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1 hour ago, Brew said:

Phil, the only name I know is Len Stapleton although I only know 'of' him never actually met him.

Sadly Len was cremated last Monday at the age of 92. He was ex RAF Sqad. Leader and CFI at Sherwood for many years. He also ‘moonlighted’ at Donair! He used to fly Sunderland flying boats and his last posting was at Syerston when he instructed on Jet Provosts. He subsequently worked for Birchwood Boats where he was in charge of the hull  building shop and as their company pilot flew their Cessna 310. The other guy, Phil Slater, used to fly with Donair and almost every week he flew to France. There were always willing cost sharing passengers so he flew for free. He even had a duty free account with BMA and they fixed him up with a bar box each week! I meet with him for a drink each week together with another old flyer, Derrick Deakin, a name that Catfan might recognise.

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Using the free wifi in the cat cafe.... lovely (human) food and purrrrfect company.  I'll post photos of the meet up tomorrow.   "Get down, Tiddles, leave my cake alone!"

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Had a Turkish Van years ago. He used to sit in my pond with the ducks ! My other four cats used to sit and look at him in amazement !

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Not working.....don't have much to say about 'hows your day'' lately,,but still go into Bulwell of a morning,,and always something interesting to relate (to me anyway) sat in 'Wethers' this morning chewing the fat with a 70 yr old lady who iv'e said hello to about 4 years,,she is  with her husband usually,, but lately been by herself,,husband recovering from major operation,,  got chatting and amazingly ,,turned out we knew each others friends from school days.,,her Dad was the school caretaker at Henry Whipple.........and before she told me ,i told her her Maiden name,,she was staggered.........the conversation led on from there.......and so many names from school times cropt up,,just shows its always good to talk,,must have spent an hour gabbing.............told her'' must have known you back in the day'' in fact we must have dated........she laughed and said don't think so'''..........anyway we are now    seeing her tomorrow,,,,     just love nice people

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I was supposed to accompany Mrs PP to the vets today to have the pair of young toms snipped but she let me go fishing instead. Took them herself and I jollied off to Blithfield Res for a bit of fly fishing. Had a lovely day out although I only caught one trout and three roach. When I returned home in the evening I anticipated that the cats would be quite subdued following their ordeal. NO! They were zooming around like crazy. I said to Mrs PP "if that's how having your nuts removed affects you I should have mine removed too". "I''ll phone the vets in the morning" she replied, with an evil gleam in her eyes.

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Here's a photo of a kitten called 'Bandit' who was in the cat cafe on Friar Lane yesterday.  He was very persistent in his search for food.  I tried to keep him away as we are asked not to feed them.  


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Animals in preference to feral outlaws any day Jill. 

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Anyone interested in a bit of sunshine and heat or have you got some? We have too much, this weather is getting everyone down theres no let up in the high temperatures . The other night it stayed at 37c all night.Theres no air , its really draining. If it was just a few degrees cooler everyone would be happy. Its only supposed to last a little longer then comes the storms, hailstones, wind etc. Relief yes but at what price with all the damage it will cause. Roll on winter, but wait we'll be grumbling about the cold and ice and fog. Which is better? There are no seasons left its either hot or cold. 

Yes as Lizzie said we have the pool to cool off but we cant stay in the pool all day even if we wanted to, we're getting wrinkly skin. The pool at night is great especially at 11 pm but water is very very warm. Great for relaxing though. I do my back exercises in water then use a ring to stretch out to lengthen my spine. It has helped me so can't grumble too much.

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The weather here is fairly tolerable at the moment. The steep cliffs/mountainsides above and below Bar-S-L make for some interesting and highly efficient air currents so there is usually a breeze when everywhere else in the area is suffering from the static heat.


Another thing is that there are plenty of springs around and about issuing (almost) ice cold water (l'eau de source) from the higher Alps and the Massif Centrale (Mont Blanc). I am able to direct this water to my pool to keep it at a reasonable, relaxing temperature. The water is also wonderfully refreshing to drink (far nicer than commercial mineral waters) but not for doing the washing (full of minerals making it very hard).

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Send some fresher air over here Jonab there isnt even a hint of breath. Our water is awful the washing gets hard after a while. We have a well and the water is icy but although we filled the pool with it we've not had it anylised so dont fancy drinking it. Some of the locals say when they were kids it was the only well in the area and they always asked the owners if they could have a drink from it. We've only used it for watering. When we first bought the house (2000) we planted 130 tomato plants all different. The year after  we planted 65 then it dwindled to nothing. Pinching out and staking up and watering was getting too much in this heat, so if we aren't given tomatoes etc we buy them its a lot easier although not as satifying.

shutup Brenda youve posted too much today. I must get on with something else or I'll spend all night on here:(

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On 7/8/2018 at 6:21 PM, benjamin1945 said:

Possibly my last day of work today,,,started 58 years ago,, made me think of my first day at work,, Van-lad Midland station,,


Well,only gone and done it,, E-mailed the company's i do some part time work for just now..........telling them my working days are over..........can't believe i've done it..........felt very sad......:Shock:

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Well done Ben.  Only you know when it's the right time.  In my experience it takes a whie for it to sink in and for you to allow yourself to do exactly what you want, when you want.


Take it easy.



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Weather here is still reasonable.  Warm today but a 'milky' sort of sky.  Forecast downhill at least till the weekend, but I'm not complaining.  I'll  be able to do some indoor DIY without constantly wishing I was outside in the Sun.


If summer ends now I won't complain.  Best extended period of warm weather for a very long time.



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Thanks Col,,got some Hospital treatments coming up for what could be quite some time,, so just want to concentrate on them,,hopefully, after take a nice break in back in action full throttle..(don't mean work)

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Been to the Canalside Heritage Cafe at Beeston Lock, mentioned by Denshaw recently .

Very nice snacks and meals. Stacks of room inside and out, and a brilliant balcony too. 

I've noticed work on these old cottages for years, and now it's come to fruition.

Had a long walk past Boots, then over to the canal and another long walk back. A lovely pot of refreshing tea and a cake.

Very well worth a visit. Oh, and there's a shop and a little museum too ! 

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