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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Its Christmas day, another empty box ="action man deserter kit"!

HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ONE AND ALL, (that is if anyone's reading) and PEACEFUL NEW YEAR., Barrie.

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1 hour ago, Stavertongirl said:

Santa has brought me a heavy cold this year, obviously been naughty:sickly:


It's because the cold virus isn't being killed off by ciggy smoke!    Lol

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Well, lunch is over. Just a few stragglers left trying to stretch as much booze out of me as they can - odd that, booze is so cheap here. Suppose it's the same everywhere - owt fur nowt.


We've been invited to the BsL chateau for dîner this evening which should be great for me as the owners are fluent in English. It's also a good opportunity for my guests to see what a chateau is really like inside - not much like my place or that thing that's apparently being shown on UK TV with some bloke with a big tash and a tarty wife.

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Bought Mrs L a Pecan pie and a fruitcake.  That's all I could manage but at least she got summat.  As usual she bought me all kinds of stuff.  Slippers, sweater etc.  Made me feel guilty  Some of those yellow coloured night driving glasses.  Should be useful if I ever drive at night again. :rolleyes:


She bought the dogs a new blanket each.  I would swear Bailey laughed with delight.  Jake, being Jake, just walked all over it and then walked away.  Beagles are just that way.  :rolleyes:


Anyway its almost lunchtime here.  I realize its already almost evening there.  I hope you've all had a great day with lots of food, presents and happiness.


Best wishes  Y'all



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Trying to help by setting the table for dinner. I’ve put the wrong bloody glasses on the table - should be the Waterford crystal, not those that came with 10 gallons of petrol. Haven’t put the place setting name tags out - for heaven’s sake it’s the family, we know who we are! I’ll let her get on with it!

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Fab day at oldest daughter's.  Grandkids are a delight.  Grandson is amost a teenager at 8 years old... such a clever little chap..  and my G'Daughter is such a beautiful, generous little soul.  Love them to bits.

Back there tomorrow when Youngest and her boyfriend are joining us...

This is proper Christmas..


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No little children around us at Christmas anymore. When I think back and look at photo's of Christmas in our past, our today ones are so different. They used to be mad, noisy,  chaotic days, starting at 7am ish until the singing stopped way after midnight only to do it all over again Boxing Day, with cooking sometimes for up to 25, when family came to stay from Nottm. I would be preparing for days, all to go haywire on the day. Chaotic Happiness for around three days.


We have one  Granddaughter just turned 18, so an adult herself. No chaotic days anymore. I do miss it and could get  maudlin if I let myself, but in all honesty at this age, nine adults for lunch today is about as chaotic as I want to  get. Looking forward to my trifle.:biggrin:

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After the beautiful and tasty meal my daughter produced yesterday, thought my stomach would need a rest but no we are going to my sil so another feast ( shes a great cook)

My daughter cooked for about 52 people yesterday almost single handed. She has been short staffed for quite a while and cant find suitable staff. Young ones dont want to work saturdays and holidays and the older ones are few and far between. Everything was produced and prepared freshly to be served at the table. We had 7 courses consisting of a simple starter of a scotch pancake topped with a cream cheese and thin slices of sharon fruit, Juilienne vegetables in tempure and served with a bagna cauda sauce ( garlic and anchovy) salt cod made into little balls and served on a bed of pureed broccoli. Risotto with chestnuts, tagliolini with truffles, main course was braised veal in a sweet and sour sauce then the dessert abase of lemon curd ( freshly made ) topped with mascarpone , tiny cubes of gingerbread, chocolate covered alchigengi. Bottles and bottles of Barbera. Prosecco aperitif and spumante with dessert. They charged €40 per head and I for one didnt think it was enough for the work and the freshness of it all. All the courses were designed to keep local produce along with tradition reinvented. She took some photos so I'll try to post some . They are worth feasting your eyes on.


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We went to church in the morning and I did a short Nativity Rocks activity as part of the celebration (see picture) then we went to our daughter in law's sister's house for Christmas lunch.  There were 12 adults and 5 children sat round a table which should have seated 10 - bit of a squash but it was lovely.   The children were very excited about everything and helped pull everyone's crackers (our hats were all too big, Carni). 

I didn't have to prepare any of the lunch, so I decided to be clearer-up-in-chief and had a happy half hour in the kitchen after lunch while the others were either snoozing, watching a kiddies' film on TV or playing with their new toys.  

We had the puddings a couple or so hours after the main course and then played some  table quizzes.  Our youngest grandson was a bit peeved because he couldn't answer as many of the questions as the adults, especially the ones about songs and TV programmes of the 60s and 70s.   He then decided he'd be the question master and read the questions to us!  

I must have eaten too much rich food as I was suffering from indigestion at 1 o'clock this morning.... had to get up and have some Gaviscon.   But all in all it was a happy day......

The 'Christmas' get-together with just OUR side of the family isn't taking place until a week on Sunday to accommmodate the older grandchildren who are working some of the time.  There'll only be 13 of us this time ...   Looking forward to that, too....




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44 minutes ago, nonnaB said:

bagna cauda sauce ( garlic and anchovy)


Love it, my oldest Sister phoned me Christmas morning, told me all these fancy names for the food she was having beef la I've forgot, but finished off tell after each name what it actually was "that's beef" "that's potatoes" etc, forgets she's from sunny Radford & talking to her scabby Brother ;)

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Hiya Margie,  loved the Nativity stone theme. What a brilliant and simple idea. Here's wishing you and yours a second Happy Christmas !!

Can I be the first to wish you "Happy Easter" :hungr:

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4 minutes ago, Beekay said:

Hiya Margie,  loved the Nativity stone theme. What a brilliant and simple idea. Here's wishing you and yours a second Happy Christmas !!

Can I be the first to wish you "Happy Easter" :hungr:


Thankyou, Barrie.  The children in church had to find the hidden rocks, bring them up front then we used them to retell the story- it was wonderful chaos with the baby rock getting taken to the shepherds instead of the manger, and the wise men rock closely following the star rock all over the church!  I also pretended that I'd forgotten some of the names in the story (told them it was because I was old!) and the children  had to call out to remind me.  Bless em....


You  can be the first to wish me Happy Easter btw, but I think I'll wait a bit before saying the same to you!

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