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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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26 minutes ago, jonab said:

As a rider to my previous comments re. teabags, have you ever looked at the contents of one and compared it with loose tea? Dust and what looks like floor sweepings best describes the contents of a teabag - which explains the sludge you often get at the bottom of your cup when drinking bagged tea rather than leaf tea.

When I worked in the offices of Rotheras on Friar Lane, many years ago now, there was no kitchen so we had vending machines on each landing which provided free drinks. The coffee was horrible and, so I'm told, was the tea but it dispensed a very good hot chocolate and a lemon tea which was really nice cold as well. Free drinks is an unusual perk for a solicitors' office but I enjoyed working there. Nice folk.

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Where I did my apprenticeship we had a drink vending machine in the canteen, and like Jill's the tea and coffee were dire. The chocolate was good as was the soup. Ours was not free, cost four pence a cup, the soup got me through many a cold night shift after my Thermos was empty.

The Thermos had a wide neck so you could put thick chunky soups and chipolatas and beans in them.

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By the late 60's, or very early 70's, we had a tea / coffee/ soup vending machine in our department at Plessey. I tried the coffee just once and nearly threw up. It wasn't the coffee that was the problem, it was powdered milk. Ugh ! I've never tried the stuff again. Marvel, definitely not.

Yes, our hot chocolate was nice, but I settled on black coffee for the remaining twenty odd years of my employment there.


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I never take milk in coffee...ruins the drink. When I worked at Warren & Allen on Low Pavement, we had tea ladies, sisters in law Janet Woodiwiss and Marian Woodiwiss. One drink at 11 am and another at 3pm! More often than not the first one was undrinkable due to a metallic or chemical taste in the water.

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Having lovely black coffees now in a morning, even had an espresso,,

Also realised ""i shall never again blow a balloon up""

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I did some short-term contract work at an engineering works in Leicester (near the station). Their drinks machines were a case of "one cockroach or two". This was in the sixties well before the days of Elf & Safety. The management reaction was something like "What do you expect, it's free" - which it was - for half an hour each morning and afternoon. The rest of the time, all the little bugs had a party inside the dispenser. 

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10 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:

Having lovely black coffees now in a morning, even had an espresso,,

Also realised ""i shall never again blow a balloon up""

Or be breathalyzed? It won't keep you out of Wethers, Ben. Looking forward to seeing you there when they let you out!


I'm not familiar with the hospital you're in but I expect it has a Costa outlet on the ground floor? Most do.

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21 hours ago, benjamin1945 said:



I had 1/6d in my mind but wasn't sure, so thanks for that, Ben.



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19 hours ago, benjamin1945 said:

.... anyone remember T strainers?

I use one daily, Ben. Never have tea bags, only loose leaf tea.  Price is going through the roof now though.


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17 hours ago, plantfit said:

at work he had one of them tea strainer spoons,put a spoonful of tea in it close it up and put in the cup/mug,pour boiling water over it and there you go,



I used to have one made from aluminium with holes in it, hinged near the tea containing end. Here are two that I still use occasionally. The larger one is spring loaded, opening and closing by squeezing the handles. The other is a tea ball. fill bottom half with tea leaves and pop the holed lid on.  Place in cup and make tea.




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Brooke Bond dividend tea,, the largest selling tea on the market 1960,

Probably Typhoo PG Lyons Quick brew the closest rivals,

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I always thought that those tea-balls and related items made rubbish tea*. Far, far better to have the leaves free to move and circulate in the teapot and then strain them when the beverage was poured into the cup.


*Even so, it's better than the excrement that comes from tea bags.

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3 hours ago, jonab said:

As a rider to my previous comments re. teabags, have you ever looked at the contents of one and compared it with loose tea? Dust and what looks like floor sweepings best describes the contents of a teabag - which explains the sludge you often get at the bottom of your cup when drinking bagged tea rather than leaf tea.


Curiously, Jonab, I have visited two separate tea plantations and both gave the same advice "Never use tea bags, the tea is little more than leftover dust." I watched the sorting machines grade the tea: leaves for best then next best etc.. eventually you end up with the rubbish. ".....and that," said the man "Is your tea bag tea."

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22 minutes ago, Compo said:


Curiously, Jonab, I have visited two separate tea plantations and both gave the same advice "Never use tea bags, the tea is little more than leftover dust." I watched the sorting machines grade the tea: leaves for best then next best etc.. eventually you end up with the rubbish. ".....and that," said the man "Is your tea bag tea."

My instincts were right then!!


Leaf tea is still the norm in France and regular tea drinkers (of which there are a lot) regard tea bags as second (or third) rate. Even so, tea is very expensive here and I get mine brought over from England whenever anyone visits me - and then everyone in the neighbourhood seems to want some.

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We have instant tea! Have done for at least 15 years. A lot more expensive but no messy tea bags.   I do keep tea bags in the house and give visitors a choice, not many have tried the instant stuff and are not prepared to give it a go. 

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No messiness with my tea. I (we) just swirl the teapot around and pour any excess tea, leaves and all, on to the garden. The plants seem to enjoy it - perhaps the caffeine gives them a buzz.

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23 hours ago, sue B 48 said:

I don't ever remember drinking coffee


I don't get the coffee malarkey, we never had it as a kid in Radford, we have a jar of Nescafe in the cupboard that very really comes out, I had two young lads did some work outside the house they where asking for cups of coffee every 15 to 20 minutes & it was cooking outside? It must be addictive? I probably have 2 cups of tea a day & always try & drink a litre/half litre of water everyday to flush me out.    

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On 9/8/2018 at 10:47 PM, FLY2 said:

watched this years Strictly introductory programme


Mrs Red got it up on BBC iPlayer last night when we got in, I managed 6:41 minutes until those 2 poncy judges joined in the build up, think one was DJing with sparkly headphones on! Think I'd rather watch those dancing action men, on repeat!  

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Another good day today,as usual, up early,got the trike out of the shed and filled my drinks bottle  with water, had a bacon sandwich (with HP brown sauce) hung out the washing and took off on the trike stopping at the remains of the village hall to take a picture, then off to Beckingham along the little lane that goes passed the Beckingham ranges (MOD training ground) turned around at the A17 end of the lane and rode back through Brant Broughton,onto Aubourn,Haddington and finally Bassingham where it was the Monday coffee morning, friendly gossip with the Bassingham villagers and a nice cuppa,back home for 11.30 in time to get dinner ready for Mrs P roast chicken,sausage stuffing, hassleback spuds,fresh carrots,beans (from the garden) and cauliflower, pots washed and put away,settled down to watch Morse on the telly (unusual for me to watch the telly), settling down now after a shower and catch up on the web sites



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