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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Went in the garden around 4.30 this afternoon..  it was quite warm and the  ground is just right for weeding, so worked for about an hour as it was still light enough....... I love it that the evenings are getting lighter now.  

The cats loved my being outside and were 'helping' me by rolling over on the soil where I was working.  I had to keep moving them along.   They get quite frivolous when the weather is warm and we are working outside!   

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I'm going to try and do around an hour every day when the weather's good, I think, then I'll get all the way round the garden before the Summer arrives!  

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Carni, the toilets at the Embankment were closed several years ago due to unsavoury behaviour by certain members of society.

Drunkeness, drug taking and folk participating in various sexual perversions. Also many others throughout the city have been closed too.

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4 hours ago, denshaw said:

Went to the Playhouse last night to see Wonderland, a play about the striking Nottingham miners. Very good play even if the accents weren't quite right.


They very rarely get Nottm accents right.  In fact after 40+ years away, I struggle ter gerrit right mesen..


7 hours ago, MargieH said:

Hope you'll enjoy the Brian Cox talk, Col, and will tell us about it when you've got time...


Took a while to get home so I'm having a swift tincture and a bit of toast.  Can't just dive into bed even if I do have to be up at 5:00. About 7000+ people in the arena and all ages.  Very interesting talk with some pretty good graphics. Some of the physics around Black Holes and stuff lost me a bit but what struck me most was that he showed that we are effectively the diversity which comes from the chaos created when a low entropy system ( early universe) begins to transform to a high entropy state... ( end of time).. or summat.


It won't be happening for a week or two yet though....  :laugh:


Another point made strongly.  This is our planet.  It belongs to us all and it's the only one we've got.  Time to stop quabbling over who gets to play with the toys and learn to share. He made the point that all the science and statistics say there ought to be many civilisations out there, but that none have been found. So maybe they don't survive the rise of technology which would enable them to do so. We are heading that way.  Fast.

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Time to get my coat on into the car and head out into the country lanes for our daily adventure. Pick Daughter and Granddaughter up, even they enjoy getting lost amongst the hedges and lanes of the deep countryside. We always say there can't be many lanes we haven't  investigated within a twenty five mile radius of home, but we always find one. Sun shine here in West Mids, hope you have some where ever you are.

Oh dear, just had a thought..........I expect we will have to eat some cake somewhere en route. Well some ones got to do it.slywink

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Just eat it and say to yourself. "I only tasted it, someone else ate it" You never know it might workiknowand it might not but it's worth a piece of cake for trying.:situp:You could try this when you get home. Sorry just trying to help you get over feeling guilty.

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Helping to save the planet eh Carni,if you don't eat it it only goes to waste,I take my hat off to you, enjoy the day



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Shopping done early this morning (5.45) all put away, Mrs P off to the gym (again) so had a nice trike ride around the local lanes, said hello to plenty of dogs taking their owners for a walk,back home and out with the car washing gear, plenty of bubbles and clean water and the car looks nice and clean again, back in the house and made a bacon cob with brown sauce, vacuumed round and hung out the washing, dinner in the oven now ( a few oven chips and a home made cornish pasty or should that be a Lincolnshire copy of one) once thats been eaten and all the pots washed I'm putting on me baking head and going to make a ginger cake and some lemon curd tarts, might have a piece of ginger cake tonight with some hot custard, mmmmm

Have a great day all



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I've just done an hour 's weeding in beautiful sunshine and transplanted a big clump of snowdrops to where I want them to be next year.  The cats are still being frivolous (I do like that word!!) and the pigeons have been playing 'kiss chase' with each other .... or whatever the avian equivalent is.  If we get some really cold, freezing weather next month, there's going to be some shivering baby birds in their little nests, whose mummies and daddies will need lots of extra food to keep them alive..

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Glad to hear that U.K. Is also having some good weather. The sun here has been shining all day and the dogs have been sunbathing and didn't want to come in. Just taken my daughter to work and noticed the temperature, 17 c. It must have been at least 22-23 c during the day. It's false though and locals say it's a bad sign when it gets hot at this time of year. We should have expected an iced snap but we're still waiting for temperature to fall between 10-15 c. If this continues over the weekend we could get a decent tan. 

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PF ginger cake and lemon curd tarts. Mmmm can see myself forgetting about eliminating white flour and sugar. I can go mad on the ginger though, I love it. I make a ginger crunch which doesn't last 5 minutes it's so good.

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Nonna, the kitchen smells lovely of ginger and mixed spice, also made some brandy snaps and a few ginger bread men




Edit, heres some I made earlier



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Wish I could smell it but I can imagine . The two smells compliment each other. How big were the gb men? I have the whole family in different sizes. I missed our gb baking this year. Only made a couple of houses and a few trees and men. I did make loads of the little houses that rest over the edge of a mug. Sold them all and those left I gave to the nurses where my mum is. I've been baking Bara Brith and Selkirk Bannock in the last few days. They've gone now

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They are about four inches (100mm), made a load some time ago for the children at the village hall coffee morning,

Here's the ginger cake, smells lovely. going to have a piece later with some hot custard





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1 hour ago, MargieH said:



1 hour ago, MargieH said:

The cats are still being frivolous

I thought frivolity was banned on here !!

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Waddo,  I think cats are allowed to be frivolous .... it's only people who have to be deadly serious.     Lol

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19 minutes ago, MargieH said:

Waddo,  I think cats are allowed to be frivolous .... it's only people who have to be deadly serious.     Lol

There must be a isom for that, if not there soon will be, you wait and see !!

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Walked in our bedroom earlier today and saw a little Robin sitting on the bed.  I was as startled as he was, shut the door so he couldn’t escape to the rest of the house and opened the bedroom window a little more so he quickly found his way out again.  We had a Starling fall down the chimney a few years ago but never had a bird fly in through any open window before.  

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