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2 hours ago, loppylugs said:

Interesting responses on an interesting subject.


Col,. I think in passing you touched on something we all have little control over and that is room dynamics.  This with reference to setting up in hotel rooms.


Seems to me you could have the finest state of the art equipment and the whole affect could be changed or even ruined by room acoustics.


I learned over the last few years, being interested in the organ,  that building a fine instrument is only the beginning.  Someone trained in the art must then spend many hours 'voicing' the organ for the particular acoustic environment it is installed in.  Badly done, even a fine instrument can sound lousy.  When my electronic organ was delivered the dealer spent the best part of half a day with his assistant voicing the organ for my music room.   It sounded much better when he had finished than when he started.


Edited to add:.   I'm reminded again of the Flanders and Swann song.  It ended with the words,


I never cared for music much

Just my hi fidelity.  :biggrin:

Perhaps the best way to listen to hi fi is through quality headphones. The savings on speakers would be immense and the siting would not be critical. Surely using speakers requires an equidistant seating  position so a group of listeners could not enjoy the experience to the full. Then what do I know about hi fi? Nothing.:biggrin:

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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All Mrs P wanted when she came home from the gym was Poached egg on toast, so I did two poached eggs and fresh cut bread toasted,eggs drained on kitchen roll when they were done to dry them (don't want soggy toast do you) and thick buttered toast,looked and smelled that good I did my self some, mmmmmmm



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29 minutes ago, plantfit said:

All Mrs P wanted when she came home from the gym was Poached egg on toast, so I did two poached eggs and fresh cut bread toasted,eggs drained on kitchen roll when they were done to dry them (don't want soggy toast do you) and thick buttered toast,looked and smelled that good I did my self some, mmmmmmm



Quite right too. It is International Women’s Day!;)

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I don't entirely disagree, Phil.  Headphones are good for a variety of reasons.  Especially if your spouse does not like your choice of music.  That said, If the room acoustics are reasonably good listening on some good speakers can be a very enjoyable experience.

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I wasn’t aware of that and I’m a great pie enthusiast. Homemade are best but the farm shop at Hockerton near Southwell makes pies on the premises and they are extremely good. That’s tomorrow’s dinner sorted. Thanks for the reminder!;)

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Yes today is " Festa delle Donne"  I' d forgotten but when my mums carer came in carrying a little posy of snowdrops and wild violets, it was a lovely surprise. My day started at 8 am with a blood test. Nurse couldnt find the vein ( it had apparently slipped underneath another one) so she had to dig deep. It ******* hurt and now I have a bruise 2 cm wide and a lump 4 cm around it. I have blood tests every 3 months and have been for app. 8 yrs and have never had anything like it.

As if that wasn't enough I've got a very bad cold that I' m afraid it might turn into bronchitis. ( I remember the symptoms) I haven't had a cold in years and I've noticed before that when I do get one after a lenghthy absence I get a beauty.

I've spent the last 2 days lying on the settee cuddling my little babies

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2 hours ago, philmayfield said:

Perhaps the best way to listen to hi fi is through quality headphones. The savings on speakers would be immense and the siting would not be critical. Surely using speakers requires an equidistant seating  position so a group of listeners could not enjoy the experience to the full. Then what do I know about hi fi? Nothing.:biggrin:

SWMBO bought me a pair of sennheiser HD205 headphones for Xmas & I love them, I can listen to whatever I want while she watch's her load of old tosh soaps. Sometimes when I'm listening to a comedy program I burst out laughing, I then get shouted at, lol..

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Spent the afternoon sorting my clothes out for up coming Jollies'         3 pairs of shoes ,elegant Milano's, for dancing and Dining, Docker shoes for walking, some cheapo canvas ones,for posing round the Pool, not that ive got much to Pose about these days,

            2 Pairs of shorts both knee length, one black one dark blue,,lots of shirts,all long armed,,cos me arms have gone skinny,, nice pair of black slim-line trousers for evenings, in case the hotel ask me to do the door to keep people out of the Restaurant wearing shorts and Sandals. (really lol.)

             Several pairs of tight underpants ,assorted colours, lots of socks all ankle length,inc grey ones for wearing with shorts and Docker shoes,

       Thought you would all be interested and feel safe in the fact that i'll be representing Nottingham at its best amongst all those others,'nt know what 'Bella Donna'' will be wearing,she usually just throws stuff in bag and she's off.........always looks good though,

            Was'nt going to tell you all this.........but i'm so

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I’m sure you’ll look the smartest, coolest geezer on the Costa Ben!


Today I began a stint as Nurse Gladys Emmanuel.  On Tuesday morning my husband went into hospital for a total knee replacement.  He’s struggled to convince himself that he needed this operation for several years.  He had his first cartilage operation when he was 14 years old, 60 years ago, and at that time the surgeon told him he had knees of a 70 year old!  He played far too much football as a lad and continued until mid 30s, always with his knees strapped up.  In recent years he’s had several ‘procedures’ to clean his arthritic knees out but he finally took the plunge this week for the biggy.

He was discharged this morning, 48 hours after the operation, with a whole stack of pills, medicine, needles to stop DVT, crutches, a sealed bucket that we need to put iced water in and then it’s fed along a pipe to a Velcro pad that has to be wrapped around his knee every 2 hours.  Blimey, this is going to be a right palaver for a few weeks but it’s over, he’s finally had the operation and hopefully will be pain free in a few months time.  

The upside of him being laid up is that I will be getting a lot more exercise with a dog to walk 2 or 3 times a day, it will all be down to me for a while.  Better dust off the step counter! 

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Well he'll be in good hands with you looking after him Lizzie, good idea about getting the step counter out,every cloud and all that,take care both of you



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I'm sure you'll do a good Nurse Emmanuel for him Lizzie, can always get Arkwright to give you a hand,..........your Hubby about my age,bet played against him back in the day.,what teams did he play for ?   many of my old football mates finished up with 'Dodgy' knees, think i was lucky.

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17 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:

I'm sure you'll do a good Nurse Emmanuel for him Lizzie, can always get Arkwright to give you a hand,..........your Hubby about my age,bet played against him back in the day.,what teams did he play for ?   many of my old football mates finished up with 'Dodgy' knees, think i was lucky.

Doubt your paths would have crossed Ben as he’s a Southerner.  He played for various Surrey/Sussex teams inc. Reigate Priory, Horley, Crawley and Surrey schoolboys.  By the time I knew him he’d descended to village teams.  

Dodgy knees, Dementia ......  don’t think any of that crossed your minds when you were running around as young men!!


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52 minutes ago, Jill Sparrow said:

Wot? No liberty bodice? You'll catch your death without one! ;)

Sorry Jill, 2 waistcoats, one black,one light Grey, substitute liberty bodices,

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4 hours ago, philmayfield said:

I’m a great pie enthusiast. Homemade are best



I've been pining for a meat and tater pie for weeks now, so today I got on wi'it and made one.  It was absolutely delicious with chips (in dripping) and mushy peas.  Trouble is that it was so big I still feel stuffed after eating it 5hrs ago!

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Best meat and potato pie I ever had was in the Blue Bell back in the late 70s, when Eddie Hand ran it. His missus made them fresh every day, and served them up with mushy peas. Flaky pastry topped, too.


Add in a pint of Home Ales mixed, and it was seventh heaven.

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20 hours ago, loppylugs said:

Interesting responses on an interesting subject.


Col,. I think in passing you touched on something we all have little control over and that is room dynamics.  This with reference to setting up in hotel rooms.


Seems to me you could have the finest state of the art equipment and the whole affect could be changed or even ruined by room acoustics.


I learned over the last few years, being interested in the organ,  that building a fine instrument is only the beginning.  Someone trained in the art must then spend many hours 'voicing' the organ for the particular acoustic environment it is installed in.  Badly done, even a fine instrument can sound lousy.  When my electronic organ was delivered the dealer spent the best part of half a day with his assistant voicing the organ for my music room.   It sounded much better when he had finished than when he started.


Edited to add:.   I'm reminded again of the Flanders and Swann song.  It ended with the words,


I never cared for music much

Just my hi fidelity.  :biggrin:


All very true Loppy.  I suspect that one reason why I haven't changed my speakers for over 20 years is that they are a pretty good match for my room.  That said any loudspeaker will only perform at its best if properly set up.  As I hinted earlier.. it's no good just chucking them in a corner, or up on top of a high piece of furniture ( especially in the corner near the ceiling) and expecting them to work.  They'll usually sound all slow and boomy.  Some speakers are designed to be placed with their backs against the wall.. some a little bit away from walls etc., and this really should be a consideration when buying them in the first place.  Ideally you should find a dealer who will offer a 'home demonstration', or at least let you borrow a 'demonstration' pair to try out. Most speakers sound best with the tweeters at the same height as the listener's ears when seated.



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18 hours ago, philmayfield said:

I think we tend to look at other people’s interests and when we’re not passionate about it we think “what a waste of money”, tending to ignore the money we spend/waste on our own hobbies. Each to their own!


Spot on!  I wish I'd a quid for every one I know who has gasped 'how much?!!!' when I've mentioned the cost of some piece of kit.  Yet if they are for example football fans, they will be spending probably £100 per week on tickets, transport, pies, beer etc.  At least 2 or 3K per year.  "How much?!!!!"  :Shock:  And what's worse I can tell them the result years in advance!!  Their team will bounce up and down the table and no matter how invincible they seem.. will eventually fall.  Witness Forest in 70s, Man U more recently, etc.  :)



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18 hours ago, philmayfield said:

Perhaps the best way to listen to hi fi is through quality headphones. The savings on speakers would be immense and the siting would not be critical. Surely using speakers requires an equidistant seating  position so a group of listeners could not enjoy the experience to the full. Then what do I know about hi fi? Nothing.:biggrin:


I like to have both, but there's not much to beat those brief moments when 'er indoors' is out, or sewing upstairs and I'm actually allowed to turn the wick up under the old speakers and have a good listen.  My mate across the road only had headphones for years, so he spent big on Japanese .'Stax' Electrostatic 'Earspeakers', with valve energisers.  They sounded fab.. but now he's turned his integral garage into a music room and mainly uses speakers.

I always feel that headphones create music sort of inside your head.  It can be very detailed and clear, but different to good speakers which can lay it out before you as a 'soundstage', with (on a good stereo recording) musicians and instruments placed as they would be at a live 'gig'.



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Anyway.  Yesterday was another good day out with Picko and the lads down the Cavern.  We managed to go a bit easier on the booze than usual.. which is always good.  Tony Coburn didn't show for his set as he's a bit poorly, but his brother Jimmy was there for his stint and was on top form.

I bought a ten inch blue vinyl LP.. No. 088 of a limited run of 500.  It's called 'The Cavern Club 1957-2017 Jazz and Skiffle' and is beautifully realised with an old style 'flip back' sleeve and very 50s styled graphics.  It features songs by the likes of George Melly, Mose Allison, Tubby Hayes, Johnny Duncan and Beryl Bryden.




Something I didn't know.. and mentioned in the sleevenotes, is that the Cavern founder Alan Sytner loosely named the Cavern after a famous Parisian jazz club called 'Le Caveau de la Huchette'.




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1 hour ago, DJ360 said:


Spot on!  I wish I'd a quid for every one I know who has gasped 'how much?!!!' when I've mentioned the cost of some piece of kit.  Yet if they are for example football fans, they will be spending probably £100 per week on tickets, transport, pies, beer etc.  At least 2 or 3K per year.  "How much?!!!!"  :Shock:  And what's worse I can tell them the result years in advance!!  Their team will bounce up and down the table and no matter how invincible they seem.. will eventually fall.  Witness Forest in 70s, Man U more recently, etc.  :)



I used to fly aeroplanes. That didn't come cheap but they were some of the best hours of my life.

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Which is what we all work hard all our lives for!  Spot on!

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