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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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53 minutes ago, Brew said:

So long as you don't use Jills sword Lizzie...

I've never used it in anger but I polish it and keep it shining. More likely to use grandma Kate's bread knife. It could tell some tales! :blink:

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Been a bit busy last couple of days.

Weds I went back to optician with my new specs.  Very uncomfortable on the nose. A slight tweak helped, but they still need a bit of work.


Yesterday ( Thurs) was another Cavern day out with Picko.  The train in from St Helens to Liverpool was absolutely packed.  Perfect storm of a previous cancellation, plus kids still off school and the first day of the Grand National Meet...


Had a good play with my new camera in the Cav and a few pics may appear in the photo thread, but mostly I was playing with the video functions.  Video is very clear and with great sound considering no separate 'mic' input, but I  can't yet hold the camera as still as my phone.  We'll get there.


As a bonus, there was an unadvertised question and answer session in the Cavern Lounge featuring Earl Slick.  I'd only barely heard of this guy, but he played on lots of David Bowie's albums as well as Lennon's and many others.  He gave some very interesting insights into the whole process of creating music with the likes of Bowie, Lennon  Well worth being there and I grabbed a few pics and vids.


We've been quite good the last few times, but yesterday we overdid the 'pop' a bit....


Today first thing.  Back to the new Doc's to have an annoying 'thing' taken off my back.  Apparently a 'sebbhoreic keratosis' which is harmless.  But they can itch and this one was becoming a right pain in the back  ;).  The doc actually took two off.  So I have a massive plaster over my left shoulder and it's 'smarting' a bit.


After care instructions.  'Keep the dressing dry for 48 hours'.  'After this a shower is advisable'  :Shock:  I should flippin' well think a shower IS advisable after 48 hours...... 


Now.. still trying to figure out how this works. but I've been invited to go to Amsterdam next week for a Liam Gallagher gig. £121 inc flights, two nights in a hotel and entry to the 'gig' on the guest list...  Never been to Amsterdam and the weather looks set fair...  Hmm..



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Youve pinched my blanket, just you wait til you move. Our lot stand up for their rights Gem in no uncertain terms.

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What a day this as been,,,what a rare mood i'm in,,,its almost like being in love,,......carnie, margie, Lizzie ?


Thats the day i've had,,,,phone call 7.45..two dropped out (young ones) can you manage on your own?..yes ok no sweat,


so today worked alone,tasks included,  my own job Security meet/greet, wich is a doddle, dealing with about 150 clients,,,but also undertook..

Reception duties,

Sports advice,,


Check out operator,

Booking officer,

Lock up/and open,  bleddy keys and alarms, hate it,

Anyway feet did'nt touch all day.........strange thing is i really enjoyed it,,i'm still buzzing,,...............but hope the others turn up


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16 minutes ago, nonnaB said:

Youve pinched my blanket, just you wait til you move. Our lot stand up for their rights Gem in no uncertain terms.

Nonna, that is not my dog she has just returned from the vet my friend sent pic, will try and upload mine, senior citizen moment LOL

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29 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:

so today worked alone,tasks included,  my own job Security meet/greet, witch is a doddle, dealing with about 150 clients,,,but also undertook..

Reception duties,

Sports advice,,


Check out operator,

Booking officer,

Lock up/and open,  bleddy keys and alarms, hate it,

Anyway feet did'nt touch all day.........strange thing is i really enjoyed it,,i'm still buzzing,,...............but hope the others turn up

Good thing no one had a long-handled broom! :wacko:

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8 minutes ago, nonnaB said:

I know the feeling Gem, but they DO pass

Its like the song "i'm to young to feel this dam old".  Lilo Lil had been to the vet after some fool had left a fish hook on the rocks.

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3 hours ago, catfan said:

Cut mesen shaving this morning & took ages to stop bleeding due to blood thinning medication, had to stop in.

Maybe  time to hand the job over to MrsC...........I have got an old cut throat razor that belonged to my Grandfather sharpen it up be as good as new.

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Lazy day.


Did a lot of not much in particular.


Mrs Col out till late so I knocked up a simple supper for one...  Pan Fried Pork Fillets with Mushroom Gravy, Sprouts and Duck Fat Roasted Potatoes...  as you do....



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9 hours ago, Gem said:

Maybe  time to hand the job over to MrsC...........I have got an old cut throat razor that belonged to my Grandfather sharpen it up be as good as new.


As much as Mrs C tells me she loves me, there is no chance of me letting her loose with a razor near my throat, thankyou very much !  smile2

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Good morning everyone. My day started well !!!! The carer arrived for mum and she wouldn't wake up. She kept pulling the covers over her and closing her eyes again. At the finish I had to tell her that if she didn't wake up properly I would send Lucia home and she would have to stay dirty until tomorrow morning . ( Lucia only comes in for an hour on sunday as a favour)

So left her to think about it. Breakfast crunchy nut cornflakes was served to her but she left them too long so they were soggy and wouldn't eat them. Gave her some more but she was very very angry. Told Lucia not to worry she'd soon forget.

Minutes later I heard mum say something to her but only heard the last couple of words and Lucia doesnt understand english, so I went to mum to ask her what she'd said.

" A little bit of wind that started from the heart it did a downward turn and then became a f@@t."

Poor girl she didnt know whether to laugh or cry.

Windows all done now comes the job of clearing up, what a mess hope it doesn't rain. It doesn't look promising. A cousin ( a builder is collecting the old ones to take to the tip) so hopefully we can clear all the bits and pieces and all the shavings etc

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What a lovely area Gem . I must start walking again. All the grape vines are starting to sprout so its interesting to see how they progress every day. There are plenty of nice walks around us but to start they are all uphill. We live in a valley but we are high up. Sounds daft I know but the village is split in two. The old part and new. We are in the old part mostly old farmhouses. Lovely and quiet though except in the summer for the vendemmia when its tracters , tracters and more tracters carrying grapes.

Hope you enjoyed your walk.


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1 hour ago, catfan said:

As much as Mrs C tells me she loves me, there is no chance of me letting her loose with a razor near my throat, thankyou very much !


I had to laugh catfan, I saw your post just after I finished Chris's monthly hair cut, ear and eyebrow pampering. He looks so sweet now, posing in front of the mirror with pursed lips. How ever that man trusts me near his ear holes with a pair of very pointy scissors, I'll never know.  Must be love.:crazy:

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Not by me sen at work today,,so easy day got the youngsters to run round,,not in charge but tend to think i am,,bit boring really,did'nt get a Dance,,did'nt even get insulted or threatened,, my own way on the Music.........don't know why but can't get Glenn Campbells 'Gentle on my mind'' out of my mind,played a lot of country type music,,...........high-lite of my Day was bunch of Libyan teenagers greeting me with ''ey-up mi duck'' and on leaving with ''ta ra duck''..............some of the Libyan elders are going back to Libya to live in September......and one who i get on really well with as invited me to go over and stay with him and his family,,he lives on the coast and says its beautiful,,.....i said can i drink alcohol there? yes in my house.........told him bit worried about getting ''me head chopped off''........he just laughed,, but still worried,might decline the

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It’s my other day really, but I’ve been busy! After reading the NEP article about Long Stairs that Catfan posted in the “Then and Now” thread, I got in touch with Janine Tanner who led the team that cleared up the steps. As she doesn’t have a website, I signed up for a Facebook account (at my age!) so I could keep up with future projects, that the group might get involved in (“Notts History – Honour our Heritage” if anyone’s interested).

She also has another group called “Nottingham’s Railways Remembered” so I signed up for that an all! I’ll soon have thousands of “friends”! Their “header” image is a lovely painting of the Weekday Cross signal box by Rob Rowland, who I’d never heard of before. Don’t quite know what the situation is with PostImage, so I’ll just put in a link to the painting ..

Lots of lovely back-street paintings with a railway theme, bit like Jack Vettriano. Then I stumbled across “Nottingham – Way Back When”, so I joined that too.

What with Nottstalgia and all my new “friends”, my input to my son’s new garden, school runs, baby sitting …. how did I ever find time to work!?

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Just look at you AfferGorritt, you’ll be logging onto Facebook all day long now, in case you miss something.  Apparently Facebook is more for ‘our’ age group now, all the youngsters use something else, but I’ve not figured out what yet.   A few of us lot are on NWBW too.  It’s good and brings back lots of memories but the problem is that if you make a comment you get notified of everybody else’s comments on that photo, drives me mad.  

Enjoy your new hobby!  

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One of the problems with NWBW is its almost too popular . Everyone piles in with comments but rarely read the previous messages . To get any "likes" for a message is a rarity .

Having said that , had one surprise on the recent Gedling school thread on there ,  when the son of the family that bought the house I was born at Mapperley replied . They moved in when my parents sold it in 1966 and it was great to see some later photos .

Another problem is you can't start a thread on NWBW , only by PMing the admins who may or may not reply. You can however add pics to the thread they've started

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