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My right hip actually Rog! I was sent for an x-ray and after 8 weeks the surgery confirmed I had arthritis. I could have told them that! They suggested physio initially and the physiotherapist ‘phoned me and then emailed me a list of excercises. That was three months ago and I’ve heard nothing more so far. I suppose the ball’s in my court to go on the 19 week waiting list for a ‘transplant’. 

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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I have same problem in the same hip, Phil.  It was starting a bit before the stroke.  Now it's worse.  Nobody seems to know what to blame.  Could be physio exercises in the right leg. Could be an effect of the stroke.  Could be an effect of the BP meds.  I'm just trying to ignore it.

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15 hours ago, DJ360 said:

I don't think it portrayed our city in a good light.


Really I was thinking the Nottingham audience was brilliant, a representation of the whole UK, people are angry & annoyed, well done Nottingham we are proud of you. 

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1 hour ago, plantfit said:

Is there any partucular part of you that requires the attentions of the yoga lady Phil



Probably wants his downward dog to face the right way up...:P

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Most of us are angry and annoyed about the Brexit situation and the country is divided as much as Parliament. Without getting into  politics I think that the referendum should be rerun and decided on a decisive majority, say two thirds. With the way that the referendum was set up last time the vote could have gone either way, theoretically on just one vote.

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Recently had a great holiday, outside the UK, outside the EU, an excellent exit from BREXIT! The discussions on BBC Question Time are quite entertaining. Last night it was from Nottingham. Most of my attention was focused on where it was being filmed! Was that the Albert Hall? It it was it is not as I remember it from the days of school prize giving events. I looked online and could not find an answer. I am sure that members of this forum will be able to tell me!

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I'm coming round to the idea of a rerun and it seems to me to the biggest objectors to one are the leavers. They have a point, we had a referendum and they won but it's now clear that the outcome and all the ramifications were not known.

There has been sharp practice on both sides, lies and laws broken.

It's a bloody disgrace that we are in this situation.

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41 minutes ago, BilboroughShirley said:

Thanks radfordred. It is good to see that they have a big pipe organ in the hall!

But do they? I see two sets of pipes but no console...

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They do tend to be making the consol almost portable in some of these locations, Brew.  They built one in the performing arts center in Calgary.  it was connected to the rest of the systm by a single co-ax cable using some kind of multiplexed signals.  That way theycould easily move it off stage when not required.

That was 30 odd years ago.  probably use wi-fi today.

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7 hours ago, radfordred said:

It was from the Great Hall, Trent Buildings main campus. 


Let's have an election,we have new party & leader.




Good grief... Toad of Toad Hall and Hyacinth Bucket

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7 hours ago, Brew said:

I'm coming round to the idea of a rerun and it seems to me to the biggest objectors to one are the leavers. They have a point, we had a referendum and they won but it's now clear that the outcome and all the ramifications were not known.

There has been sharp practice on both sides, lies and laws broken.

It's a bloody disgrace that we are in this situation.


I agree.  The original referendum was extremely dim, just like its originator.  The ramifications and the unavoidable process of leaving were simply 'glossed over' and the so called 'benefits' of leaving have proven to be fantasies.. Also, many people seemed to be expecting a Leave result to solve all kinds of problems which are nothing to do with the EU. In light of what many people have discovered in the interverning years, and given that we remain deadlocked, a second referendum makes the most sense.

To argue that a second referendum is undemocratic, is very silly.  On that basis, we should not have any further elections either.  We voted the present Govt in and we should live with it... forever.....



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8 hours ago, radfordred said:


Really I was thinking the Nottingham audience was brilliant, a representation of the whole UK, people are angry & annoyed, well done Nottingham we are proud of you. 


Angry and annoyed is one thing.  Shouting over the panel and generally sounding like a baying mob, doesn't really portray a thinking electorate.


But then it's also largely the fault of the BBC.  Pretty much every week some so called 'member of the public' in the audience turns out to be a plant/undeclared official for some party or other. Every week, the BBC give platforms to political nobodies who would have no following at all but for the free exposure they get, paid for by our licence fees.  The BBC  claim it's 'balance', but it doesn't bear any sort of scrutiny.


 Still. .. the Welsh idiot actor who showed himself up as an ex-colonial far right misogynist windbag whilst bellowing at Caroline Lucas, did himself no favours and all Lucas had to do was not flinch.  She did so admirably. I hope he's finshed his career off with his outbursts.  Utter cretin.

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11 hours ago, philmayfield said:

Most of us are angry and annoyed about the Brexit situation and the country is divided as much as Parliament. Without getting into  politics I think that the referendum should be rerun and decided on a decisive majority, say two thirds. With the way that the referendum was set up last time the vote could have gone either way, theoretically on just one vote.

Keeping things topical did Steve Davis get the option for a re-rack after losing the 1985 snooker final on the black ball.

Theoretically the two thirds majority can still be decided by one vote. Two bills were passed in parliament relating to by one vote decided by somebody wearing a tag and the other a tie decided by

both went through.

Maybe it could be done on Regions..out of the commonly accepted 12 other than Scotland, Northern Ireland & London.. the other 9 voted to leave.

Whatever your leanings..what bleddy mess!

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DJ360, wouldn't go as far as putting our city in a bad light..but it was a strange watch.heavily loaded activist audience ..both sides..

a smaller audience also...used to be from the Albert Hall. Haven't seen one like that since Fiona took over!

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Sorry had a referendum, one side won, not trying to be rude or argumentative but get over it. You can’t keep having votes until you get the result you want (which is what usually happens with other eu referendum votes).  Wasn’t the result people expected but people from where I was living finally had a voice. Please don’t take offence at this none meant.

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I once worked for a company who's union had a vote on something or other,didn't go the unions way so they left it a couple of weeks and had another vote saying the vote was undecided,union got more votes but not enough so they left it for a couple of weeks and had another vote saying the previous vote was undecided,this time the union got the vote they wanted,funnily enough it was decided the vote was alright, the reason they got the vote they wanted was because people got fed up with voting that they no longer bothered to vote thus giving the union they vote they wanted,does that ring any bells



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I've just looked at the forum rules. I was of the opinion that political discussion was outlawed here yet didn't see anything in the rules to confirm this. Not having a go at anyone. Just asking. People have strongly held views and conflict will without doubt ensue.

The referendum was ill thought out and the campaigns on both sides very poor. Clearly the result they got was not the one they expected or wanted and had no plans for a Brexit.

There lies the problem. Like it or not the public were told that out means out. No customs union etc. I can't recall being told of leaving with 'a deal'.  The recent viral video showing many of the leading remainers promising to honour the referendum result just shows the two faced hipocrassy of these shallow self serving elected individuals.

I don't believe a second referendum (why call it a people's vote) would solve anything and on the contrary would be disastrous. I doubt that a decisive result would ensue and we'd be back to square one and furthermore if we overturn the result of the 2016 vote where does that leave democracy. 

The whole event has been a shameful sham with the worst government in living memory, possibly ever. It's divided the country and made us a laughing stock abroad. 

There was a vote. In or out. Get over it and get on with it. 

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As I look at it from outside, I don't think the British had everything explained to them. I think the majority thought it would be an end to immigration. I won't go into a political argument because the more I read about it the more confused I get, and I think that goes for the majority. I'm getting a bit fed up people asking me about it and laughing

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Quite agree with you Letsav. Political comment on here  usually   runs until someone takes exception or becomes confrontational and them a moderator comes along and gives us all a full Bold font warning.   ;)


As for a second run, like you I thought "they won, get over it" but as things unfold it looks as though the situation is not how anyone imagined it would be. To be honest I'm still on the fence about it.

At my age the full effect of leaving will take so long I doubt I will be around to see it and say "I tode yer wot would appen", pity really

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