as well as prize money you will also get a Jolly Fisherman statue.

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Butlins  I worked in the medical center there it was amazing what people we would get in, I can say a little about this as it was in the 70s. One day a chap came in with his little child and the child had a splinter in her/his  finger, at the top of his voice the man wanted a doctor to have a look at the childs finger. The doctor had finished half an before so only myself and the nurse were there.  The doctor has finished now till 5 00 I said  but the nurse is free, "Now look here I want her to see a doctor not a ?? nurse" Our nurse came out of her room and told the gent that she would look at his childs finger "Don't bother said the gent I will take her to A'n E" with that he went out slaming the door. Best thing was you could not see any splinter in the childs finger, but thats not to say their was'nt one.

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The greens that are used when we play at Skegness are behind the "Sun Castle" there are 3 greens and seeing as the bowling year starts with over 50s on the 17th June i am sure these are not the greens we will use. 

If you go right at the clock tower it will take you to the south green which is more than likley the photo. These greens were sold off to an hotel chain about 2 years ago.

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Wish we were at Skeggy  Catfan. I know you and Sue always enjoy your times there. We were booked in for the 14th-28th at The Royal Oak site at Winthorpe, carried forward from cancelled Covid associated hols from last year. We have recently had to cancel the hols again on Docs orders. Very disappointed but know the Doc is right.

We love Skeggy, as you all know, hubbs and I met there in 1964, We had a Boxing Day wedding and we honeymooned there in the spring of 1967.

We have no interest in foreign travel, plenty of Great Britain left for us to explore.

Have fun both, I'm sure you will.:biggrin:

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I’ve just been to Skegness in virtual reality on Google. I’ve walked along the seafront and down Lumley Rd. and fail to see the attraction of the place. It’s a bit better at the southern, less commercial end, towards Gibraltar Point. I remember once sinking into the sands there, nearly up to my knees and my wife having to pull me out. I think she still regrets having done that!

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On 5/21/2021 at 10:39 AM, carni said:

Wish we were at Skeggy  Catfan. I know you and Sue always enjoy your times there. We were booked in for the 14th-28th at The Royal Oak site at Winthorpe, carried forward from cancelled Covid associated hols from last year. We have recently had to cancel the hols again on Docs orders. Very disappointed but know the Doc is right.

We love Skeggy, as you all know, hubbs and I met there in 1964, We had a Boxing Day wedding and we honeymooned there in the spring of 1967.

We have no interest in foreign travel, plenty of Great Britain left for us to explore.

Have fun both, I'm sure you will.:biggrin:

Sue & I also honeymooned in Skeg too Carni !

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We know what's good for us aye Catfan. We had a week in my Aunts caravan on Greenfields site for our Honeymoon. 


I know the weather hasn't been brilliant, but hope you both had a good time on your hols. 

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We spent our wedding night in a B&B in Skeg then a week in my brother's caravan at Mabo.

Weather was not too bad really now the chippy's & pubs are open again !

We had the "Deluxe" room this time £7 a night extra for a king size four poster bed.

No expense spared.

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 Early family outing to Skegness....Uncles Aunts Grandparents cousins..all went for the day by train..about 1950........

Me with my Grandad and Uncle Sonny riding pillion........

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Even at the tender age of 5, you were a lovely little chap Ben...

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When Skegness was busy and people dressed properly.............note...Double breasted same as me Dad............about 1949

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My parents and grandparents would dress casual for going to the beach and staying in the beach chalet for mashing and rainy days but would go back to the boarding house mid afternoon to get dressed up for the evening dinner.

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